Chapter 3:

1978 Words
“Kari, get in here.” She slowly walked into the kitchen where both her parents were sitting and waiting for her. “Young lady, you have been acting strange and me and your father wanted to address this.” Her mother stood up and walked over to her, she made Kari sit in the chair, “You have been distracted lately, and we have come to understand that one of your friends was arrested yesterday.” Kari looked down at her hands, “It’s a shame, but it was unavoidable she was a bad influence on you.” Kari stood up and looked at her mother, “She was my friend, and she was not a bad influence…” “She was, and I can prove that. I was the one that let the enforcers know that she was slandering the Authorities' name. But I didn’t think they would have disposed of her so quickly. I thought they would just reform her but … well it doesn’t matter now…” Kari stood up and turned to look at her mom, “You had my friend arrested…” Kari’s knees buckled, and she fell, “She was my friend.” Tears streamed down her face, “She… she helped me…” her tears hit the floor as her Mother stood over her, “Kari, we do not shed tears for the weak and dumb, we only continue to walk on…” Kari stood up and stared at her mother and Father, “Do you understand.” Her father grabbed her chin and she nodded, “Good now go to school.” She nodded and grabbed her data pad and left her home and she walked down the street she heard someone walking behind her. “It seems you’re having a bad day.” The person walked in front of her and stopped. She couldn’t tell who it was because of the black cloak he wore. “Well, if you are, you should skip school.” She tried to go around him, but he wouldn’t let her. “I must, so go away whoever you are, excuse me.” He grabbed her and pulled her into an ally, “So what happened at your home?” he pulled his hood off and leaned back against the wall, “How did you find me?” It was the subject in the holding cell. “I never left, I just kept my distance,” he grabbed her wrist and put something on her ID bracelet. “Now I’d like to show you something but first put this cloak on.” He tossed her a spare, “Why should I?” she looked at the cloak, then at him, “Just trust me you’ll finally get some answers.” She slowly put the cloak on, “Now we can go, but pull your hood over your head.” He pulled his hood over his head and so did she, “Follow me”. She followed after him as they walked through the city. She glanced around, trying to see if anyone noticed her. He quickened his pace and so did she. As they continued to walk she noticed the city started to change around her, from the gleaming tall buildings of the main city to the outskirts where the buildings didn’t look as new. He turned down a dirt path and headed for a small shack. He moved the curtain door out of the way, “Ladies first.” She walked through the doorway and he followed. She looked around as he walked past her. She noticed he lifted a thick stone slap off the ground and underneath was a hole. He gestured for her to climb down into the hole, so she did. As she climbed down she thought ‘What if my family finds out what I’m doing.’ “Stop daydreaming and climb.” She snapped out of it, and she tried to climb down but her foot slipped. She felt herself start to fall. She tried to reach for the ladder, but she began to fall. “Gotcha.” He grabbed her and set her on the ground, “You should be more careful. Now follow we have just a little ways to go.” He took his cloak off and she did the same. “Where are you taking me?” he continued to walk, but she couldn’t see his face because of his white wings. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you back home before anyone notices.” She could hear him chuckle and she just followed him. They walked into a large chamber, and she stared in shock, for there was a guy lying on the ceiling reading and a girl on fire. The guy reading made no effort to move or greet her. The girl, however, looked at Kari with a big smile and waved. Even though her entire body was enveloped in flame, she didn't appear to be in pain.“ These are the Rebels of Concordia. The girl on fire is Fire-fairy and that’s death. He’s a little strange, the kid on the computer is the mastermind, and you already know me.” she looked at everyone and then she backed up, “How do you all know I won’t tell the Authority?” Someone popped behind her, she felt a small blade being pressed against her back. “And if you do, we will tell them that you are a traitor.” She turned to see the guy that was on the ceiling now standing behind her. “So what’s it going to be sugar queen?” She felt a blade underneath her chin, he had golden eyes and fair skin. His hazel brown hair was cut short. “Death why so serious.” He looked at the fire-fairy girl, “Shut up, I’m going to reap her soul. She literally said she'd snitch”. He slices at Kari. And as the blade was supposed to make contact, she closed her eyes and for a moment she thought she was dead. But when