Chapter Twelve

2299 Words
Unearthly screams followed us as we bolted down the hallway, legs and lungs burning as fear pumped more adrenaline through my body. Calian still had hold of my hand, fingers wrapped tightly around mine while he dragged me through the hallways, hastily looking for the markings Krane had left to follow. I wanted to look back, that insatiable curiosity aching to see what we were running from. However, I knew if I did I would lose my footing, and the fear of meeting whatever was chasing us forced my face to stay forward. My heart jumped to my throat as we rounded a corner and saw the open door to the street at the end, relief flooding through me. Screeches filled my ears, the sound of scuttling and scraping almost vibrating through the floor. We scrambled through the opening, Calian letting my hand go and turning to the P.I.P reader. My feet caught on the threshold, causing me to tumble to the ground. I felt my hands scrape on the concrete, pain rippling through my knees and hip as they connected next. I heard Calian shout at Krane, my head turning to stare through the open door as Krane tried to force it closed, Calian swipping a card through the reader over and over, cursing when nothing happened. My vision became tunneled, the scuttling and screeching increasing until I saw some type of creatures racing towards the opeing on all fours. I felt my body react out of fear, pushing backwards and away from the openening, eyes flicking between Krane, Calian and the door. I cried out for Krane to hurry, his face scrunched up as he used all his strength to push the metal closed. Time seemed to slow, aone of the creatures lauching at the opening, a scream leaving my lips just as the door gave a high-pitch whine and slammed closed with the help of Krane. He stumbled from the sudden shift taking him by surprise, pausing for a moment on all fours on the ground. Calian let out a sigh, back leaning against the wall beside the door, hands supported on his legs and head dipping as his chest rose and fell rapidly. I lay there on the street, my heart pounding so hard against my chest I thought it would burst out, adrenaline still pumping through my system as my brain tried, and failed, to comprehend what just happened. Calian looked up, his bright blue eyes locking with mine. I don't know whether it was from shock or the adrenaline but a small laugh escaped my lips, Calian following suit "What the hell was that?" I demanded. Calian opened in mouth to reply when Krane let out a roar, throwing himself forward and tackling the Upper to the ground. I gave a cry, scrambling to my feet and racing over to where Krane was throwing punches at Calian. Before I could grab Krane Calian twisted, throwing a punch into Krane's face and using the momentum to push my friend off and away. Krane tumbled backwards, back hitting the concrete with a thud while Calian jumped to his feet. I halted in my tracks, blinking in surprise as Calian stepped back, hands raised, feet apart and knees slightly bent; he had been trained to defend himself. Krane was on his feet in a flash, charging at the Upper. I quickly stepped in between surpise crossing Krane's face as he skidded to a halt "Not exactly the thank you I was expecting" I gave an exasperated look to Calian for the sarcastic comment "Are you kididng me? the entire city's Guards are out looking for you, half the city is now in turmoil because of the curfews in place because of you, so people are being ID'd without question which puts those I care for in danger!" he bellowed. Calian's fists dipped at the revelations "Oh, and to make matters worse, because of you parading around this City as if you own it, Mira can't go home!" I felt myself flinch, Calian turned questioning eyes towards me "What?" Krane scoffed at Calian's concern "Like you care, we are all beneath you, filth living to serve the Uppers" Calian was still staring at me, my stomach doing flips as my anxiety crept up "She was out past curfew, the guards spotted her and demanded ID, they suspected she was involved with you!" "Krane..." my voice was quiet, but Krane was to enraged to hear me "She ran, knowing exactly what would happen if they caught her. By the time I found out she was half drowned in the filtration plant" "Krane!" I spoke more urgently, but he wasn't listening "She almost died because they thought she knew where you were!" I couldn't look at Calian, his eyes boring into me as the pieces fell together "That's why you didn't come bacK?" my stomach twisted at those words, Krane's rant faltering, turning his now confused eyes towards me "What?" I glanced up at Krane, the accusation but hope it wasn't true covering his face. I felt my chest tighten "I wanted to tell you..." he stepped backwards in shock " you've met this Upper?" he pointed at Calian, anger now creeping into his voice at me "You've known exactly where he was this entire time? You Knew? Is that why you ran?" I turned to Krane, hands held up defensivley "You know why I ran Krane, but..." I glanced back at Calian "he was the reason I had been out late" I looked back at my friend "He had been hurt, and asked for my help. I wanted to leave him, I knew the risk if I did" I lowered my hands back to my sides "But, it was my fault he ran that day at the market. I felt like part of this was my fault" Krane ran a hand through his hair angrily, beginning to pace "How could you keep this from me?" I flinced again "It's not exactly something I can go around talking about Krane" "He's an Upper! He's the reason you don't have your parents! The reason you can't remember anything!" I threw my hands up in frustration "You can't blame that on one Upper that would have been the same age as us when it happened!" I shot back. Krane threw his hands up "But he is the reason you can't go back home! What do you think Jerard would say! He's been going round the clock trying to fix the s**t this Upper has caused!" I closed my mouth with a snap - he wasn't wrong. "I didn't know how to tell you" The look Krane gave was one of anger and betrayal, a look he had never given me before. He remained silent, the