The Perfect Candidate

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I was mated to a potential thief and murderer! That is what whatever was being said of Eugan would mean to many in Xatis and I dreaded being bathed in those pitiful expressions once word left the throne room. Because in light of what father had revealed, I knew that my being paired with him would only add to the sad way many viewed me. It did not even matter that Eugan had done nothing yet or that he’d rejected me. The already growing whispers among the lords was all the evidence I needed. “My princess, your drink.” It was too early for someone of my status to be taking a strong drink, but I grabbed hold of the cup Alad offered and downed its contents, grateful that he’d chosen this moment to defy my order to let me be. Whatever he’d filled the cup with was exactly what I needed too as the burn in my throat helped me to focus yet again. “What exactly do you mean a uniting factor? Why would these individual’s even care for an insignificant king from such a small kingdom?” I asked even when I knew that ‘insignificant’ was not exactly the right term to describe the wolf and capable man who’d held his own, right in the heart of his enemy’s territory. The king who’d shone right through even when he still posed as a lowly guard. The memory of it stirred something more than hurt or pain. A first since my rejection. I refused to think more of it, however. “After what was witnessed in this very room, it would be a wonder if offers from kingdoms to ally themselves with Leif haven’t already started pouring in.” Father did not say it, but everyone, including me knew what he meant. It wasn’t everyday that anyone was treated to the sight of a wolf standing up to the protector of the realm after all. And if that particular wolf was hell bent on destroying the chosen– “He is the perfect candidate.” I sank in my seat when that truth dawned on me. I couldn’t help but also wonder. Would Eugan say no if he was approached by these wolves? The hate I’d seen in those eyes from the first moment I held his gaze screamed a thousand times no. “Why don’t we just uproot the culprits already?” With his hand curled around his blade, Alad looked every bit ready to carry out that task. “Because the identities of those involved remain hidden and plucking out a few individuals still leaves us with a much bigger problem as nothing breeds more loyal followers quite like a martyr. And after Evarius, we all know how much damage one man was able to accomplish, place several influential figures as heads of the cause and we have a catastrophe waiting to happen.” My mother’s calm was admirable and in that moment I couldn’t help but stare in awe, heart wishing I could be even half of that. It was an odd time to entertain such feelings, but the longing in my heart couldn’t help it. I wished for the lords to regard me with the same sense of respect. Hell, I wished for the whole of Xatis to be in awe of my presence. It was the only desire that could rival my heartache and something I chose to feed at the moment. “Maintaining the balance of the realm remains of utmost importance and to do that, burning Leif to the ground is off the table. At least for the moment.” My father’s words not only drew me out of my selfish thoughts, but they brought an unsual calm to my soul over Leif and were I expected protests, I was surprised to note that every lord present was in agreement. Once again I was reminded of my own parent’s perfection and sadly how far I was from attaining it. "And to do that, my daughter, Princess Aryn, will be leading the entourage to Leif–" "Me?" I couldn't help but squeak. “Well, you did always wish to be taken seriously and besides, an invitation was already extended to you, was it not?" Of course they'd dangle that in my face and as much as I loathed it, I couldn't deny my own weakness of wishing to prove myself that made me want to jump at the opportunity to initiate trade routes with Leif. To use this as an opportunity to accept Eugan’s rejection. I did not jump, however, because I couldn’t help but notice that I was still being treated as a child. If father was willing to let me venture into his enemy’s territory, then the ploy to unmask the culprits and their intentions remained of utter importance and I wished to be a part of it. I refused to be made just the face of the trip while others did all the dark and dirty, saving Xatis in the end. I wished that to be me. It was bold of me, but if I was ever going to be seen as something more, saving the realm would do it and Leif would be my chance. Perhaps I also wished to prove to myself and to a certain someone that I was something more. That I could bravely stare pain in the face and not crumble as I had done before. And as petty as it was, I shamelessly wished to be the one to have the last say before our bond ceased its existence. The appeal of that tingled something in me, spurring me into making a bold request. "If I do this, I will not only lead the entourage, but those who will be tasked with unmasking whoever threatens the realm." “I’m sorry?” Father lost all the warmth he’d so lovingly spoken with while everybody else stared at me as though I’d just grown a second head. Only Liira wore a smirk that sang of how proud she was of me at the moment. She was just one person, but her approval meant everything. “If I make this trip, it will be with me being part of all you intend it to be.” "No. I get men to accompany you and that is all." My father growled and I merely arched a brow at him. “You mean baby sit me while others possibly lose their lives over my own kingdom?” The king made a gesture of agreement, but if he thought I would be bowing to everything he said, he was in for a surprise. The words left my mouth before I could stop them. “Then no.” “Leave us!” Father roared at our audience and as the figures scurried away, he pinned his furious gaze on me. “Perhaps we should all calm down.” Mother spoke first. “Someone, please speak some sense into her.” Father sighed were I expected him to yell. It should not have surprised me, however, as he had never done that my entire life. That only solidified my desire to prove myself. “I’m not some breakable little princess anymore–” “You are my princess–” “Elian, she’s right. Maybe it’s time we let her forge her own path.” Approval sparkled in my mother’s eyes, giving me a boost of confidence. “This is for her own protection.” My father argued. “Like the trip to the capital?” I asked. The sting of that still remained even after all these years. "That was different." The king sighed. “Gol was only meant to watch your back if anything was to go wrong, not scare the lords into doing your every bidding. You did that all by yourself.” "I'll go with her." Liira suddenly announced, rendering us all speechless. “For your peace of mind, your majesty.” "I thought you hated travelling?" My father pinned grandmother with a hard stare which she merely waved away. "Perhaps it's time I saw the world again. And it's been too long since I've seen Leif.” “You’ve been to Leif?” I did not anticipate that. “Many times.” Liira wore a faraway look that made me more than curious. “And I must admit I'm curious to see what that mutt has done with it that he's capable of daring to attack Xatis." Mutt...I suppressed a smile at that and even if I didn't know what lay ahead of me, I knew having grandmother with me would make the journey better, if not fun for all the tears I anticipated. "Fine. Grandmother can come and only with her presence are you allowed to be a part of this.” Grandmother’s protege? I could live with that. “You will not regret this, I promise.” “We are proud of you, Aryn.” Mother and father’s faces held expressions that spoke of them not being surprised at the turn of events. Almost as if they expected it or wanted it. I would have inquired more on the reason why, but the dread and excitement I was currently feeling left me melting in their loving embrace that pretty much felt like a goodbye too. I’d waved the latter feeling away as nothing, but getting back to my chambers I was stunned by the sight of Rinarii and all the packed bags containing my garments no doubt. "Was I not to be given even a moment's rest before making this journey?" “Time is of the essence, child. And do take this journey as your very official lesson in kingdom matters. If you do well, it will be the only lesson you'll ever need.” Liira made her way into the room too, followed by Gol. “Then what have we been doing this whole time?” “Preparing for your class of a lifetime, of course. You couldn't very well learn to kill anyone with the absence of an enemy.” "Wait, kill? I'm not killing anyone!" My eyes widened at the beautiful dagger Gol presented to me. My great grandmother merely rolled her eyes at my outburst. "Such a shame, I'd think your mate would have made it to that list.”
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