Chapter 8: Inheritance and Contract

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*GIULIANA’S POV*   The sound of the birds chirping woke me up early. I was still closing my eyes as I lay down on my bed, but then, I suddenly felt something heavy on top of my stomach, so I slowly opened my eyes and checked what it was.   I saw a man’s hand over my stomach, and my eyes automatically trailed it from the fingers to his wrist, arm, broad chest, till I finally saw his face. Everything we did last night came rushing back to my mind. That hungry beast is now sleeping beside me who looks like a freaking angel now, he looks peaceful as he sleeps. It is the first time that I have seen the PBI Chief’s face in a closer look, so without waking him up, I stared at his physical appearance, mostly at his handsome face.   Now that it is morning and the sunlight is freely passing through the window, I can clearly see his facial features. His skin is fair white. He has a light stubble that tickled my whole body last night. It looks so clean and perfect for his chiseled jawline. Then, my eyes moved to his playful yet f*cking good-kisser pinkish lips. I bit my lower lip as I did my best to control the urge of my body to kiss him. I switched my focus to his turned-up nose that brushed every nook and cranny of my body, as he sniffed my scent in. I also noticed that he has long eyelashes, and as far as I remember from last night, he has a pair of beautiful black eyes, that stared at me like he wanted to gobble me whole, which he did, s*xually.   D*mn! This man looks so perfect! I thought to myself, and a proud smirk formed on my lips.   And how lucky for me to have this man f*ck the hell out of me last night. I’m going to brag about this haha! I can even imagine Aileen’s expression once she hears about my one f*cking good nightstand with the PBI Chief who is eagerly looking for Agent X, which is me.   Good thing he didn’t notice the small mark at the backside of my lower hip. I thought and then, I heard something vibrating, probably his cellphone. I looked for it and saw it on top of the bedside table, just on my left, so I carefully grabbed it and checked who was calling. I saw a name written on the screen, it says Officer Heather. My eyebrows unintentionally raised as I saw the name, but then I noticed the time at the top of the screen.   Sh*t! It’s already 7 am!? I have to go now. I thought to myself and placed the phone back on top of his bedside table and just let the phone vibrates until it stopped by itself. I looked at the hand on my stomach and sighed. Then, I carefully and gently moved his hand away from me. After successfully moving his hand, I slowly stepped out of the bed, I picked up my clothes that are scattered on the floor, then I wear them again and looked for my pouch but I couldn’t find it.   I think I left it at the bar. Aish! I hope Aileen got a hold of it. Now, how the heck am I going to go back to my house!? I don’t have any money here. I thought to myself as I comb my hair with my fingers. I quickly put my clothes on, then, I noticed Chief Lazano’s pants scattered on the floor so I picked them up and checked his pockets.   In his right back pocket, I saw his wallet, so I took it out and borrowed five thousand pesos from him. I smiled at my own mischief while putting back his wallet to his pants.   Before I left, I looked back to the sleeping Chief, and a playful smile formed on my lips. I grabbed a piece of white bond paper from his work table and wrote a simple Thank you, chief *kisses*   Then I placed it on his bedside table. I even placed his phone on top of the paper so that the wind will not blow it away. However, I noticed a folder on top of his bedside table so I picked it up and read what is written on the paper.   Conditions that must be fulfilled to receive 100% of the Inheritance for Mr. Zac Morgan Lazano.   I read the bold words on top of the paper, then continued with the list of conditions written below. There are only three conditions.   *First, is to receive a high ranking position in the government or as a public servant. *Second, is to have a wife. *Third, is to have an heir/ child. Having two or more is very pleasing, and considered as a bonus.   Wait, what is this? So he came from a rich family? And he is currently looking for a wife?   I stared at his face for another five seconds then I noticed that he’s about to wake up already so I put back the envelope on the bedside table and left his room. I walked out of his house as nothing happened.   