muscles flexing in his jaw while his eyes bore into mine - I really screwed up this time "I'll take you to the tunnel that leads to the maintneance. Go back to the room, I have to tell Jerard what's happened" panic rose in my chest, I glanced quickly at Calian "Krane, wait-" "It was the deal I had to make in order to see you" he mumbled angrily, looking down "if I don't, and he finds out, my visits will stop. And I couldn't deal with that" irritation at that type of control swirled in my chest, followed my a different type of panic at the thought of not seeing Krane again. He looked at Calian angrily "I guess the feeling was one sided" he added sourly "No, Krane-" he turned to walk away over to the metal cover that hid the ladder to below before I could finish. My chest started to hurt, fear and anxiety rising at his reaction to this situation. I looked at Calian desperately, not knowing whether he woul follow or not "You can come with me, the place I'm at no one knows about, or you can leave" I clenched my fists "you Uppers just keeping messing up my life" I mumbled angrily, turning to follow Krane who was already down in the tunnel below. ~*~ The gentle hum of the city vibrated through the walls around us. I sat nervously fiddling with my fingers while staring at the open door. Krane hadn't stopped when we had arrived, his long legs carried him down the hall and out of sight, back straight and fists clench; he was so angry at me. Calian and I hadn't spoken since arriving. I watched as he checked his wound on his side as saw the cut was scabbed over with bits of fresh pink skin in places - that was surprising. Did Upper heal quicker then us Lowers? I felt my cheeks blush when my eyes traveled, taking in Calian's well toned torso, muscles flexing as he bent to inspect the wrap. I turned my ht face towards the ceiling, that weird flipping feeling filling my gut again as I tried to think of anything other that Calian's exposed body. "So what happened that day?" his voice was soft and quiet, as if he was worried I would be angry at the question. Part of me was, considering it had been his fault I was late. But the other part was because I had been to selfish and foolish in the first place. I looked at him, relieved that his shirt was now pulled down - I felt myself relax "I missed the night whistle while talking to you. If I had realised I would have been smarter about getting home" I paused, looking down "I shouldn't have been out at all" I mumbled angrily "So what happens if you get ID'd?" my chest hitched at the question. I looked at him briefly, still fiddling with my hands. I bit my lip as I thought about whether it was smart to answer his question; I didn't notice his piercing blue eyes watching my movements "For Lowers that have an ID? Nothing" I sat back, resting my back against the wall "for me? Well, I could only hope my death is quick" Calian jerked back at my harsh words "They execute you for being out past curfew?" I let out a heavy sigh "Only if you got no number. Or papers. Or Both" I watched as the gears ticked over in his head, understanding dawning on his face "I guess with possiblity of us both dying sooner rather than later, I might as well tell someone from above" I pulled my legs up, tucking them under me, getting comfortable. I didn't know how long until Jereard turned up with Krane, and if Jerard decided letting the Upper live was to much of a risk I needed to know what I could now 'I don't know what you Uppers think happens down here, but simply living is a struggle. That attack you spoke about? That's where I was found, no memory, no parents, and no ID number. Jerard found me wondering around, bleeding and traumatised" Calian's wide eyes and surprised look seemed surprised enough, which made me wonder how much the Uppers really did know " you don't know where you come from?" I shook my head "From what Jerard could gather, it looks like my parents hid me at birth, which means I never received an ID number that Lowers get given" "What happens if you don't have an ID number?" I shrugged, looking away "Can't get a job, which means no meal tickets, which leads to starving, and then death. Can't get married, can't have kids, can't leave the district you're in" Calian ran a hand through his hair "pretty much your life is over without any options to live" "But you've managed to get by" my eyes flicked to Calian for a moment "I was Lucky. Jerard is like a leader here in the Lower City. He managed to find a job that didn't require an ID" I explained. "Why didn't you go back?" I asked quietly. It was Calian's turn to look down. I didn't know if it was the low light, or his cheeks were slightly flushed, just like Krane's when we were up on the abandonded warehouse "I thought about it. I got as far as heading towards the tunnel I arrived here in" that peeked my interest; there was a way to get from above to below through a tunnel? "something in my gut told me to come back. When I approached I realised the door with the Personal Identification Pass reader was wide open. Every part of me screamed it was you" I blinked a few times "How would you know it was me?" we had barely spoken, barely interacted. He gave me a sheepish smile "As corny as it might sound, a part of me feels as if we have met before. Almost like a past life" my stomach did a wild flip as a hot flush crawled up my neck "I felt...drawn towards you. For reasons I am still confused by" I opened my mouth to respond when I heard his boots to late, my heart jumping to my throat as I half slid from the crate I was sitting on. His large frame filled the doorway, arms folded over his chest, face blank while his blazing eyes locked onto Calian "Jerard" his name fell from my mouth softly as Calian stumbled to his feet, fear radiating off him while his stared at the large man. I felt myself swallow nervously, prepared to defend Calian if I needed, but unsure on whether my panic would allow me to go up against Jerard in that way. "Well" his deep voice rumbled around the room, those fiery eyes turning to me "This explains a lot"
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