13: Lia.

1522 Words

I’m trying really hard to focus on organizing my class schedule, but gifts keep arriving. It has been a week since my first time with Tristan. Since then, we’ve been meeting at the suite every night at nine o’clock…and I’ve never been so happy. So cherished and safe and excited to wake up in the morning. My body is sated and sore. My heart is blooming with new love and appreciation for the man who is now my sugar daddy. The man I want to be so much more. Soon. Every time we’re together, we become closer. It’s not just about the raw, filthy s*x. Or the fact that we’re addicting to giving and receiving pleasure from one another. No, it’s also about the quiet moments afterwards when he holds me and we talk. About silly things and important ones. Problems that arose during our day apart.

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