Chapter Thirteen

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Krane stood outside the room, leaning against the far wall, arms crossed over his chest and face unreadable save for the twitch of his lip that told me he was still angry. Jerard gazed between the Calian and myself "Now your sudden shift in responsibility and carelessness makes sense" Jerard growled. I felt a pang of guilt run through me as I dipped my head "What were you thinking Mira? Is your curiosity that great the danger is blind to you?" I opened my mouth to reply, only to close it again. He turned his attention to the Upper "state your house boy, and do not think to lie, I have a nose for liars" I looked at Jerard startled. Jerard was well informed of the Uppers and their ranks, but hearing the way he spoke, his sudden shift in demeanor was strange and unusual. Calian looked nervously between myself and Jerard, weighing up his options - which weren't many - before opening his mouth "Calian Arlen of House Evrain, first born" I saw Jerard go stiff at those words, eyes widening for a moment before he glared at the Upper "You should not have come" he growled, the air in the room turning hostile. Calian stood tall then, almost challenging Jerard which I had never seen anyone do; even Krane was suddenly interested "You know who I am, which means you understand why I am here" it was my turn to look between the two men, confused. Jerard let out a scoff "You believe after four years she is still alive?" "Is she not?" Calian's voice turned angry, glaring back at the large man "We searched for days in that rubble boy, do you not think if she was found we Lowers would have cashed in on the reward?" I glanced at Krane, hoping he was as confused as I was, but to my surprise he looked just as angry as Jerard; what they hell was going on? "It's hard to believe you lowers would even know what she looks like, refusing be to part of society and abandoning your duties!" Calian threw back. Jerard started forward at that accusation, Krane striding towards them before being stopped as Jerard held up a hand. Calian had stepped back at the sudden reaction, fear replacing that confidence for a moment "You are naive and blind to the workings and turmoil of this city. Although, since this is not your city, you would have no understanding what's transpired below" he retorted. Calian simply scoffed "You categorize us in the same basket as your own Upper City. As you stated I do not come from your above, it's evident things down here have progressed in the wrong direction" my head was spinning, the way Calian was talking confusing yet Jerard seemed to understand perfectly "And yet you are here playing damsel instead of doing something about it" Calian shut his mouth at that insult "Why didn't you leave when you realised you could not find her?" they were talking about the friend Calian had come to find. Calian's whole attitude changed suddenly, dipping his head as he glanced at me sideways. I felt my cheeks flush slightly while my stomach did flips. I didn't notice the hurt that crossed Krane's face at the small interaction "After realising she may have..." he drew in a deep breath "perished, in the collapse four years ago, I was leaving. I thought to try and change what was clearly happening down here" he started "but something in my gut told me to go back. The further away I walked the worse the feeling became" he looked at me fully then, bright blue eyes seeming to sparkle "If I hadn't, the outcome of what transpired in that abandoned agriculture district would have been more dire" Jerard spun around to face Krane, the sudden motion taking us all by surprise "You entered the restricted sector?!" he demanded. Krane stepped back, unsure on how to respond; he shot Calian a glare for letting slip that information "You told me you were going to show her the tunnels, nothing further" he sounded really angry at Krane "Jerard-" I began, only to have him spin around and face me, eyes blazing with a rage I had not seen before "You know it is forbidden to enter there!" his loud voice boomed around the small room, making my head hurt "you can be executed on the spot for simply being in that area Amira!" ok, now he was really mad "Everything is forbidden here! I can't even sneeze without possibly getting into trouble by the guards Jerard!" he threw his hands in the air "So that makes it a valid reason to enter a district that was quarantined sealed because of the sickness?" "But there were no bodies!" I blurted out. The anger fell from Jerard's face to be replaced with confusion "We walked through those hallways and there were no bodies anywhere. And Jerard..." I looked over at Krane, his face still blank "There was green" I all but whispered. Jerard ran his hand down his face, letting out a heavy sigh. I had expected him to be surprised, confused even, but he seemed unfazed. "Have you never seen plants?" Calian queried "We live under a greedy city made of concrete and metal genius, what do you think?" Krane barked, folding his arms over his chest "you've been here for two weeks, have you seen anything green?" "This Lower City would be the first to have no biomass or vegetation to help with life-support, so excuse me for thinking otherwise" Calian bit back. I frowned at that comment while Krane made a face at the strange words "Alright enough!" Jerard boomed, silencing both of them "What exactly did you see?" he demanded from Calian "We...aah...heard more than we saw" Calian admitted "but whatever was scuttling around in the dark was no normal animal" I clamped my mouth shut, the memory of that...thing launching itself as the door had closed coming to mind. Jerard seemed to study Calian for a moment longer, trying to determine if he was telling the truth. He must have believed him as Jerard turned to Krane "Tell Strem to begin a search for the Bypass tunnel. He will know what I mean" Krane unfolded in arms in surprise "You're letting him go?" he demanded. Why was he so angry at Jerard's decision? "Aside from the fact you clearly haven't understood he complexity of this city you have no say in what happens Krane. And if we are to find a way forward for the Lowers, we need to trust that an Upper from outside our city can help us get there" Krane scoffed "All Uppers are the same" he turned his burning eyes to Calian, his hatred for the Uppers seemed more personal than before "Selfish, cowardly and arrogant, taking what's not theirs" he turned to leave, pausing only to glance at me. Without a word he disappeared down the hallway - Jerard let out another heavy sigh "You will stay in my office until we find a way to get you