Chapter 4: An Agent's Life

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*Agent X’s POV*   As soon as Aileen parked the car in front of the AM agency’s main gate, her car was surrounded by men in black, fully equipped with guns and scary looks on their faces.   “Geez! I’ve been here before but they never welcomed me without a gun,” Aileen commented as she stared at the men standing in front of her car.   “You’ll get used to it,” I replied to her and gave her a sweet smile but she just rolled her eyes at me which made me giggled.   “Well, they are only doing their job, b*tch so stop frowning, already and roll down your window, unless you want to be rained down by bullets from those assault rifles in their hands,” I added.   “Shut up b*tch!” she replied with a smirk before rolling down the front driver side window. As soon as she did, the end of a gun immediately touched her left temple, so I quickly peeked at the man standing right outside the driver’s door.   “Hi!” I greeted with a sweet smile as I leaned forward to Aileen’s direction, with this, the men outside can clearly see the top of my cle*vage from my red tube dress.   “I work here,” I added with a smile and showed them my ID with my photo, a QR code printed just below my codename which is Agent X. As soon as the men saw my codename they instantly took down their guns and backed away, while I’m still smiling at them.   “Forgive us, Agent X. We didn’t know it was you, if only we have known, we wouldn’t bother to stop you in your tracks,” the man who pointed his gun to Aileen, apologized to me.   “Oh no, it’s alright. I know you’re only doing your job. That’s very good,” I replied and seductively smiled at him. I saw his uneasiness turned into an exciting look.   “But you see, I don’t like it if someone tries to point a gun at my friends,” I said as loud and clear as possible for all of them to hear me while I hugged Aileen as she simply rolled her eyes and let me squeeze my chest on her right arm.   “We ask for your forgiveness, miss,” the men said in unison while bowing their heads and I looked at Aileen with a playful smile plastered on my face. She rolled her eyes at me again but I smiled even more at her. She really hates it when I’m acting like a f*cking sl*t in front of some random do*chb*gs.   “You are forgiven. Can we get in now?” she shortly said before gently pushing me away from her so I sat up properly while those men outside took a few steps backward as they let us in with Aileen’s car.   “Yes, miss. Be careful on your drive,” the man who pointed his gun at Aileen said so she quickly maneuver the car and started driving into the agency’s main building in the middle of a man-made forest.   “They should have shot you,” Aileen said out of nowhere.   “Aww, don’t be so mean, you love me, right? Baby Chloe?” I said in a sweet, seductive tone.   “Eww! Don’t call me that, you f*cking b*tch!” she replied in full disgust. I burst into laughter as she acted like puking her guts out.   “You’re so disgusting! Stop flirting with me! I’m not into women,” she added while I’m still laughing at her reaction.   “Then, can I flirt with your brother?” I asked then bit my lower lip.   “Oh you are a nymphomaniac!” she joked and laughed at me.   “I am not! I just want to have a taste of your brother, that’s all,” I said, in-a-matter-of-fact tone.   “Oh no, my brother is doomed,” she replied while shaking her head.   “What the hell does that mean?” I asked with wide eyes.   “He has an obsessed woman chasing after him. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!” she said so I slapped her right arm.   “Ow!!!” she complained and laughed, which made me laughed with her.   “But seriously, how is he?” I asked as we are nearing towards the main building.   “Glen? He’s fine. Still, as a workaholic, as he is,” she answered before parking her car in front of the building. I looked at her in the rearview mirror and saw her smile at me so I smiled back at her before unbuckling my seatbelt. I opened the door and just before I step out of her car I looked back at her.   “Keep your eyes on him. He’s a great catch, not just for me,” I said in a serious tone, and I think that confused her, and that’s good, knowing Aileen, she’ll be more observant and aware of her surroundings now. She’ll take that as a warning for her brother, which is exactly what I want her to do.   “Thanks for the ride,” I said and walked out of her car, then closed it. After that, I sway my hips as I walked my way inside the building.   “Wait, Rae what do you mean by that? Is my brother in danger!?” I heard her asked but I didn’t bother looking back at her. I’m not sure yet if my intuition is right but knowing Glen Tristan Brooke, Aileen’s big brother, is a f*cking billionaire, he’s really a great target by men with no conscience.   I sighed as I stepped on the door of the Angelus Mortis Agency.   Welcome home, Giuliana. I thought to myself as I saw men and women walking in and out of their offices. The main building is where everything about our missions as agents are gathered and reported to. This is fifteen floors underground, while it may look like just a simple casino on the ground. The first ten floors are where the agents are stationed with their own office tables and cubicles, a place where they can make their own reports and investigations about their targets or clients. The next two floors are for recreation, of course, that is a part of our contract here. What I mean by recreations are shooting range, bar area, smoking area, and the private area for l*stful men and women who want to stay overnight and f*ck the hell out of each other. And lastly, the remaining two floors are where the top class agents are stationed. The top class agents are those who have proven their deep faithfulness to the agency, their top-notch skills and knowledge, and their greatest achievements in the underground society.   “X!” Someone called out my codename from behind me so I turned around and saw Christian, one of the top class agents here. His forte is spying and a big *ss stalker of mine.   “Hey Chris,” I greeted him and barely smiled at him, while he snakes his right hand on my shoulders.   “You better take your hand off me, unless you want to test my patience,” I uttered in a serious and cold tone of voice. He nervously chuckled before taking his arm off me.    “So why are you bothering me again?” I asked him as we both stepped inside the elevator.   “Well, I just want to ask how your day, my lovely X, was,” he said with a perfect smile plastered on his lips. I smiled at him and fix, tucked a strand of his a bit long hair to his right ear.   “It was wonderful, I enjoyed my time very much, thank you for asking,” I replied to him with a smile, and that probably made him so comfortable to me to the point that he even pinned me on the wall. At first, I was surprised but I composed myself and did not bother to do anything, yet.   “Your lips are very inviting, my love. Do you mind if I play with it for a short while?” He asked, referring to my lips but he’s looking straight to my bre*sts.   “Sure,” I answered and he lowered his head towards me.   “That is, if you want to die just like Steven did,” I added and licked my lower lip, then smirked at Christian.   “W-What? Steven? Steven Compton? A-Are you referring to agent black?” He asked stuttering as he slowly steps backward, so I step closer to him until he falls down on his knees while looking up to me. I lowered my upper body and leaned closer to his pale face.   “Yeah, I’m talking about agent black, your best friend, your friend of a thief,” I responded to him and touched my lower lip.   “Just like you, he wanted to nibble my lips so badly that he enjoyed every part of it. He played with my tongue, he brushed my teeth with his, I swallowed his saliva and he did mine. He did all that while squeezing my b*tt on one hand and my bre*st with the other hand. He loved it and he wanted more, but then, he was out of breath,” I told him what happened earlier in my mission and moaned as I finished my sentence, then I looked straight to his eyes, before smiling wickedly.   “Then died as I touched his d*ck,” I added. Then, I finally heard the sound of the elevator opening so I stood up straight and walked out of the elevator, leaving Christian behind while the other top class agents are just staring at me and to the elevator where Cristian is still kneeling.   “X? What happened?” Kelly, my apprentice, approached me as soon as she saw me walking in the hallway, then she looked behind me, straight to the elevator’s direction.   “Oh, it’s nothing, don’t worry too much about it,” I said and tapped her right shoulder while smiling at her.   “Uhm, okay,” she replied even though her face tells me that she knew something was up.   Now, that is my apprentice. I thought and smiled at Kelly.   “A-Anyway, the president told me that you have to see him as soon as you entered the building and report yourself to him, personally,” Kelly said and I just nodded at her.   “Alright then, I’ll be on my way now. Thanks for informing me, Agent B,” I responded and walked past by her.   “X! Are you sure everything’s fine?” Kelly followed behind me and asked me so I turned around and looked straight into her eyes.   “Am I a weakling to you, Kelly?” I asked her with a serious look.   “No, of course not, X, you are the strongest here, everyone knows that,” she answered without hesitations.   “Then stop worrying about me. I can handle myself,” I said to her and she sighed.   “I’m sorry,” she apologized and bowed down her head so I pat her on her head before turning on my heels and walking into the President’s office.   As I stood in front of the President’s office, I breathe in first before knocking three times.   “It’s me, Agent X,” I said in a loud voice and waited for further instructions.   “Come in!” A stern and strong voice answered from the inside so I opened the door and I was welcomed with a knife, flying towards my direction, but this is just a basic test for anyone who wishes to enter his office. I caught the knife in my right hand without any problem or scratches at my hand.   “Good, now sit down and tell me everything,” the President said as he sat down on his swivel chair while I closed the door behind me before walking my way towards his table. I placed the knife on top of the table before sitting down in a chair across from him.   “Your tricks are getting old, Dad, just like you,” I commented with a smirk on my face.   “Shut up and start with your report,” he commanded. I just sighed at his response and did what he told me. I spilled everything to him, not leaving any trace of lies or additional false information.   “Good. Here’s your next job,” He said and smacked down a plain white folder in front of me on the table.   “But, sir, I just got back from a mission, shouldn’t I be allowed to have some rest first?” I asked but he just looked at me, as if I no longer matter to him.   Right, since when did he even cares about me and my brother, after all, we are just his deceased wife’s adopted children, though we are not legally adopted by her, she simply took us in when our biological parents died in a mission. I thought as I sighed before grabbing the folder and standing up. I bowed my head at him before leaving his office.   As soon as I got out of his office, I walked straight towards my own office, just beside the President’s, on the right side. I closed the door of my office and heaved a long and stressed sigh, then I looked at the white folder in my hand.   “Another prey,” I uttered and closed my eyes tightly. After three seconds, I opened my eyes and stared at the folder again before dragging my feet towards my office table. I threw the folder on my table and slump my b*tt to the swivel chair and leaned on its backrest.   “Ugh I’m tired,” I whispered but I know I don’t really have any choice because I have to work harder now for my and my brother’s safety now that our adoptive mother, the President’s wife, had passed away due to an ambushed. I remember that day, as clear as a crystal.   That was two years ago. Mom was driving the car with her biological son, Treyvon, me, and my brother, Cole Gabriel Cameron, to the Water Park to have some vacation, but then we were ambushed by some unknown men and mom did all her best to outrun the men trying to kill us, while I and my brothers are busy shooting the men in their motorcycles following behind us. Then suddenly, the enemy shot one of our car’s wheels and mom tried to save us by turning the car towards a tree. We only got bruises and some scratches at that time but then, a man appeared outside the driver’s door and shot Mom in the head. They were about to kill the three of us too, but, Dad and his men arrived and saved us, except for mom, who died instantly.   After that day, Dad changed. He started to blame me and my brother for what happened to his wife, and now, what fears me is that he will order someone to kill my brother or me. That’s why I have to do everything he says, but, I’m getting tired of this kind of life. I want to live a normal life, and that would mean, that I have to leave the Angelus Mortis Agency.   But how? I asked myself and sighed because I still don’t have an answer to that. I opened the white folder and saw the photo of my next target.   It’s him. The PBI Chief, Zac Morgan Lazano.
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