14: Lia.

1495 Words

Tristan has an armed guard meet me downstairs in the lobby this time. I’m escorted upstairs and no one is allowed into the elevator with me. I know he’s just ensuring my safety, but I wonder if he’s aware of how hot it makes me all over, how coveted his protectiveness makes me feel. I’m all but melted against the wall of the elevator, fanning my fevered skin. For someone who claims he wants to see me for more than just s*x, he is really trying to get attacked. We arrive on the top floor and I follow the guard through a sea of curiosity, the traders and market analysts looking up from their desks to watch me walk to their boss’s office. Remembering Tristan's directive from last time, I don’t make eye contact with any of them, wanting him to be pleased with me. Wanting to be a good girl

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