I noticed that he’s living inside a subdivision so I walked a few minutes towards a waiting shed and after half a minute, a taxi passed by, so I flagged down my right hand and the taxi stopped in front of me. I opened the backseat door and step inside, then, I closed the door. I told the driver my address and he started to drive away.   So Chief Lazano came from a rich family, but who are his parents? Are they still alive? Maybe I can use that inheritance letter as a key to my mission’s success. I thought to myself as a smile formed on my lips.   After an hour and a half of driving, the taxi driver parked his cab in front of a red gate, with black hearts as its design.   “Here. Keep the change,” I said as I handed the five thousand peso bill to him, then I opened the door and stepped out of the car, and closed it, then the driver left with his car. I walked towards the gate and rang the doorbell.   After a few seconds, I saw Sheila walking towards the gate. Sheila is my personal maid, she has been serving me for teen years already and she’s thirty years old.   Sheila opened the small gate and was surprised to see me outside.   “Ma’am Giuliana? W-Where’s your car? Oh wait, come in, come in,” she said and assisted me to get inside my own house.   “Ma’am, are you alright? What happened to your car? I was so worried because you have not come back home for two days already,” Sheila asked in a worried tone.   “You don’t have to worry about me, Sheila, I’m just at…work, so Uhm, yeah, can you prepare me some breakfast, and a cup of coffee, please,” I answered her as I walked straight towards the stairs.   “Yes, ma’am,” she replied, then I heard her footsteps walking towards the kitchen as I keep walking my way upstairs, but that part down there is still sore so it’s really hard for me to walk now, I even noticed myself limping.   Gosh! Is he going to make me a temporarily crippled woman? He was so hard last night….but…well, I still enjoyed it. I thought as I bit my lower lip and opened the door of my bedroom.   I prepared a warm bath for myself and sink myself in the tub for an hour. I was planning to stay for a bit longer till I heard someone knocking at my door, wait, it’s more like banging my door.   “I’m going to kill whoever this is,” I whispered and grabbed the bathrobe from the towel rack and put it on. After that, I grabbed my swiss knife inside the drawer of my vanity table. Then, I strode my way towards the door and opened it aggressively as I pointed the knife to whoever is standing in front of my bedroom’s door.   “Woah! The hell, Giuliana!” Aileen screamed and stumbled backward as the tip of the knife almost poked her right eye.   “God! What was that for!?” She asked in a hysterical way with her eyes bulging from her eye socket as she points at the knife in my hand.   “Are you trying to kill me!?” She asked again.   “Oh! Will you shut up already? The knife did not even scrape you,” I replied and rolled my eyes at her then walked back inside my room towards my dresser. I felt her follow behind me.   “Close the door, b*tch!” good thing I reminded her, or else she’ll just leave the door open.   “Hey! Where were you last night, huh!? I’ve been calling you, but you left your phone at the bar!” Aileen questioned as she sat on the edge of my bed.   “I was…outside,” I replied to her and she threw a pillow towards me.   “I already know that, but where exactly?” she asked again so I looked at her and gave her a playful smirk.   “Uh oh! Oh no! What happened? Tell me everything Giul,” she responded and stared at me.   “Oh nothing, it’s just a one steamy night with the PBI Chief,” I answered her and she held her mouth as she looked at me with eyes.   “OH MY GOSH!!! Did you just~?” she couldn’t even finish her question, but I just nodded at her.   “OMFG! Then that means you’re not a v*rgin anymore!” she said in a loud voice and I nodded at her again.   “Kyaaah!!!” She squealed and rolled over on my bed. I laughed at her reaction as I put on some comfortable clothes. A plain white sleeveless undershirt and black dolphin shorts. I grabbed my hairbrush and combed my brown wavy hair.   “Oh b*tch you have to tell me everything about what happened last night,” Aileen said as she looked up to me while hugging one of my pillows. I picked up the pillow she threw at me earlier, then I sat beside her.   “Well, I was drugged, and some ugly j*rk was about to take me to wherever, but the chief helped me,” I started as I remember what happened last night.   “Oh, so you became a damsel in distress huh?” Aileen asked with a smirk on her lips as I just shrugged my shoulders.   “Then?” she eagerly asked.   “Then Chief Lazano brought me to his house, and, well, you know what happened next,” I said and she pinched my hand.   “Ow!” I complained and glared at her.   “Don’t leave me hanging like that! Go on, tell me all the details. Was he big? What did he do to you? Did he spank you?” she asked nonstop.   “Woah! Woah! Slow down,” I laughingly said but he just looked at me like she’s asking for more, so I told her everything.   “Is he big? Yes, and hard definitely. He’s a good partner in bed, and no, he did not spank me,”   “Oh, that’s a bummer. You should try that Giul, it feels good,” she replied with her eyes twinkling with l*st and happiness.   “Err, I don’t think the chief will ever do that to someone, since he’s very gentleman,” I replied and shook my head.   “You never know, Giul. You don’t know him that much,” she said back and sat up properly.   “Anyway, I’m here to tell you that your car is already in your garage, and your pouch is here. Just a minute,” Aileen said and opened her Chanel shoulder bag, then she gave me my pouch, with my mini phone inside. I thanked her and checked the inside of my pouch, and good thing, everything is still inside.   I picked out my phone and checked the inbox. I saw a hundred messages from Aileen, and the rest are from my brothers, which made me curious.   They never text me unless it is very important. I thought to myself and checked the call logs. Fifty came from Aileen, thirty from Treyvon, and forty from Gabriel.   “What the hell?” I uttered which caught Aileen’s attention.   “Why? Is there something wrong?” Aileen inquired and looked at my phone too.   “No, it’s just my brothers. I think I should go see them, something’s up and I do not know why but I feel like this is very important,” I replied to her and she nodded at me.   “Aren’t you going to rest for a bit? You just arrived, right?” Aileen suggested but I shook my head as a no and smiled at her.   “Don’t worry, I’m fine,” I assured her.   “Alright, I’ll go home now. Take care okay? And don’t be reckless with your decisions,” she said and kissed me on my right cheek, then she left my room.   As soon as the door closed, my phone rang, so I picked it up and saw Treyvon calling me. I clicked the answer button and placed the phone on my left ear.   “Finally! Giuliana! We’ve been calling you since last night! Why haven’t you answered your d*mn phone!?” he exclaimed at the other side of the call. I even have to put the phone away from my ear, as his loud booming voice speaks through the mini phone’s speaker.   “Can you please stop shouting? It’s too early for your sermons, Trey,” I said.   “Shut up and you better come back to the agency now. The old man is looking for you,” Treyvon said and I gulped with the tone of his voice.   “Yeah, I’ll be there in half an hour,” I replied and ended the call. I sighed and stared out of my window.   “Ugh, that man never stops giving us missions, as if we’re robots, not humans,” I whispered and sighed again. Then, I walked towards my walk in closet and changed my clothes. I picked out a denim jacket and black fitted pants. After that, I chose a pair of black sneakers, then I grab the key of my black Suzuki AEM Carbon Fiber Hayabusa.   I jogged my way towards the garage and even bump into Sheila.   “Aren’t you going to have your meal, ma’am Giuliana?” Sheila asked.   “Treyvon will treat me to a meal, so I will eat with him. You can have your breakfast now, Sheila. And don’t wait for me,” I said as I hopped onto my motorcycle, and drive out of my house.   Just like what I said to Treyvon earlier, I arrived at the AM Agency after half an hour. I did not bother greeting anyone as I pass by the hallways of the building. I just went straight to the principal’s office and knocked three times.   “Come in!” I heard the president’s voice so I opened the door and stepped inside.   “Good morning Dad, good morning my brothers,” I cheerfully greeted the three men inside this room, before I sat down in between Treyvon and Gabriel.   “It’s good now that you’re here Giuliana,” father said and I just smiled a fake one at him.   “There is something that I want you to do,” the president said and looked at me with his cold eyes.   I knew it. Another mission. I thought to myself.   “I have arranged your marriage with the son of my business partner,” the president said which astounded me.   “Wait, what? An arranged marriage…for me!?” I asked.   Oh no! This is so unbelievable! I do not want that! And I will never accept that! I thought to myself as I clenched my fists.
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