Chapter 9: Bang on the Road

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*GIULIANA’S POV*   “Yes, you heard me, your marriage with the son of Mr. Hemmingsworth will be in two months,” the president announced. I just stood there with my mouth slightly open.    “But….why?” I couldn’t even ask properly as I stared at him.    “Why what?” he asked with a straight face and emotionless eyes looking straight back at me. I felt my anger rise up.   “I-I can’t understand... Dad, why would you set me up for an arranged marriage?” I asked again while staring straight into his cold eyes.   “That is your duty as an agent and as my wife’s adopted daughter,” he answered plainly, then I heard Gabriel scoffed.   “So in other words, you’re only using my sister for your selfishness,” I heard Gabriel said and in just a few seconds, our father is already pointing his gun in Gabriel’s direction, and Treyvon is standing in front of Gabriel, while my brother is sitting comfortably on the couch.   The president just glared at Trey, and so did Trey to him. I sighed and looked at dad.   “Can you at least tell me why an arranged marriage is necessary?” I inquired at the president so he lowered his gun and placed it on top of his table before he sat back down to his swivel chair.   “You don’t have to know,” he replied which pissed me.   “Then, I won’t agree with that marriage,” I said bravely and I saw him glaring at me.   “You will do this Giuliana,” he said with a stern voice, but I just crossed my hand and raised my eyebrow at him.   “Then, tell me the reason,” I urged and he just sighed as he massaged his right temple.   “The agency needs the money that Mr. Hemmingsworth will be giving to us if the marriage was successful. Now, are you going to do it, or I’ll have to force you to do it?” the president said and the door of his office opened, then, at least fifty of his loyal guards came in and pointed their guns at me and my brothers.   Heartless monster. I thought as I felt the tip of a gun on both of my temples. I swallowed hard as I looked at my father as he leaned comfortably on the backrest of his chair.   “Fine, I’ll do it, and you have my word, dad,” I said while looking straight at him. I saw him nodding his head, and he signaled his men to put down their guns.   “Good. Now, you can leave,” he shortly said and went back to reading the documents on his table.   I turned around to look at my brothers and saw both of them with their confused and worried looks so I sincerely smiled at them and sat between them. I hugged Treyvon first.   “Take care of Gab for me, Trey,” I whispered to his ear and I also made sure that no one noticed it. He hugged me back tightly and messed my hair. I pouted at him and fixed my hair before I turned to face Gabriel who is now glaring at me.   “You don’t have to go with his plans,” he whispered and I just smiled at him, before I hugged him tightly. I felt him bury his head in my left shoulder and hugged me back.   “Don’t worry about me Gab, I’ll be fine. Just promise me that you will leave this place as soon as I am gone,” I whispered to his ear and he just pat my back, as if saying yes, I promise. I let go of the hug and looked straight into my brother’s eyes and smiled.   Then, I stood up and looked at my workaholic demon s***h father.   “Bye Dad,” I said and smiled at him but he did not even bother to look at me, so I just shrugged my shoulders and walked out of his office.   Yeah, right, as if I’ll agree with an arranged marriage, you stupid old fart. I thought and I went straight to my office and grab the documents that I will be needing, I also pulled out the money I hid in my secret vault, hidden below a drawer. I grab a long brown envelope and put all the money and documents inside.   After making sure that no one will see the inside of the envelope, I walked out of my office, straight to the elevator, and out of the agency. I went to the garage and looked for my motorcycle. As soon as I found it, I put the envelope inside the compartment of the motorcycle and ride my way back to my house.   After half an hour of driving, I arrived at my house and parked my motorcycle at the garage. Then, I ran up to my room and grabbed a huge black backpack. I grabbed some clothes and money from my cabinet that will last for five days. Then I placed my pouch inside the backpack together with the clothes and money. Then I stepped in front of the whole body mirror at my wall and twist the white flower at the bottom-center of the mirror’s designs, which serves as the lock of my secret shelf for guns, bullets, flashbangs, knives, and other things I needed to bring when I’m in a mission.   I grabbed two Glock 17 guns, one B&T USA Station Six, one Glock 43X, one Keltec P50, and one Nighthawk VIP Agent 2, with four sets of ammunition for each handgun. I also picked out two swiss knives, I also grabbed a lot of flashbangs and carefully placed them all inside the black bag, together with my clothes and money. I also brought my important documents.   As I finished packing, I jogged my way downstairs and called Sheila.   “Sheila! Where are you!?” I shouted inside the house and she came running from the backyard while holding a broomstick. “Yes, ma’am?” she asked.   “Pack your things, we have to leave,” I said to her while looking straight into her eyes, and she already knew why, so she quickly runs towards her room and packed her things. I went back to my room and grabbed the bag I prepared and went to the garage. I placed the bag in the back seat carefully and waited for Sheila.   After a few more minutes, she came into the garage, with a big backpack, and panting. I nodded at her.   “Get in,” I instructed and she immediately followed. As soon as she had put on her seat belt, I started the engine and drove away from my house.   “Ma’am?” Sheila called out, and I can sense in her voice the nervousness, so I pulled out my phone from my pocket and gave it to her.   “Call Aileen,” I instructed, and with a shaking hand, she took the phone and started dialing Aileen’s number.   “H-Hello? Ma’am Aileen?” I heard Sheila’s voice so I glimpse over at her and saw her holding the phone to her ears.   “Yes, ma’am, it’s Sheila,” Sheila said.   “Give me the phone,” I demanded and she did give me my phone. I placed it on my left ear as I am still driving.   “Hey b*tch, are you there?” I asked.   “Yeah, what’s up? Why does Sheila sound like she’s constipated?” Aileen joked but I don’t have time for that.   “Aileen, I need your help,” I said in a serious tone and so she stopped laughing.   “Why? What happened? Are you pregnant!?” She stupidly asked.   “No, I am not. Will you just shut up first and let me talk?” I said and looked at the rearview mirror.   Sh*t! They’re getting closer. I thought as I saw two cars following behind my car, probably two cars away from mine.   “I need you to take Sheila and protect her,” I said to Aileen. “Huh? But why? Giul, what happened?”   “I’ll tell you once I arrived at your house. We’re already on our way there,” I said and stepped on the gas, as I saw the two cars getting closer to my car.   “Ma’am Giuliana,” I heard Sheila’s voice so I looked at her and saw her with teary eyes. I sighed and just focused myself on driving.   “We’ll be there in~ Sh*t!!!” I exclaimed as the cars behind us are shooting us down with bullets.   “AAAAAHHHH!!!” Sheila screamed as she ducks and covered her ears as the loud bangs of bullets keeps sounding behind us.   Good thing I had this car upgraded to bulletproof! I thought as I try to avoid the bullets that they’re firing at us now.   “GIULIANA! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?” I heard Aileen’s voice.   “Someone’s following us and shooting the hell out of us!” I answered and stepped more on the accelerator. We are currently on a highway but there are only a few cars passing through this road, which means, just a few witnesses. Those innocent travelers stopped in their tracks and avoided my car as fast as they could.   “WHAT!? Wait, I’ll send reinforcements!” Aileen said.   “Hurry!!!” I yelled at the phone and dropped it on the dashboard.   “Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!!!” I uttered and took a glimpse of Sheila, she’s still hiding on the passenger seat’s floor while covering her ears, I even noticed her murmuring something as if she’s praying to some Gods.   Prayers won’t save you from this situation, Sheila, I will. I thought to myself as I drove faster and from the distance, I noticed six big motorbikes with two riders at each bike and noticed the design in front of their motorcycles. A lion with blue wings, the symbol of Treyvon’s mafia group, whom, I guess, Aileen called for help. After they pass by my car, I heard another set of loud gunshots and wheels popping, so I looked at the rearview mirror and saw one of the cars following us, flipping over as one of its wheels from behind was on fire.   “Thanks, Trey,” I whispered and drove my way to Aileen’s house. I just let Sheila hide on the floor and focused on driving until I have entered the estate of the Brooke’s. I slowed down a bit and looked at Sheila who is still on the floor, praying, and trembling.   “We’re safe now,” I said and I saw her looked at me, her face filled with tears so I just smiled at her apologetically.   “A-A-A-Are y-y-you s-s-sure?” Sheila asked with a trembling and stuttering voice. “Yes, we’re at Aileen’s estate. This place is safe,” I answered to her, and she just nodded at me, then she crawled out of her hiding spot and sat back to the passenger seat.   After another two minutes of driving, I parked my car in front of the main door of Aileen’s mansion. I removed my seat belt and stepped out of the car, then I helped Sheila out as she’s still trembling from the fear. Some of Aileen’s personal maids assisted Sheila and brought her towards the couch inside. I just followed behind them towards the lounge area.   “Giuliana!” I heard Aileen’s voice so I looked up and saw her running towards me. As soon as she reached me, she embraced me tightly then she let go of the hug and checked every corner of my body while asking nonstop questions.   “Are you okay? Did they hit you? Did you fight back? Were you injured? Bruised? Stabbed? Shot? Come on tell me everything, and I’ll make them pay!” She bravely said which made me laugh.   “Pfft… don’t be silly Aileen, we both know that you do not know how to handle a gun,” I said to her with a smirk on my face, but then, she slapped me in the face, really hard which echoed in the mansion.   “How can you laugh like that after what happened to the both of you!? Looked at Sheila, she’s trembling, while you’re just laughing!? You don’t have any idea how worried I was! And you’re just laughing at me!?” She said with teary eyes so I hugged her tight and rub her back.   “Alright, I’m sorry for making you worried, but I’m fine and safe now, Thanks Ai,” I whispered sincerely to her right ear and I heard her sniff.   She’s really a cry baby. I thought to myself and hugged her tighter.   “I was so worried huhuhu,” Aileen said while sobbing as she burry her head on my shoulder.   “Yes, yes, I’m sorry and thank you,” I said to her. After she had stopped crying, she smacked me in the head, as she wiped her tears.   “Don’t make me worry like that again, you f*cking b*tch,” she said and I just smiled at her and nodded.   “You guys make sure that Sheila feels at home and safe, I’ll just talk with this b*tch upstairs,” Aileen instructed her servants who just nodded at her as they circled around Sheila who is sitting on the couch with a glass of water in her hands.   “You’ll be safe here,” I said with a smile to Sheila, and she just nodded at me and smiled, though her knees are still shaking. I looked at Aileen and she tilted her head towards the stairs, so we both went to her bedroom.   This is going to be a long talk. I thought to myself as I heard her closed the door of her room.
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