safely out of the City" he explained. Surprise rippled through my body as I realised not only was Jerard not going to kill him, but he was also giving him a place to sleep "You will not venture out into the city any longer. You will not attempt to find your friend. You will do as I say, when I say, or else your life is forfeit. Do you understand?" his large eyes pierced Calian's, the threat subtle but noted. A few tense seconds passed before Calian nodded, seeing no other option. Jerard placed his hands on his hips, head hanging as the weight of the whole Lower city seemed to rest on his shoulders "And you, young lady" his voice pulled me from my thoughts as I locked eyes with him "You will do well to remember when and where you need to be. There are only so many strings I can pull to keep you safe" I made a face as guilt washed over me "I convinced the guards you were no threat, but that doesn't mean they won't hesitate to detain you if seen" I nodded in understanding, excitement at being able to sleep in my own bed again filling my chest "What about the agriculture district?" Calian asked. Jerard raised an eyebrow "Where is the P.I.P card?" I looked at Calian nervously, hoping he wouldn't rat me out. But I watched as his eyes turned to me, indicating where it was which replaced the nervousness with frustration - I was reminded then I didn't know this man, and my small trust was misplaced. Jerard looked at me expectedly. I glared at the Upper in irritation as I yanked the bag from the floor beside me and pulled the card out, slapping it into Jerard's outstretched hand. "This will be destroyed. I cannot have you and Krane risking your lives for a new adventure, in areas that are restricted for a reason. There is to much you do not understanded" I glared at the man that had raised me for the past four years "Maybe if I wasn't treated like a child I wouldn't try to find places to explore" I spat back, crossing my arms over my chest. Jerard said nothing, his face blank while he stared a moment longer before turning and walking from the room. I let out a grunt of frustration and followed, not checking to see if Calian had to. ~*~ I threw myself onto my bed, the soft bedding and pillow feeling like heaven after sleeping on those horrid crates for the past nine days, my wet hair sprawled around my head; I had the best shower of my life, almost feeling as if I scrubbed a layer of dead skin off. I had ignored Calian once we had arrived back home, taking our personal entrance upstairs while Jerard directed the Upper to his shop and office. I turned my head to look out my window to the city beyond; I didn't think I would miss that sight has much as I had. I shifted to grab the bag on the floor beside my bed where I had dumped it, hand rifling around until my fingers closed around the small device. I pulled it out, hesitating as I stared at the little screen that lit up. Krane had seemed furious, the look of betrayal when he realised I had met the Upper already was etched into my mind. I sent a message, heart jumping to my throat when I hit send. Part of me hoped he would respond, but there was another part that hinted he might not. I lay there staring at the ceiling, the device sitting on my chest. Things felt like they were spiraling out of control, my normal world now broken with the Upper entering my life. I heard Jerard make his way to his room, not even pausing at mine to speak or check on me. That was strange. He always checked on me. That made it all more evident of how much I had screwed up. I let out a long sigh, checking the device to see if Krane had sent a message back, but the screen remained blank. A pang of guilt stabbed my heart, the disappointment he didn't want to talk hurting more than I expected. I rolled over, tucking the device under my pillow while I stared out over the city, the lights blinking in the haze, the faint whistle of night rotation piercing the air before fading away. I just wanted everything to go back to normal, where my best friend wasn't mad at me, the guards didn't want my head on a spike, the Uppers stayed above and we stayed below. I pulled out the pendant Krane had made, the stone glowing gently despite not having any access to warm light from above. I fell asleep clutching the necklace, willing the possibility of my normal life to happen as I drifted to off to the rhythmic hum of the city. ~*~ ...A tall tower stood at the center of a large city that spilled off in every direction. The land below fell away, bridges, buildings and gardens formed an intricate and beautiful landscape that was mesmerizing, yet confusing, all seeming to blend together in a never ending pattern. The endless bright blue stretched away above me, the white fluffy clouds looked as if you could step on them, cuddle up in the soft blanket they appeared to be. Looking to my right I noticed the giant walls that encircled the city, large beams of blueish white light shooting out of large pinnacles towards the endless blue, before curving to connect with the top of the Tower, creating a type of domed barrier over the city. Beyond those large walls however, stretched a perpetual sea of green so far I felt myself squint in an attempt to see the end. How could so much exist outside this city, practically inviting exploration, while humans milled around in the streets and buildings, either ignorant or unaware of the beauty that lay beyond the stone. I clutched at my chest, fingers curling around something cold and smooth. I tried pulling it out, to see what it was but it felt as if it were glued to my chest, stinging as I tugged harder indicating it would tear my skin away too if I pulled to hard. A loud explosion rocketed through the city, shaking the ground beneath me. I steadied myself on the window, watching as a large c***k swiftly travelled down the glass. A shriek left my throat as it shattered, turning and covering my face with my arms as it rained down around me. Once I stood back up straight my eyes wondered to the smoke that was now billowing out the side of the Tower. I felt fear rip through me, vision tunneling as my heart beat heavily against my chest. Before I had a moment to comprehend what that might mean I was running, the loud sound of a strange siren filling my ears as people started running everywhere, their screams mixing with the siren, disorientating my senses as I pushed through the crowds that seemed to have appeared from no where. I pushed through them, screaming to get out of my way. Just as I shoved a large man aside the ground exploded beneath my feet, pulling me into darkness...
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