Episode 23

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 23 – A Meeting of Friends Elizabeth’s P.O.V I heard a loud bang on my room door right before it was flung open and Amelia walked in, carrying a cup of coffee just she would do every morning. She dropped the coffee on my dressing table and proceeded to raise the curtains blocking the sun’s early morning light rays from finding their way into my room so early in the morning. I didn’t want to get up from bed just so I tossed and turned in my bed, shielding my face from the beautiful sunshine with my pillow, but Amelia wasn’t just going to let me have all the fun of still in bed. She climbed on the bed and lay behind my back, pulling me close until our bodies collided and a tingling sensation of happiness swipes across my face. “You know you’re supposed to wake me up from bed?” I asked her. She smiled, “Sometimes, even your nanny gets tired and wants to sleep in to.” We giggled softly and lay down in each other’s arm, hoping the world would vanish underneath us and we could just be alone, two best friends, well not officially best friend’s but I’m very sure you don’t need to announce to someone that they’re your best friend before it’s official. What goes though, I was just happy to have her by myside. After a moment of laying on my bed with me, Amelia got up and walked into my shower to get my bathing water ready. She knew just the perfect temperature I always wanted my water for a shower and she knew how long I spent in the shower each day. Sundays I loved taking a cold shower and I would spend an entire hour in the shower, enjoying the beautiful feeling of the water dropping on my skin and well, I don’t know why I’m telling you this anyway. I got from the bed and took the coffee Amelia had made me before going in to take a shower. I was done few minutes later and Amelia was on her phone, probably texting my cheesy brother Luke, though I think she and Andrew would make a better couple but on the contrary, Andrew doesn’t like France. She blushed like a six-year-old who a boy had just told that he liked her and it was very cute. I had always wanted my brother to find someone he could call his own and, I never expected it would come in the form of this beautiful stranger from France who apparently is my best friend. I tapped my feet gently on the ground to get her attention, “Has he asked you out on a date yet?” She smiled, “No, we’re just friends Princesse. You have nothing to worry about.” “And who said I was worried?” I asked her and my question took her by surprise yet again. She dropped her phone and although it kept on beeping, probably with messages from Luke, she paid no attention to it as she helped me take off my towel and apply lotion on my skin. Her face was pale of a sudden and I knew she was afraid that I wouldn’t approve of her for my brother. She had a very dark past and it would be awful of me to deprive her happiness because of it. “We should really get ready to go your office, Mr. Frank and Mr. Paul are likely to be at the office by now” Amelia said as her attitude quickly shifted from that of a friend and nanny to that of a full-time secretary working for a mean ass old lady. I held her arm tightly, “Mr. Frank and Mr. Paul will be coming to the Estate for our little closed-door meeting once my uncle leaves.” She nodded her and made some adjustments to my schedule on my phone. I liked that she took her job very seriously and was always professional in everything, but that wasn’t why I hired her, that wasn’t why I brought her to Puerto Rico to stay with me. Amelia made me happy and cheerful in ways no one ever could and she was the very first and so far, the only female friend I had made ever since I was raised from the dead by Luke after I got shot and, I wasn’t so good at female relationships. She was always the one taking care of me and she would always have to right things to say to me whenever I felt sad but I hadn’t been able to return the favor. Her phone beeped once more and since I was already fully dressed and ready for the meeting with Mr. Frank and Mr. Paul, I rushed to bed and swopped her phone up in my hand. I knew her password and she knew mine so I didn’t have to ask for her permission before I opened her phone to check the texts she got from Luke. “Hey, give me back my phone!” Amelia yelled as she charged towards me. I was quick enough to dodge her little tackle and she fell face first on the bed. She stood back on her feet, not backing down and literally jumped on me and we both fell on the floor, her phone and mine sliding across the room. “What the hell was Amelia?” “I took self-defense classes when working for the Phoenix. A girl has got to protect herself” she smiled as she stood to her feet and offered me a hand. “Well, that was not a self-defense move!” I yelled as I took her hand and she dragged me to my feet. My phone and hers beeped at the same time and we both exchanged mischievous smiles before dashing for each other’s phone. “Princesse, give me my phone and I won’t read your text,” she threatened but I didn’t care. I hardly got important texts on my phone. Most of the texts on my phone were business related, varying from people seeking appointments to pitch their business ideas and I was a hundred and one percent sure that it would be probably be a text from Mr. Frank or Mr. Paul but the sudden smirk on her face said otherwise. “Amelia… who texted me?” I moved closer to her unconsciously and she stepped back gently on realizing how close I had already gotten to where she was. “It’s a message from Dorian” she announced and my heart flickered with joy in an annoying way. She handed me my phone without reading the text and sluggishly did the same but I was able to get a quick glance of the text Luke had sent her and the only word I was able to grab a hold onto was love. I unlocked my phone and began to ponder on how and when I had saved Dorian’s number on my phone. Dorian: Hey Elizabeth, I know what you must be thinking so to feed your curiosity, I was the one who saved my number on your phone. I was hoping we could go get dinner later tonight, if you’re not busy. See you then, Dorian. “You’re smiling!” Amelia informed me and I giggled. “Come on” I changed the subject. “Mr. Frank and Mr. Paul will soon be here. I told them to meet me in my dad’s study room.” ***** We got to my dad’s study room, only Mr. Paul had arrived and that was quite unusual as he was never one to attend a meeting on time, especially if the meeting wasn’t