Who is this man

1169 Words

Rose's POV More weeks passed by and I still haven't heard from Liam, not even a word from him. I knew what happened at his house looked really bad and I knew he would need as much space as possible, but haven't I given him enough space? It's been weeks and still no word from him. He refuses to return any of my messages or calls or even has the common decency to see me whenever I went to his house. I know it wasn't easy for him to put up with this whole situation, but this was getting too much, he couldn't just ghost me like that all because of a goddamn flower. “Why don't you tell him the whole truth, tell him who you really are? Maybe then he will understand, remember he is your chance for a fresh start," my subconscious persuaded me. Taking in a deep, groaning out in frustration, I

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