Episode 4

843 Words
Episode 4 ***** "Mo…." she hurried towards her with the corner of her eyes crinkling. " Why are you here? I prepared this and thought of bringing it to you, didn't even think you'll be here when you should be with your VIP" she beamed, seeing the unchanging expression on Ava's face, she knew something was wrong. " I…I wouldn't be in this mess if not for that bastard" her lower lip trembled, the sign of tears lingering in her eyes. "Come here, let's go home" she draw closer and patted her back for some seconds before taking her out. They didn't share a single word till they got to the bus station, she kept looking at her. "Taxi?" Molly waved her hands at the taxi, Ava turned to her in shock. "Why taxi? The bus would be here soon" she rasped slowly and almost silently because there were lots of people around them. "I can't let you cry in the bus with many eyes on you" she gave her a sharp response and dragged her to the taxi. "Now you can explain what happened, from the beginning to the end, I'm all ears" she turned her body to her side a little after they hopped into the taxi. "I passed out and they had Lucy replaced me, Hailey chased me away afterward" she explained everything to her, Molly couldn't help but feel so sorry for her friend. "She should give everyone the chance but not that girl, I so much despise her!" She groaned in frustration and succeeded in consoling her before getting to their place. * ** * ** "Good after…." The maid didn't finish her greeting's when a woman who looked young but is probably in her fifties cuts in abruptly. "Why are you here?" She half yelled, walking so vigorously towards him. "To say Hi" he waved his hands in the air, sending a signal for everyone in the living room to leave. "Since when? When did that start?" She half yelled again, so pissed at him. "You should be careful, no one would help you when your throat begins to hurt" he played with his hair and find himself a place to sit on the couch. "Ryder?, I want you out of this house right now" that doesn't sound like a command. "I'll leave…." He uttered and stopped, she knew he has a continuation. "That's after I've made myself clear" he scoffed, relaxing his back. "The girl you sent to my office.." he began. "What girl? Why would I send any girl to your office?" Her breathing became hard and there was nervousness in the way she talks. "To spy and seduce me at the same time, what are you trying to prove?" It was his time to yell, 5x harder than she did that his voice continued to echo for a long time. "I did it for your sake, I...you ought to get married to get your father's property and…" words got stuck in her mouth when he stood up at once, his build covering her whole shadow when he stood in front of her. "How dare you act like a mother? And did I tell you I want his darn property?, Or I look like I need his property?" He smirked, running his fingers through his hair. "It's supposed to be given to you once you get a wife and I've never seen you with anyone after Le…" "Godddddd!!!!" He screamed, his hands covering his head as he did so. Without uttering another sentence, he scurried out of the place and hopped into his car. At first, he felt confused and just stared at the steering wheel with nothing to do in particular. He hated his adopted family so much, they've brought him both happiness and sadness, after the death of his adopted dad, he departed the rest of the family and visit whenever he got something to tell his adopted mother. She almost dug into his deep wound and he couldn't wait to let her continue, that'll only bring him nothing but pain, it's such a memory he hated to remember. Few minutes after settling his thoughts, he drove away and went back to his office to finish what he was doing before going to her. "Sir?, You have a visitor" he was confronted by his secretary on getting out of the elevator. "A visitor I know nothing about?" He countered, both of his hands dipped in his pocket and he kept walking towards his office like a gentleman. "Yes, she brought something that belongs to you so we had no choice but to let her in" she replied. "She?" He stopped when he was a few steps away. "Yes sir" he signaled for her to leave and opened the door in a way the visitor never knew someone was coming in. "Hello?" His husky voice filled the whole room, his eyes twitched when it landed on the person waiting for him. "You!"
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