Chapter 16

1750 Words
“Okay... Kari, let's go.” She thanked the doctor for the last time, and she followed Ragnarök back to the team compound. When they got there, the whole team was waiting, “We’re back.” They exhaled and jinx sighed, “Kari, we’re sorry for letting this happen to you.” She gestured as the whole team nodded, “We swear this won’t happen to you again. After all, you proved that the team meant more to you than your own safety.” She blushed and smiled, only to feel jinx lightly op her on the head. "Please don't take it so seriously next time." she then patted Kari on the shoulder and gave her a warm smile. “Well, I was only following what you guys told me. Not to let the other team get the band.” Discharged got up abruptly, “NO. Do you not get it, you almost died and that wasn’t even actual combat. Gabriel took things too far. I can’t let this slide.” He stormed out of the room toward the workout room, “He’s right, Ragnarök. That wasn’t cool. You need to say something to him at the next meeting.” Devastation left the room as well. Leaving the girls, Blake and Ragnarök standing there, “Alright, everyone go get some rest. Training starts tomorrow. Kari, you too, you’ll have to work through your discomfort.” Jinx tugged on her arm and gestured for her to follow. . Everyone else went off to do their own things. As they left, Kari watched as Ragnarök turned and left the compound when she felt Jinx grab her face, “Go see where he’s going. It’ll be your first mission, OK.” Kari scratched her head, “But won’t he get mad?” Jinx leaned in close and whispered to her, “Not if you’re invisible.” She winked and Kari nodded. Kari ran back into the common room as she followed Ragnarök’s path. She focused on herself and calmed her nerves as she pleaded for her body to obey. And it was like a veil of silk as her power shrouded her. She pulled her clothes off and neatly folded them and placed them beside the couch. Then she chased after Ragnarök. He wasn’t walking particularly fast at all but the way his shoulders held such tension, like he was upset or even disappointed. He walked for about ten minutes before he walked into a room where other people were standing. Vixen was there along with a few other people Kari hadn’t met yet. “Ragnarök, what’s wrong with you? You seem upset?” a tall man with short platinum spiked hair sat across from him with a cup in his hand. “Where is Gabriel!?” the man looked at Vixen and then at another girl, “Um, he hasn’t come yet. Why?” At that moment Kari turned her head to see Gabriel walking into the room. She quickly walked into the room and stood in the corner out of the way where no one would run into her. “What’s wrong with you hot-head?” Gabriel snorted at Ragnarök, “Do you really have to ask?! You were way out of line in there!” Gabe ignored him, as he pulled a cup from the table and filled it, “No I wasn’t, so don’t act like it was me.” Vixen placed herself in-between them to keep them from arguing, “Cut the crap. You knew she was hurt, yet you still attacked, and you were going to make her choose between herself and her team. You knew she wouldn’t go against what she was told.” “And if I did know what then?” the anger on Ragnarök’s face made her flinch as his hair caught a blaze and his eyes burned with fury. the others sighed and fanned themselves as the heat in the room climbed fast. “Then why would you purposely hurt someone who clearly has feelings for you? I know you’ve seen how she stares at you. Or are you that dense that you haven’t even noticed?” Gabriel didn’t once flinch. He just smugly looked at his accuser. “Her affection means nothing right now. She’s far too young for me." Kari held her tongue as she watched. A bit of disappointment flashed through her, "besides... Why do you care so much?” Kari stared at both of them as she waited for his answer. She herself wanted to know why he cared so much. “Typical Gabriel the heart-breaker, yet how come you got jealous when I put my arm around her neck. Is it because she’s not on your team, and you can’t monopolize her and use her? Or is it that you don’t feel good about yourself unless you have some pretty lost kitten following you around.” That struck a nerve as Gabriel turned and glared at him. Kari noticed that her leader didn't answer the question. “Oh that’s what it is... you wanted her to follow you till you got tired of her, then you were going to discard her for someone else.” “Shut your mouth, Ragnarök or I’ll do it for