Chapter 16: Attack at the Mall

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*GIULIANA’S POV*   I was enjoying my time with Zac as we both roamed around the mall, and bought all the clothes that I would be needing when I noticed three men silently watching and observing my movements. These men are not just any regular p*reverted men out there, I know that they are Christian’s men since I have seen them around the agency’s fourth gate at the east.   I pretended that I have not noticed them yet as I continue my shopping with my husband as I also took glances at those three. Good thing that Zac did not notice them at all so I remained quiet and did not bother telling him about it.   When it was lunchtime already, Zac and I are both starving so I invited her into a restaurant which I really liked and ordered our food. I also saw the three men followed us inside the restaurant and ordered something.   Zac was so occupied by the food that he did not notice me grabbing the steak knife from my plate and cleaned it with a tissue and secretly put it inside my clutch bag. Then I waited for Zac to finish his meal then I checked the men too before I excused myself ad lied to Zac that I am going to the restroom.   I silently walked out of the restaurant, I even passed by those three idiots who quickly hid with the menu as they saw me approaching their table.   As soon as I stepped out of the restaurant, I took a glimpse of Zac and saw him stacking up the used plates, which made me smile unconsciously, then I also noticed the three idiots standing up so I continued walking towards the back part of the mall while wearing the black gloves that I bought earlier as soon as I noticed the three idiots.   As soon as I got there, I noticed that there’s no one around but I have a feeling that there are other men of Christian here, hiding themselves and waiting for me to show up.   I opened my bag and hold the knife inside, as I proceeded to the back of two box trucks parked perfectly aligned with each other as if inviting me to go there. I’m not stupid not to know that there might be a trap there, that’s why before I go behind the truck, I secretly looked down the truck itself and check if there are feet on the other side, and my guess was right most of them are hiding behind the trucks and I am guessing that they have weapons with them, so I put myself in full alert.   But then, I noticed someone standing behind me, followed by a sharp thing on my neck, then, someone grabbed my hair and pulled me upwards.   “Why hello there, Agent X,” I heard Christian’s voice behind me so I tried to sneak a peek and I saw him standing with the three idiots behind him.   “Hi,” I greeted back and he just glared at me, but then, he smirked and motioned his head towards the truck. And so, the person holding me in my neck pushed me towards the other side of the truck.   And just like my guess earlier, there are at least four men standing behind the trucks with baseball bats and bottles in their hands.   “Wow, that was easy boss,” one of Christian’s men said with a smirk on his face, then the others snickered too, but I just smiled at them, not bothered by their number or how big their body is.   “Don’t be so complacent, this woman is more skilled than she looked like,” Christian warned his men but none of them listened to what he said.   “Boss she’s just a girl, she can’t fight eight men,” another man spoke.   “But I think she can ride eight men instead,” another p*rverted man spoke and the rest of them laughed.   “Come on boss, let’s make use of her first before we give her back to the president,” another man said while he’s standing in front of me and licked his lips in a very nasty way.   “Suit yourself, but, I have to take the first bite,” I heard Christian’s voice and then I felt the one holding me in my neck pushed me again, but this time, towards the back of the truck, and someone opened the cargo area and pulled the ladder from the inside, then, I was shoved inside the truck together with Christian.   I noticed that there is a light inside the truck itself and a futon, so I guess they are really planning this from the start.   But let’s see if you can fulfill that thing in your mind. I will not allow anyone else to dip inside me, except for Zac. I thought as I just observed Christian’s movements.   “I never expected that it will be too easy to capture you, X, I expected more than this,” he said as he looked at me while removing his coat, and from where I am sitting now, I saw a glimpse of his gun inside his coat.   I must have that gun. I thought as I slowly crawled backward.   “W-What are you planning?” I asked with an innocent tone of voice. I know Christian, he’s a newbie, which means he does not know how I do my missions yet.   “Oh, don’t be scared, I won’t bite,” he replied and he sat in front of me, my right hand is still inside my clutch bag and he noticed it.   “Put your bag away, or else,” he said and waved his knife in front of me.   “D-Don’t kill me…I-I will do whatever you want…s-so please, don’t kill me,” I said in a stuttering voice.   I could get an Oscar award for my acting. I joked in my head as I did what Christian told me. I pulled out my hand from my bag and put my bag beside the futon.   “Very good, now lay down on the futon,” he commanded and so I followed. I crawled my way to the futon, my bottom facing his direction. Then, I felt him slapped my b*tt.   “AH!” I yelped and he just laughed, and I’m pretty sure his men also heard that since I heard teasing noises outside.   As soon as I lied down on the futon, he quickly positioned himself on top of me and kissed my lips. Then, I felt his hand rubbing my thigh, so to add up his excitement, I let out a soft moan, which I guess he liked since his kiss became aggressive, but compared with Zac’s kisses, Christian sucks at it.   But in order for me to survive, I have to act like I am starting to enjoy his touches and lame kisses, so I encircled my hand on his nape and started playing with his hair as his kiss traveled to my neck.   He was enjoying himself and I can even feel his hand slowly creeping its way to my bre*st so I quickly turned our position and sat on top of him.   “Oho? You want to lead huh,” he said with a playful smirk and I just smiled at him.   “Yes, but, I don’t really know what to do so just tell me what I should do, okay?” I said to him and he just nodded.   “Okay, take that gloves off and play with this,” he said and he quickly removed his pants together with his boxer, revealing his thing down there.   