Chapter 4

1746 Words
“Why weren’t you at school today?!” her father’s voice rattled through her chest with such force that her knees buckled underneath her. “Do you not want to have a prosperous life or do you want to die like a dog.” His voice echoed and tears started to run down her face. He stood up and walked over to her, “Do you think I didn’t know where you went?” He stood in front of her, and she never looked up at him, “I meant no disrespect…” she felt the sharp sting of his hand against her face. As she fell backwards she felt him strike her again. For a moment, her vision blurred, and she felt no pain. She was in shock, but then it turned into a throbbing, searing, and intense pain. She felt the soft carpet beneath her face, even its softness stung her cheek. Her father walked out of the room, as she lay on the floor crying. She could hear her mother and father yelling. She couldn't make out their screaming match because of the pain in her cheek, but when she pulled herself to her feet she heard her parents come into the room. “Why do you disgrace us like this?” She looked up at her parents. Kari tried to think of something, but as her lips formed an answer her father struck her hard. Her skin burned with pain and as the tears welled up in her eyes her father grabbed her arm. “Why do you act like you aren’t worthy of life?” Her mother waved her hand and her father threw her against a table. She quickly crawled away toward a corner, and she curled up in fear. She heard her father's footsteps advancing toward her, but they stopped, and she heard her mother speak. "That's enough. Let her think about her actions." Their footsteps retreated to the other room as she lay crying in the corner. As she sobbed in the corner for what seemed like hours. The moonlight flickered in through the window onto the floor. A shadow was cast on the floor. A soft creak, like the sound of a door opening, softly echoed through the room. As she sat in the corner she felt the cool night air slip into the room. Soft yet determined footsteps stop just out of reach as a voice whispers to her, “Why are you sitting in the corner?” she wiped the tears from her face and she looked at the figure, “You don’t seem like the type of person who would get depressed over people.” The figure stepped closer, and she knew who it was, “What do you want?” her voice shook with uncertainty and Gabreil stepped closer. Examining her, he kneels “They beat you! This is unacceptable. I’m taking you from here.” He reached to grab her but she moved away, “Just leave me alone... All you've done is make things worse”. With an exhausted sigh, she stood and made her way to the door. "Please.... just go away." she rushed from the room as more tears fell from her eyes. Upon getting to her room, she locked the door behind herself and crawled into bed. As she lay her head against the pillow she felt the sting of where her father hit her. The sweet allure of sleep grabbed her and cradled her until she drifted off into her subconscious. When she woke, her face throbbed with pain 'I'm going to have such a bruise.' With some effort she climbed out of bed and walked over to her vanity. She looked in the mirror to find no markings or bruises to show that she had been beaten. 'Great.... They were right.' A lone tear fell from her eye as she put new clothes on, and grabbed her ID bracelet and data pad, before heading downstairs. She did not stop to say good-morning to her parents, she just left for school. Still too frightened by their action from the night before to put herself in their presence. A short walk to the Transport Terminal through the streets of the upper city calmed her, but only for a moment. Her mind replaying the memories of the last couple of days and reoccurring dreams. She boarded the transport, not noticing her friends running up to her. “Hey Kari, are you working after school today?” she looked at Yuri, who smiled warmly. Before she could answer, Jason looked at her. “Hey are you feeling alright,” She nodded, and tried to reassure them, "I'm fine. Just worried about Harley is all…" her friends nodded and began to chatter about something. Kari was in no mood to add anything or listen. Her mind wandered during the transport ride. She watched other citizens go about their morning routines, and she felt so out of sync like something was wrong. 'How did he know where I was? What's happening to me.' she instinctively reached for her bracelet, when she felt her friend tap her, "Hey, you almost missed our stop. Come on." Both Jason and Yuri grabbed hold of her arms and led her from the transport. They all went dashing across the plaza in an effort not to be late for class. They made it with a few minutes to spare. "That was too close." Yuri collapsed at her desk as both Jason and Kari calmly stood chatting with her. "I'm sorry guys..." Kari looked away as she felt bad, "We know..." Jason placed his hand on her shoulder, "We are all worried..." he looked away a bit glum, but then he smiled, "She will be back before you know it. She may have to go to a rehabilitation center, but she's still our friend." they all nodded. A data message appeared at every student's desk. It read: Dear Students, We are sorry for the delay with today's class. A new teacher is being issued and will be there shortly. Please remain in class. "Well, I'm going to my desk. See you guys after class." Kari waved bye as she headed to her desk. A few students began to gossip, when a tall boy walked into the room. His school uniform looked sloppy and unkept. The boy had hazel brown curly hair. It was cut short and framed his face handsomely. His skin was fair and his eyes golden. ' not here.' he stopped in front of her, “What’s wrong, sugar queen? Life, not as awesome as you thought it was?” She looked him up and down, “How did you get here and how did you find me?” she tried to keep her voice hushed as he pulled a chair up and sat in front of her, “You really don’t believe in small talk, do you? Well, I found you because I sensed your presence. And you still have Gabriel’s feather, so I just decided to come talk to you.” He stared at her, his eyes analyzing her. She looked away when he grabbed her face, “You’ve been beaten,” she pulled her face away, “Drop the subject, and please don't touch me.” He looked at her and he shrugged, “Well, you must really love your family not to want to fight back.” she felt her heart start to race, “That is none of your business.” He rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his chair. A few students began to look their way as they noticed a new face, “It is, you are one of us. Why hide behind your fear?” she looked at him and rolled her eyes, “It's not that simple...” He took a deep breath and chuckled, “Yea, What ever sugar queen?" a few students began to shuffle to their seats. As they did, he leaned close and whispered to her, "The first step starts with you. Take control of your life... Nothing will change if you continue to let them control you... You are the master of your fate, so take control." he slipped a note into her hand, "I will be in your shadow to keep you safe. See you round sugar queen", he quickly stood and left the classroom before she could react. She sat speechless for a few moments. She manages to notice Yuri's gaze. Her friend stares confused at her, and she quickly waves her concern away. A few minutes later, a new teacher walked into the classroom, "Greeting students, I will be your new teacher until your old one returns from their reform." he straightens his tie and begins to read the roll before turning to the class. "I am aware that your class was in the middle of Senior project presentations. So we will pick up where you all left off." he looked down at the roll for a moment, “Ms. Summers, please present your project.” As she walked to the front, she pulled her project up on the screen. She begins her topic on the latest advancements of science, but the deeper into her project she gets, the faster her heart begins to beat as her head begins to swim. It's as if time slows around her, and the eyes of her classmates unnerve her. She tries to center herself by looking down at her research, but as she stares at her work she notices the tips of her fingers begin to disappear. All the color begins to leave her face as a long pause fills the room, "Ms. Summers are you alright?"she looked at the teacher and then the rest of her class and she put down her research, “Um, may I please be excused?” without waiting for his permission, she quickly fled the room holding her hands close to her chest. She dashed out of school, too afraid to turn back. She rushed to the transport station. Without looking, she boarded the first transport car and found a quiet spot away from other citizens. She rode the line for a few stops before getting off at Botanical Gardens of Concordia. A large multilevel plaza dedicated to the restoration of plant life. Here was the only place where real trees and flowers grow under the care of the Authority.
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