at the office. “Mr. Paul, Good morning sir, it’s nice to have you here” I greeted him, taking a seat and he forced a smile. “I don’t think there’s any need for the pleasantries anymore Kiddo, you can call me Paul” he responded without taking his eyes off his phone for a second. A lot of people believed he was a p**n addict always watching it wherever he was, but some said he did most of his business meetings and transactions online and I think the later was a better assumption as it explains why he so much despised face to face interactions and meetings. But that aside, did Mr. Paul just call me kiddo. The last time he called me that was when I was ten years old and I accompanied my dad to a meeting he had with both Mr. Paul and Mr. Frank. Mr. Paul was very friendly back then and he would give me horse back rides once in awhile but things have changed so much over the years. I was silent and so was Amelia who stood beside me, playing with her dress and making me more nervous than I should be. Mr. Frank noticed that the both of us were uncomfortable as he made eye contact with I and Amelia for the first time. He took a deep breath, “Mr. Frank should be here any moment from now.” Mr. Frank walked into the study room like he was summoned and he didn’t look like things were fine over at his end. His tie was improperly knotted and his jacket was unbuttoned. He wore a red sock on his right leg and a black one on his left. His bag had files popping out of it and wasn’t well closed. Amelia bent over and whispered in my ear, “I’ll be in your room. If you need me, text me” I nodded my head slightly in approval and she left the study room. “Mr. Frank, Mr. Paul, I believe you both already know why I summoned you here?” I asked them and they both exchanged a knowing look before nodding their heads. I wanted to be snappy about our meeting because my uncle could return at any moment and if he finds us having this meeting, it would put Mr. Frank and Mr. Pa in a lot of trouble. “If... If this… is about the document that declares your Uncle CEO, then I’m truly sorry Elizabeth for there’s nothing we can do about it,” Mr. Frank said hesitantly. Mr. Paul on the other hand didn’t seem to agree with what Mr. Frank had just said as he dropped his phone for the first time since he arrived and stared at me scornfully. “Look Kiddo, Frank is being a baby. I don’t like the idea of your uncle running Rose Corp. He drove us into a debt of twenty million in under two years and if not for your sudden return, we would have folded by now” Mr. Paul declared, not bothered by the consequences of that would follow if Uncle Constantine heard him. Realizing that no one had ever told me the full story, I decided to seize the opportunity and find out what happened in the company during my absence. “How did you guys end up with that debt in first place?” Mr. Frank and Mr. Paul narrated everything that happened to me. According to them, Uncle Constantine had a gambling addiction which they don't think has stopped. He spent majority of the company funds on casinos and night clubs. He allowed Carlin use his company credit card as she pleased an when things got rough, he decided to sell the company without informing them. I had always known my uncle had a sad life, but I didn't think it was this sad. That would explain why he always fought with Dad at night when he was till alive. Uncle Constantine would always come back home drunk and Dad never wanted for us to see him that way. "Look, Elizabeth. If you want to get back your position as CEO, then you'll to find that document and prove to the entire board that it was faked"Mr. Frank suggested and it looked like a plan to me. "When you do find the document, just let us know. We're solidly behind you," Mr. Paul assured me and I could no longer fight back the tears and emotion. I pulled them both of them in for hug and I felt safe knowing that the two men my father trusted the most had faith in me. "Thank you Paul, Thank you Frank," They smiled on hearing me call them by their names and it felt very nice to do so. I walked down to their cars and I so badly wanted to know what happened to Frank that resulted to his horrible dressing but I figured whatever it was, he probably didn't want to talk about it, so I let it go. **** Back in my room, Amelia was glued to her phone screen and I knew it was no one else but Luke. "You like him, don't you?" My voice starlted her as she quickly tossed her phone aside and looked me, doing her best to act natural but it wasn't working. "How did the meeting go?" She changed the topic and I decided not to rush her since it was very obvious she wasn't ready to talk about it with me. "I think I just won over the board of directors" I smiled and she pulled me in for hug, kissing my forehead and almost squeezing life out of me. "Are you up for a little heist?" I ask after she finall let go of me. "Who are we robbing, moi Princess?" She asked dramatically and she sounded so intrigued by whatever it was I had in mind. That gave me courage to speak. "We're breaking into my uncle's office." She paused for a moment, "Elizabeth Mondragon, this is the craziest idea you've ever come up with so yes, I am in" "Yes!!" I screamed and it didn't bother me that I was excited to break into m uncle's office. It had always been off limits ever since we were kids and now, I was going to see it with my best friend. Uncle Constantine would be back in thirty minutes time. That means we had just twenty minutes to get in and out of his office. "Alright, let's do this" I smiled as we both sneaked out of my room and through the gigantic estate hallway until we finally got to the first door that led to his office. Knowing that Carlin and Uncle Bertrand were around, we opened the door gently and proceeded into the hallway that led to his office. “Are you sure this is the right place, Elizabeth?” “Amelia this is the right place now help me push this door open” I yelled as we both did our best to push the door open but it wouldn’t. “It’s locked with a security pass card Elizabeth. We can’t get in without it and I’m sure it would be is his room,” Amelia sighed. We heard a car horn outside and we both knew who it was. “Well it’s certainly won’t be today because he’s back!” I yelled panicking and my heart beating faster than the speed of light. Amelia grabbed me by he arm and we both slipped out of the hallway and back to my room before Uncle Constantine could even walk into the house.
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