Poor Princess Aryn

1253 Words
"Take a seat, child." At Liira's insistence I sat down only to rise back up and continue my pacing. "I– I can't." My heart wouldn't let me. All the bloody visions conjured up by my mind kept me on my toes. Eugan would tear them apart. Every one of them. And it would be my fault. I'd sent men to their deaths. Some future queen I was. The tent which had been alive with conversation just a while ago was now silent, save for the swishing of my gown as I paced from one end of the temporal shelter to the other. The place was too silent for me. Or perhaps it was all the unease I felt which stemmed from all this waiting I had been forced to endure. They’d been no news. For the longest time, no guard had appeared to bring word from the battle front. And as the sun began to set I dreaded what the darkness would bring. What Eugan would bring. The darkness that filled his eyes when declared his own war still haunted me and I could only imagine what kind of beast would be unleashed on the battle grounds. “I should be there. By their side.” General Misk had led everyone out to battle, leaving only Alad and a band of royal guards for my protection. Gol was present too, but the Aldean’s position was nowhere near our tent. Their reasoning for the decision had sounded about right at the time, but the longer I waited, the more I disagreed. The more I thought I was not deserving of being protected. “Some calming tea will help. Shall I serve you a cup, my lady?” I nodded mindlessly at Rinarii and watched as she walked out of the tent, half envious of the calmness she seemed to possess. "Wars are a part of life, child. No one can escape them. And those men out there have accepted their lot." Liira spoke as though the deaths waiting to happen would mean nothing. "How can you be so calm when there is that out there?" "That?" Liira frowned. "That…war." I couldn’t even bring myself to utter the word freely. “Because, dear child, you are not the monster you paint yourself out to be and neither is he.” He? “I–” “Someone’s approaching.” Alad’s voice and some frantic shuffling outside the tent ended my conversation with Liira. “Stop right there!” My sworn protector’s menacing growl spoke of an intruder and I reached for my dagger without a second thought as my heart hammered in my chest. Whoever was outside seemed to have snuck into the camp undetected. “Who do you think it is?” I snapped my gaze towards Liira, but something else held her attention. She’d half shifted and her nose was up in the air, sniffing it with an urgency I did not expect. “What is it?” I whispered beside her, but she merely kept sniffing. “The lad said to stop.” Gol’s tone was even more menacing and it was followed by swords being drawn. Oh God! “We mean you no harm.” “Wait, Koberic?” I was out of the tent before Gol or Alad and the guards decended on him. “Princess, wait.” Alad cursed the moment I ran past him. It was foolish of me to run towards an enemy in such such a manner, no matter what I thought of them, but somehow I knew that with Koberic here, this whole matter would have a different outcome. “Princess–” I did not know what came over me as I threw myself at the older wolf, cutting off whatever he was going to say. “I’m so glad to see you.” I cooed even as I expected Liira to scold me over this display not fit of Xatis’ heir. However, it was not my great grandmother’s tone that reverberated throughout the camp, but a growl. Deep, menacing and possessive at the same time. One I would know from anywhere. Eugan… His canines shone gold against the setting sun while a storm swirled, dark, heavy and violent in that gaze with which he pinned me and Koberic. “Forgive me, your majesty.” Koberic jumped back, while I remained staring at the spectacle of the man. Despite the anger he stirred in me earlier, my foolish heart was all over the place. “Do you wish to get yourself captured or killed?” Eugan stalked towards me, the storm in his eyes not getting better and for the love of me, I couldn’t stop myself from falling… for him…anew. Damn the wretched bond or myself… I should have accepted his rejection with my first breath after seeing him again. But how could I when he kept taking my breath away? “Why do you insist on being reckless?” My breath hitched when he stepped into me, his muscled torso inches away, making my heart stutter. Why was no one interfering? Keeping him from me? “Your tea, my lady. My lady? Where did everyone go?” Rinarii’s confused tone coming from the empty tent turned out to be my saving grace. “What can I do for you?” I demanded, albeit breathlessly. I should have moved too, but it was as if my feet had suddenly grown roots. “You should really listen to those who've been charged with you.” “I can take care of myself.” His eyes flashed dangerously at my claims before stepping back on a curse. “I do not wish to fight you, Princess and while I cannot prove Leif’s innocence at the moment, I vow to do so if you’ll give me time.” That was unexpected, but it was not the thing to send my eyes widening as saucers. “What is this?” I took a step back as I warily stared at the box Eugan handed me. “A gift.” “I do not need a gift–” “To welcome you to Leif. It is what I should have done.” I reached for the box even as relief flooded my soul at his words. No one would die today. "Wow!" Whatever I had pictured as the end to this madness, it was definitely not what greeted me once I opened the box. The most beautiful bracelet I had ever seen and Xatis had some of the most rare and precious treasures. "It's beautiful." Koberic and another she-wolf who’d accompanied Eugan exchanged pleased looks, but it was Eugan's gaze that made my heart stumble yet again. “Is this a worthy welcoming gift then, Princess?” Koberic inquired excitedly. “I did not need a gift. Knowing that a war had been averted would have been enough for me.” “Wait there was never going to be a war?” Eugan’s nose flared at the realization. “Then why the hell would you wage one?” “I–” "Poor Princess Aryn, all words and no actions.” Someone cut me off before I could answer. Their tone oh so familiar and as bitter as I remembered. “I can see nothing has changed. Hello my love.” The sound of a smacking kiss woke me to the bitter reality unfolding before me and to the sting in my own heart.
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