I would still protect her from a far.

1050 Words

(A night before Rose left) Lucas's POV Something wasn't right with Rose and I noticed it right away. I didn't know what it was and I could place my hands on it, but I could bet my life on it that something was going on with her. I tried asking her but she always looked for a way to avoid the question or change the topic. After I told her about Keith and how he trashed my club, Rose's behaviour kind of changed. She suddenly started acting differently. She began to avoid me. She didn't want to be close to me anymore and even made up excuses to leave the room when I was there. This behaviour was not like hers and I was slowly getting worried. I knew I had to get to the bottom of her recent behaviour. '' Blade... come to my office immediately,'' I called out to him via the phone and with

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