Too small. I commented in my head as I removed my left glove and let him grab my hand and guide it to play with his junior. I did give him enough pleasure using my left hand to the point that he’s already closing his eyes and enjoying the moment, so I took this opportunity and grabbed my bag and pulled out the knife from it with my right hand.   And without any warning, I used the knife to slit his throat. He was shocked when I attacked him, but he can no longer say anything as his blood gushes out of his neck. Then, he did not last long enough to call for backup and died inside this truck. I put on the other glove before I stood up.   I checked his pockets for a phone and I did found one, then, I grabbed his gun from his coat and checked the ammunition and saw eight bullets inside, the perfect amount to kill the remaining idiots outside, plus, his gun has also a silencer, perfect for a public place such as this one.   I covered Christian’s body with his coat and pants as I silently open the door that connects the cargo and the cabin area of the truck. Then I checked the other men from the side mirrors and saw all eight of them standing at the back of the truck.   I smirked at how stupid they could be before I silently sneak out of the passenger seat and sneaked my way towards the back of the truck. Even if I wanted to just run them over with the truck, I can’t do that since I don’t have the key.   I slowly walked towards the men and as soon as I have prepared myself, I jump into the open and started pulling the trigger as I pointed the gun towards each of them. They were surprised by my sudden attack that most of them were not able to take cover anymore.   “Sh*t!!!” I heard one of them shouted as the remaining survivors, I’m guessing two of them, managed to hide on the side of the truck.   “D*mn you b*tch!!!” the same man shouted and then they both attacked me.   Unfortunately, one of them was able to take the gun from me and it fell down on the ground, so I quickly kicked it away before one of them could touch it. The gun falls down the half-open manhole.   How lucky of me. I thought as I watch the gun falls inside. Then I saw the tattooed man running towards me with a baseball bat in his hand. He’s a buff man so I know I can’t really win with strength alone so I just dodged his attacks and when I found an opportunity to attack, I kicked him in his b*lls. I watched him writhe in pain as he kneeled in front of me while holding that part, he also dropped the baseball bat so I took it and then I felt someone approaching from behind me and so, I quickly moved away from my position, just on time for the other man to attack me with a bottle, but instead, he hit his ally who immediately passed out.   “Oh shi~ What the hell are you doing there!? i***t!” the man with a buffed body too yelled at his accomplice as I stand behind him.   “You should say that to yourself,” I uttered and I saw how the man tensed up and as soon as he turned around, I slammed the baseball bat in his head as hard as I could. Then in order to make sure that none of them is alive, I slit their throats with the knife that I used to kill Christian.   I checked the whole place and there’s still no one here so I carried the men inside the truck where Christian is also lying down naked and peacefully. It took me almost an hour to completely hide all of these men with their buffed bodies.   I closed the cargo of the truck and used the lock that I found in one of the men’s pockets, after that, I removed the gloves and threw it into the manhole too, and walked back inside the mall, as if nothing happened.   I went straight to the women’s restroom and fixed myself. I also checked my body for any bloodstains before I went out of the restroom. Then, I bumped into someone and when I looked up, it was Aileen.   “OMG! B*tch!” she greeted and was about to say something again when I covered her mouth with my left hand then pulled her inside and locked the door, then I checked all the cubicles and found no one inside.   “Shh! Do you have my stuff?” I asked her and she nodded at me.   “Yes, but it’s in my car across the street since I can’t park here and the security is tough,” she replied in a hushed tone so I nodded at her. She looked at me curiously so I raised my eyebrow at her.   “Did something happened?” she asked.   “Yeah, I was attacked,” I answered as I stared at her seriously.   “What!? Were you hurt!?” she panicked and checked me all over the place.   “Hey, I’m fine, I’m not hurt,” I answered her and she just raised her eyebrow at me.   “I’m fine,” I assured her and she just nodded at me.   “Oh, what about the chief? Where is he? Isn’t he supposed to be the one guarding you?” she asked and I nodded at her.   “I don’t know where he is, that last time I saw him was the time that I left him in the restaurant,” I replied to her and she was about to say something when her phone rang so she picked it up and checked the caller.   “Who is it?” I asked and she shrugged her shoulders.   “I don’t know, it’s just a number,” she answered so I took her phone and answered the call but I put it on speaker mode.   “Hello? Is this Aileen? Giuliana’s best friend?” I heard Zac’s voice from the call.   “Yes, chief, it’s me,” Aileen replied.   “Great, so is Giuliana with you? I’m sorry for bothering you but I don’t know her cellphone number, and now, I can’t find her. Do you know where she is?” I heard Zac asked from the call and I can’t stop myself from smiling, then, I noticed Aileen with a teasing smile.   “Don’t worry, she’s here with me,” Aileen replied. “Hubby, I’m in the restroom now with Aileen,” I said too.   “Restroom? The staff from the restaurant said you’re not there, so where are you?” he asked again.   “Of course I’m not there, since I am at the other restroom, I mean, outside of the restaurant, then I saw Aileen and we both had a talk and I forgot about you until you called, so yeah, I’m sorry,” I replied to him and Aileen just giggled at me so I rolled my eyes at her.   “Where are you anyway?” I questioned him.   “I’m in front of the supermarket,” he answered.   “Alright, don’t leave that place, we’ll meet you there,” I said and ended the call, then, I gave the phone to Aileen.   “Wow, he’s so worried about you,” she teased while moving her eyebrows up and down. I shook my head at her before I walked to the door and unlocked it with Aileen behind me, then I started walking towards the supermarket where my husband is waiting for me.
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