
1384 Words
BLOOD LINK Copyright © Rhealene Shane S. Flores PROLOGUE         “Mom, Dad. I passed the admission!”      My parents behind me hugged me while I’m staring in the congratulatory letter I received from Macrom University. God knows how much I want this since I started high school. I studied hard for the admission exam. All my sleepless nights and cramming. I made it. I made it to the most prestigious school in my city.      “Congratulations, Alli. Were so proud of you.” Mom said.     “Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate your support. And Dad, thank you for everything too.”         My Dad smiled and patted my head. My Dad is a blind man. He got into an accident when I was 10 years old. It’s still unknown how my dad got blind since my mother doesn’t want to tell me anything about the accident so I decided not to mention it again.      “I’m really do have a brilliant kid. I feel so honored to have a child going to Macrom. It’s time.” Dad said.     I hold their hands and smiled. I have the best and most supportive parents ever.     “But Alli, will you be okay being alone out there? Its college, it will be different. Go makes some friends.”    Mom said and showed me her worried face again.     “Mom, I’m already 18. Please don’t treat me like a child” I laughed. Mom just smiled at me but it didn’t reach her eyes.        “Were just worried, Alli. We know that you are old enough to handle your life but we are just sad seeing you living this house after 18 years of living with us.” Dad said. I sigh.     “Don’t worry! It’s me, Alliyah. I will do everything to solve my own problems. And of course Mom, I will be making some friends. I hope Macrom is good for me. I want to have a new life with someone I treasure just like friends.”      “That’s great. Remember to learn from the past, Alliyah. It might be painful but you know how important the past so that you can decide what’s best in your decisions in the future.”      Mom’s last words made me happy. I still remember how much the past hurt me but I already moved on. I’m looking forward to a better future. I bid goodbye to my parents and rode the bus going to Macrom University. I feel giddy and excited. This Macrom University and I still can’t believe it that I passed.     After 30 minutes, the bus stopped and I went outside carrying my suitcase and backpack. I will be spending my whole college life here in Macrom. And I can’t wait for how my college life goes on.      A silver gate welcomed me, I stood in front of it when it suddenly opened making me jump a little. I gasped.     “Are you Ms. Serdio?” The woman asked standing in front of me. She looks young and really beautiful with her red hair.     “Yes, I am”      “Oh, please follow me. I will escort you to your dorm.”      She eyed me and started walking while I am just following her from behind carrying my suitcase.     “Ms. Serdio, you can walk beside me if you want to. Please make yourself comfortable. And I don’t bite so don’t worry.” She chuckled.     “S..sure if you don’t mind, can I ask a question?”     “Yes, Ms. Serdio you can.”     “Who are you?” I bluntly asked her but she just chuckled with my bluntness.     “I’m sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I’m Eliza Smith, I’m a student council president. I’m the one who is assigned to welcome our new students. I’m already a senior.”     “Wow, I’m sorry for my bluntness earlier. I’m just curious.” I suddenly feel embarrassed.     “No problem. It’s my first time hearing a newcomer asking me a question.”     I just stared at her for a second when I realized that we are already in front of a door. A luxurious door. I stared at awe seeing a white ashwood door in front of me.     “This will be your dorm and this is your keycard. Please take care of it. And by the way, you also have a roommate. Enjoy your college years here at Macrom University, Ms. Sergio. See you soon.” And she suddenly vanished. What?     I shook my head and blink. What the hell just happened? Maybe I’m just imagining things as usual. I shrugged and swipe the keycard. I slowly opened the door and saw a girl sitting in her bed.     “Hey! Come in” She stood up and help me with my suitcase. I feel relief knowing that my roommate is not what I expected.      “Thanks, I’m Alliyah Serdio”      “I’m Krish Lewis, nice to meet you. I’m really happy to have a roommate. Knowing that this is Macrom University I’m kinda anxious. A lot of students who came from wealthy families are here.” She said. I eyed here. She looks like a person who came from a wealthy family too.     “Looks like you came from a wealthy family too or are you a scholar here?” I sat in my bed just in front of Krish’s bed.     “I don’t know? Maybe I am? Kidding. I’m also a scholar but I guess my family is on average. Unlike me, the daughter of the mayor is also here. Well its Macrom, what do we expect right? Full of students who are rich as fuck.” I chuckled on her statement.     “I’m also anxious about going to this university but this is my dream since I was a high school student. So I took the chance and applied to this university.” I put my back down and lay down. I feel comfortable after traveling and walking faraway from the entrance gate.     “I noticed something unique about you, Alliyah.” Oh?     “Is it my eye?” I asked.     “Yes, but aside from that, you are kind. I rarely find someone like you. But anyway, we should be ready for the orientation later. After that, we will have a freshman party later this evening. I’m super excited!” She giggled. Wow, she is really something. She didn’t find my left eye weird.     “Freshman party?” It’s kinda cool to hear. And it’s a party!     “Yes, every time another school year opens the university will hold a freshman party for us. I heard that it’s really fun that’s why I’m excited. Wear a dress by the way.”      “Sure, I’m not really fond of parties but I will go since my roommate will also be there.” I smiled.     “Really?! That’s great. Thanks, Alliyah.”     “You can just call me Alli to make it short.”     “Sure, thanks again.”      We talked about our dreams and life. She is really nice. I’m really glad that I have a roommate like her. I guess Mom is right, I should be making friends here. And here I am, having my first friend. And hours later, it’s time for the orientation and freshman party.     “Hey, let’s sit over there, Alli.” Krish grab my hands. We are currently in the auditorium in which the orientation is being held.     “Welcome to Macrom University, freshmen. I’m delighted to have you here. I see some unique and wonderful students here.” A young woman smiled. My eyes meet hers and I felt a shiver in my neck. That’s kinda weird.     “Krish, do you know who she is?”      “She is Ms. Stephanie Macrom, the daughter of the owner of this university. Only the students of Macrom knows her. She is really a private person.”      “Wow, that’s why I never saw one article about her huh.”     “Yep, she doesn’t want to because she hates media,” Krish said.     "You really know a lot of info. Where do you get it?" I asked.      "I know to hack, Alli. When it comes to the technology you can trust me." And she winks.     "That's great. I guess I can learn from you, techy girl." She laughed from what I said.     I continued listening to her speech. She is beautiful. She wore a red formal dress that emphasizes her pale skin. And she also has her long blonde hair which tied into a bun.     “Your education is very important to us. Here at Macrom University, you will experience adventures that will change your life in the future. I’m not exaggerating but that’s will happen. Think about your college life here in Macrom as an adventure. A journey that will lead you to great success. Once again, welcome freshmen. Enjoy your day.” She bowed a little after doing her speech and we gave her a round of applause.      “Hell yeah! It’s time for the party.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to be continued...
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