she opened her eyes, she was standing in the room, but everyone was looking for her. “You think this is funny Gabriel? This is so childish... You into holograms now?” “No she didn’t do that when I met her.” She tried to touch them but she couldn’t, “Well, we know this much she’s missing her clothes.” The other girl picked up Kari’s clothes, and she looked down at herself, “Interesting, perhaps I could make a suit that phases with her body. That way she will still have clothes. And so she is not running around naked with you two perverts.” The mastermind kid walked over to his computer and started typing, “In the meantime you all should try and find her.” for a few moments, the kid typed at his computer before getting up to check another monitor. Kari slowly walked over to his desk and gazed at his work. At first, the screen didn't look like much, but he seemed to be looking at classified files from the Authority itself. Kari looked over to the other and thought to herself, 'how did they manage to get this information... what else do they know?' she silently sighed and then looked down at her hands. She was still herself, but she was cold and hollow in a way. With nothing to do but wait till whatever was happening to her to stop, she sits in a chair and hopes. She had long stopped paying attention to the rebels as everything began to sound faded and distorted. She didn't notice the teen named Death had come to sit in her spot, when suddenly she could feel again. “Yes I’m back, I’m not a ghost anymore…?” she looked at her hands and she screamed and everyone looked at her, “Death, what’s wrong?” she looked at them, “Wait if I’m in his body. Where did he go?” They all looked confused, “New girl you’re in, Death's body?” the flame girl came a little closer, “Wow you found a really powerful mutant Gabriel.” The flame girl walked away and Kari felt pressure at the back of her mind and the next thing she knew she was lying on the floor in front of them, and they were all staring at her except Gabriel. “Don’t you ever do that again or off with your head, and I’m taking your soul.” She felt the cold steel against her neck. Fire-Fairy stepped in front of her and pushed Death's blade away, “Get out, let the girl get dressed.” She pushed all the guys out, and she walked out too. As Kari gathered her clothes and slowly pulled them on. The cool fabric slid over her skin, she slid her feet into her shoes and she walked out to the hallway, and they were all waiting. “So are you ready to…” “I want to go home. This is too much, just take me home.” She pushed past them and grabbed one of the cloaks and Gabe grabbed the other. He whispered something in the girl’s ear. Then he turned toward her and walked back the way they came with Kari close behind. As they made their way back toward the city she began to panic because she knew her parents would punish her for missing school. The Silence of the walk home was devastating, her mind playing all the scenarios of the events to come over and over. So lost in her own thoughts, she failed to notice Gabriel stop, and she bumped into him. "Are you alright?" he seemed concerned, but there was some hesitation in his voice, "My family life isn't in the best shape.... i shouldn't have followed you..." she looks away as fear begins to ebb back into her bones, "We will protect you...." she cut him off before he could finish his statement, "Don't you dare say that!.... you don't know anything about me... all you did ... is made things worse." she covered her face and turned away from him. Her body urged her to run, but instead, she stood motionless trying to hide from the world around her. She heard a sigh, "You are right. After today, things are likely to change..." she peeked at him from behind her white hair, "If things get worse for you..." he looked like he wanted to console her, but he kept his distance, "Just know you ardent alone. And if you need us, we will be there for you." he turns to leave but says over his shoulder, "Ditch the cloak when you get home. Or keep it. The device will fall off after a little while... Good luck out there?" "Kari... my name is Kari Summers." he smiled and waved goodbye, "Till next time Ms. Summers." he walks back the way he came, leaving her in the upper city. She took a deep breath in a attempt to steady herself, but to no avail. The walk to her house was only ten minutes from where he left her, but when she came to the door of her home she stood frozen. She knew her mother and father well. They didn't like to be disobeyed. She opened the door to her home to find everything quiet. As quietly as she could, she closed the door behind her and placed her shoes in their spot. As she walked past the living room door she heard the feint sound of her father clearing his voice. "Step in here... We have a lot to discuss." The anger that radiated from him made her shake, but she stood motionless.
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