you!” the other guy and girl put themselves in-between them, “I have you now. That’s the exact reason. Well, you let her go, so I’m going to tell you once. Hurt her again, and you won’t have those white wings anymore!” Kari stood shocked in the corner. She'd never had people fight over her affection. “Guys, that’s enough! God, you are both getting worked up over one girl. She must be amazing for both of you to act this way.” Ragnarök snorted as he glared at Gabriel, “I’m going to bed. Crow tell me how this meeting goes.” Ragnarök started toward the door and Kari followed behind him. Kari floated silently past him as she made sure to get back to the team compound before him. She managed to get back a few minutes before her leader. She quickly grabbed her clothes and slid them on and headed upstairs. She noticed that there was a note on one of the many doors. It read ‘Kari, this is your room. Take the note off the door when you get in.’ she grabbed the note and walked into the door. . As the door clicked close behind her, unpleasant memories flooded back. This room reminded her of her old room and she sighed. 'it isn't ... it cant ..' though the things in the room were slightly different. Her heart ached and tears formed in her eyes. ' I'm free? .... I'm safe?' she examined the surrounding space. She took a deep breath and walked over to her bed. The sheets were soft and the pillows as well. Beside her bed stood a nightstand with a lamp. She sat down on her bed. 'Tomorrow another day... Let's give this place a chance.' she took off her shoes and clothes as she crawled into bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow, sleep enveloped her. The blood loss and exhaustion finally caught up with her. She woke to a sweet smell that forced her to sit up in bed. Her stomach growled and she yawned. Her hair was messy atop her head, when her door opened and Jinx’s face came into view, “Time to get up,” Kari rubbed her eyes and she slid out of bed. She quickly put her clothes back on, and she groggily walked out into the hallway and down the stairs to the common room. Most of the team was already downstairs except for their leader. “So whose turn is it to wake the living fireball?” Discharge looked at everyone when Blake walked over to the table holding his breakfast. He looked so happy as he sat down to eat. “Blake, you lucky dog. You get to do something very important.” Discharge grabbed his shoulders, “What?!” a puzzled look crossed Blake’s face, “You have the honor of waking Ragnarök. Have fun.” Blake frowned, he quickly looked around the room. “How is that an honor? This seems like a bad idea.” Jinx and Gears giggled in the background and Kari stood motionless. She wasn't quite sure what was going on. “No, it’s simple walk into his room, and then pour this bucket of cold water on him, and you should be just fine.” Discharge handed Blake a bucket full of water, “And good luck.” “This seems like a death sentence.” Discharge pushed him toward the stairs, “Whatever gave you that impression?” Most of the team were chuckling as Blake sighed and walked off toward the stairs. Kari took a seat at the counter and Benito set a plate in front of her. The copper golem stared at her for a second before handing her a fork. She slowly took the fork when Blake came stumbling down the stairs as he ran and hid behind the counter. Kari was still too drowsy to understand. She took a bite of her food. 'Pancakes' she smiled as she savored the sweet fluffy cakes, “WHO DID THIS?!” Ragnarök came downstairs dripping wet, and he held the bucket out to show everyone. “Well, it was the only way to wake you up without setting the place on fire.” Discharge sipped something in his cup. Ragnarök snorted and walked over, and grabbed a plate of pancake. “Anyway, after breakfast it’s time to begin training, so prepare.” Discharge walked off, leaving the rest of the team to sit and eat. Kari finished eating her breakfast and she got up and walked to her room when Gears ran up to her. “Meet me in the training room. I get to teach you first.” She passed Kari a data pad, and she ran off down the hall. Kari continued to her room and when she got there she washed her face and brushed her teeth. She stared at herself in the mirror, “One foot in front of the other Summers ...” she headed out of her room and toward the training room. When she got their Gears stood dressed in army pants, a white tank top and army boots,
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