Deadly Proposals

1664 Words
“All is not lost, your majesty!” If the atmosphere around my council chambers could get any brighter, it would have with Nefion's bright shinning smile. The lord who was obsessed with every kinds of knowledge, a trait that had earned him the position of keeper of the royal archives, had been beaming since my return to Leif. There was definitely no doubt that he’d heard all there was to hear about Xatis and had probably worked out what all this could mean. I also had no doubt that he’d done so by digging and searching every book he could over the matter. But as much as I appreciated Nefion's efforts, enthusiasm and his unwavering support in my quest for revenge, I loathed it too. I hated how he could simply move past the great loss to have fallen over Leif and get this excited over some newfound loop hole that could guarantee success in my endeavor. I still had every intention to have my revenge, but annoyance prickled as more excited expressions painted the faces of the long line of noble lords and tribal leaders seated before me. It did not even matter that the reason everyone was gathered here remained my doing. “Your majesty, Nefion is right.” Ruskin, the lord and great tribal leader of the large Neba tribe located at the southern tip of Leif, spoke. “This is no failure at all. You stood in the presence of King Elian and are still here.” I ground my teeth at the memory, hating that my encounter with Elian had merely remained something used to stroke my pride. “Many will follow you after this. To have an alpha and a king who would not betray his people by bowing to the wretched chosen and damning them to their will–” "That is enough!" Koberic, whose temper I’d noticed to have been quietly simmering throughout the meeting, suddenly snapped, causing my eyebrows to shoot up in question. "Forgive me, your majesty. It was not my intention to interrupt the smooth flow of conversation.” Teeth being ground while that apology was offered, spoke of how far from being sorry Koberic actually was. "Clearly something is on your mind. So out with it." Since my return from Xatis, I'd been subjected to the older man's scolding gaze. Whatever was on his mind, Koberic had made sure to keep it to himself, but he’d not spared me those sharp looks that demanded for the elephant in the room to be addressed. I’d refused to do anything of the sort. Not even for him. Not when I’d been fighting to bury everything to do with it…with her. “As exciting as this news is for Leif, there should be enough time to speak of it in our tomorrows. His highness needs to take a moment’s rest–” “I did not ask to be spoken for!” The words left my mouth with all the annoyance Koberic unearthed with his overly concerned tone that had its roots in whatever had happened back in Xatis. “Perhaps someone should!" Koberic snapped back into my mind link, his familiar gaze more piercing than ever. "You have not slept and have barely stopped to breath since–” “Do not school me on what I should or shouldn’t be doing.” I glared, cutting him off mid sentence before he uttered her name and completely soured my mood. Or worse, have the memory of that smile distract me from what really mattered. “Someone clearly should if you won’t even care to feed the body that these ungratef–” Koberic paused, eyes sweeping over the room with open resentment. “We both know your noble lords only care for enriching their pockets and gaining power. If you dropped dead none would c–” “I’ve been hunting!” I growled in defence. Running away from visions and memories that kept spawning new desires in every part of me was a more appropriate description of my lone hunting escapades I’d undertaken while I sought to forget her. “Of course. Amazing kills that have ended up as delicious stews of which not even a single drop of soup has found its way on your tongue.” “Someone has betrayed me in my own castle by speaking of my business.” I glared, but Koberic merely rolled his eyes at my accusation. “I do not need to sniff around my own king to know his affairs.” I agreed. The man was impressive in that regard. Not even those things hidden in my heart seemed completely safe from Koberic’s knowledge. Or perhaps it was my own fault for never learning sneaky ways to evade the older wolf. “If it makes you happy, I will have Zakariel have a feast prepared for me. Do feel free to come and supervise.” The man scowled at that, but I knew he’d hold me to my word and use it as the perfect opportunity for him to say what he really wished to say. “I have no intentions of rallying outsiders into a personal battle that involves Leif.” Ignoring Koberic, I pierced the assembly with a flat stare. While gaining allies had its appeal, my pride would not let me succumb to it. I was never one to let others do anything or suffer in my place. And in light of the current loss of my men, I’d set my priorities in ensuring that Leif and its people were safe before any attempt at my plans. “Neither did I ask you all here to have you shower me with such deadly proposals.” “Then why are we here, your highness?” The spite in the only female representative in my council made me turn to Koberic for help, but the pursed lips of the older man said I was all on my own in dealing with perhaps the only tribe which took pride in criticizing its king. “To offer you protection. An attack from Xatis is an imminent threat and–” “We do not need your protection.” The tribe had been the worst hit during the war and yet they had been less inclined to ask for help, so the leader’s sentiments even now was nothing strange. “Even then, as your king, I will still offer it–” She scoffed at my words and I couldn’t for the love of God keep my anger from flaring. “Is there something that you wish to say, Nuela?” Deliberately disregarding all her titles, I snapped at the matriarch whose tribe had been my parent's biggest supporter and yet the least of mine. At least that is what I thought of their constant criticism. No matter how much I had done with Leif, Nuela and her tribe still found fault somehow. And today I guessed was no exception. “In all honesty, I hoped the king would speak of having found Leif’s true future queen. The one person who can truly heal what has remained broken all these years, not asking us to hide away in holes while his armies watch over us.” Nuela’s eyes brightened as she spoke, displaying an eagerness to listen to me. A sight I had never been treated to while she remained in the council chambers. Unfortunately for her, whatever she wished to speak of was not something I would be addressing. Ever. “Must I invade my king’s council chambers for me to lay my eyes on his handsome face?” Speaking of Leif and its future queen, Darla graced my council chambers with her presence at the precise moment. I would have been annoyed by her intrusion, but it saved me the trouble of the ensuing argument I would have been forced to engage in with Nuela. And for that, I couldn’t help but welcome her. "Of course not." I smiled at my lover’s flattery, but deep down I realized that I loathed it. What the hell was wrong with me? Not so long ago, I could've sworn that her open flattery had boosted my ego to no end. I could've have also sworn that that sensual body with which Darla seductively swayed as she walked further into the room had many times left me thirsty and glaring at those who dared to look. Right now, however, my wolf and I couldn’t care less if any of the wolves present had their fill staring. “I missed you.” Lips curled in a pout, Darla reached out and touched. It was something I expected, something I had experienced, enjoyed many times before and yet I flinched at her touch. “Y–Your majesty? Have I perhaps angered you in any way?” Instead of furnishing her with an answer, I only growled at that inquiry as my wolf came forth, threatening to take over. Something was wrong! “What is it?” Zakariel, always in tune with me, was by my side in a flash, ready to heed whatever command to proceed out of my mouth. “Intruders, at the borders.” Figures sprung to their feet at my announcement. “The palace borders? B–But there has been no alarm raised, your majesty.” Nefion stated and he was right. Whatever I felt had nothing to do with the palace or any place close to it. “It’s the capital’s borders.” “The capital?” His annoyance with me seemingly forgotten, Koberic rushed to my side. “How would his majesty be able to tell–” “Take the lady back to her chambers.” I yelled at the guards, while like Koberic, wondered how the hell I knew what I knew. It was not like the borders to the capital of Leif were located in my back yard.
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