Spoken For

1692 Words
He could have chosen anyone and yet he chose the one person I despised the most. The one who'd made me feel less even if I was a princess and heir to the most powerful throne. Why did the realm feel this relentless need to slap my soul with grief at every turn? I blamed the moon goddess too. For granting me a mate I could not have. He was spoken for. In the midst of all the overwhelming emotions, the truth of that ravaged my heart as it seeped into my soul, mingling with the pain of my rejection while giving new life to it. I wished to scream. To let it all out. My pain. All the frustration. The betrayal. But I wouldn't give her or him the satisfaction. I already hated the victorious grin on her lips and how she hung onto Eugan's arm like an ornament. I hated him for his lack of protest. He'd frozen at her presence, but that was all. He'd not even cared to evade her kisses. They were by no means anything close to what we'd shared, but they were kisses regardless. Her kisses. And he'd let her take his lips so freely and that in front of mine and everyone's presence. The camp had gone quiet yet again. General Misk and his men had returned at the news of Eugan’s presence, but despite the camp being full, my surroundings remained quiet as my audience awaited my reaction. Something I was sure the new guest expected to be ugly. Not today. I pasted on what I hoped was a beautiful smile. While the sight of them was as a knife to my heart, I let my lips split into a welcoming smile. One that did not speak of my jealousy or pain. "Princess Darla, it's been too long." "Not long enough, Aryn. But I must say, it's good to see you. Xatis has been...good to you I guess." Her usual bored look at the sight of me was infuriating, but it was her disregard for my titles that brought my claws out. "I can see you remain as uneducated as ever. Even the cavemen would put you to shame." I was glad to note that the age old insult had not lost its charm. Her nose flared and to add insult to injury, I ignored her and her wounded pride and turned to Koberic instead. "I- I cannot accept this.” In the little time I'd been forced to endure the appearance of the wretched witch, I'd made decisions too. Whatever Eugan had gifted me was beautiful and going by the intensity of his gaze while he handed it to me, I’d gotten a sense of it being more than a welcoming gift. I did not wish for that to haunt me. Or perhaps I simply did not wish to own another intimate part of him. “B–But Princess–” “I had no intentions of marching on Leif in the first place.” I confessed, earning myself surprised expressions even from my own men. I ignored everyone of them including Darla who’d seen my decision for the weakness it was not. I owed neither an explanation. “So there is really no need to make Leif part away with such a precious treasure.” A part of me strangely hated my decision, but I ignored it too. Understanding crossed Koberic’s features, but with a sad smile he pointed in the direction of his king. “Except I cannot be the one to take it from you.” "Aryn-" I shoved the box into Eugan’s hands when he decided to step forward, his intention to protest oh so clear. "I and my men will–" "Do accept this gesture." Liira spoke beside me, retrieving the box from Eugan and speaking words that were the furthest from my mind. I no longer wished to take a step further into Leif. Instead, I wished to escape. Was it possible to turn back the time? Because I wished for the comfort of my kingdom. I regretted my own decision to lead this entourage at all. “And if his highness does not mind, shall we proceed to iron out a few things before we do actually proceed on this journey?” Whatever Liira intended to speak about, I was not interested and as every figure from Leif and those from the council disappeared into the tent, I hooked my arm into Alad’s, catching my sworn protector by surprise. A heavy gaze fell on me almost instantly, but I ignored it, choosing to lean on my best friend’s shoulder instead. “Let’s get out of here.” He didn’t need to be told twice as he led me out of the camp. "Your dagga to the witch’s heart would have been glorious, but your grace, my lady–" Rinarii's eyes shone with pride as she joined us. "I have no doubt it will be recorded in Leif's books and placed in their most secure and celebrated royal libraries so their future generations could learn from the best." I could kiss my maid for the unusual comfort her words brought to my soul. “This calls for something stronger than tea.” My jaw dropped at my maid’s figure as she abandoned us and scurried away on a mission I clearly had not agreed to. “Does she intend on getting me drunk? I swear she’ll get me into trouble one of these days.” “You deserve whatever she’ll be offering after the kind of day you’ve just had.” “You mean after what I just put everyone through?” I sighed. “You should know that no one is complaining, my princess. Of course they are grateful for another quiet night, but you should know they’d follow their queen.” “Their queen…” I let out a laugh. “Is that what they refer to me now?” “Is that such a surprise?” Alad stopped and pinned me with a questioning look I had no answer to. “I missed you, you know? I cursed your time in the mountains everyday.” “I’m back now, aren’t I?” “Yes, but you are this sworn protector and you call me ‘my princess’” I pouted, eliciting a hearty chuckle from Alad. The sound was refreshing. “Would it kill you to always call me Aryn?” “Of course not, but what kind of example would I be to my men if I could not even address my queen appropriately?” “A less uptight one.” I tugged on the hair bunched up at his nape and let it loose. “Much better.” I grinned, tossing away whatever string he’d used to secure his fiery red locks. “I always liked it better this way.” “No one appreciated it as much back in the mountains. So there was no point in showing it off.” Alad held my gaze, the familiarity therein pulling me in. So effortlessly that seeking his embrace came naturally. “I missed you too, princess. Everyday.” He’d promised me as much the day he’d left the palace for his training. It was meant to assure me that I’d not be forgotten and to keep me from crying, but that promise did it. I’d cried even after the carriage that took him to the mountains had long disappeared from view. “Why could it not have been you?” Alad froze at my question. His reaction should have made me take it back, but I merely shifted in his arms so I was able to look at him, the ache in my heart daring me to tread my current path. It was an odd time for me to accept what I had long denied. We were best friends after all. “You only ask because he causes you pain.” “That is not an answer.” I snifled. “We were best of friends, it would have only been fit for the moon goddess to–” “Aryn–” “Don’t tell me you never thought of it–” “Is there any point to this, my princess?” I glared at him when he refused to answer. “Fine. If you must know, then, yes. I may have even worked twice as hard so I could get back to you. Just in case your mate turned out to be some royal jerk, from some lovely kingdom, I considered myself a potential candidate for a chosen mate.” My lips twitched at that. “And if it makes you feel any better, I’ll always be here. Forever bound to you.” He grinned as he held up one of his swords which I merely frowned at. “What? You have to know that your lovely face is not the only thing I missed about you?” “Surely you have heard the praises being sang about this queen after the recent happenings in this land?” I arched a brow as I accepted the the weapon. “Are you willing to risk your honour by having a maiden whipping your butt?” “Not if I whip hers first.” Alad swung his blade and I was ready, letting my instincts guide me with every movement. Through the anger, the pain, the betrayal until all I could think about was the ache in my own muscles. “Not bad.” Alad smirked and I snorted. “You wasted all that time away from me for this?” At that my sworn protector broke out into fits of laughter. “Let’s get you to bed, my queen.” I took the hand he’d offered, but barely a step later, he froze. “Someone’s watching.” “Let them.” I moved closer to him, relishing the feel of the waves of anger that lingered in the air. I’d felt the one watching long before his heavy angry gaze fell on Alad and me.
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