Chapter 2 - Mystery Girl

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While driving down the road, I tap Maggie's arm, "Hey, where do you want to eat?"  "I don't know, maybe pizza?" She responds as she turns the knob, flipping through the radio stations on the radio before selecting a station playing a Tim McGraw song. "Yum, I'm always down for pizza," I respond. We sing along to the music for a few moments before we arrive downtown and pull into the parking lot of Max's Pizzaria. Maggie parks the Jetta and points across the parking lot, "Looks like my brother is here." she says.  I look over in the direction she is pointing, and I notice Dylan's truck but then parked next to his is Seth's truck. My stomach begins to do somersaults, and my body trembles with anticipation, "Good, Mariah is here too. Let's go; we can eat their food!" I respond while quickly climbing out of the vehicle before she notices me having a mini panic attack. She chuckles as she climbs out of the driver's seat, and we walk inside the restaurant. As we enter, we find Dylan and Mariah seated at a table with Seth across the way sitting next to some chick with curly brown hair. I can't see her face, and I have no idea who she is, but already I can tell I don't like her. Mariah and Dylan notice the two of us standing in the front and motion for us to come over. Reluctantly, I follow Maggie to their table as we pull up a chair between Mariah and the mystery girl. I'm seated next to Mariah, and Maggie is sitting next to her. Seth's eyes are boring a hole through me as I sit down, but I try to play it cool, "Hey guys." I say as I attempt to avoid his gaze. It kills me to admit it, but the girl sitting next to Seth is stunning. She's lean with dark brown eyes and fair skin. She smiles ear to ear with those pearly whites showing as she makes eye contact with me, "Hi, my name is Rachel." she says as she waves her hand. I clear my throat and wave timidly, "Hey, I'm Brie, Mariah's cousin." Maggie chimes in, "Hey, I'm Maggie; I'm Dylan's sister." "Nice to meet you both," Rachel responds. Fuck! She's friendly too! Seth fidgets in his seat as his eyes slowly make their way down my t**s. Nope, not today, cowboy. I immediately cross my arms in front of me to cover them as I lean back in my chair, "Hey Seth, how's it goin?" I ask while raising my brow. His eyes wide as he looks up. Yeah, you know you are so busted! He clears his throat, "I'm good Brie, are you coming to the bonfire tonight?" he asks. I look over at Maggie for direction, "Yeah, we planned on it." She says. I turn back to look at him, "Hey, do you mind if I bring someone?" He reaches up to scratch his chin, "Sure, I don't care. Do I know him?" His voice is raspy. Dylan puts his hand up to interrupt, "Wait, I need to inspect this guy before you go out with him Brie, make sure he's not a total douche bag." I audibly exhale as I roll my eyes, "No, I don't think so, D! You better not!" He chuckles as Mariah elbows him playfully. A look of surprise crosses Maggie's face. She knows, as well as I do, we have no plans to bring anyone with us. I wink at her attempting to let her know I got this under control. She shrugs her shoulders and begins to twirl her hair around her index finger. A few moments later, the waitress brings the pizza out on a tray with pitchers of soda, adding two additional glasses and plates.  She sets everything down in the center of the table before leaving. Dylan pipes up, "Girls eat what you want; we have plenty to go around." As we start to dig in, Mariah whispers in my ear, "Who are you bringing, Brie? Have I met him?" she asks curiously.  I hold up my finger for a moment to chew my food while I contemplate before answering, "Jeb and Nate, maybe." She shrugs her shoulders as she continues eating her pizza. Meanwhile, Seth doesn't take his eyes off me for a second while he eats. It isn't polite considering he brought a date, but so satisfying at the same time. I pretend like I don't even care, even though truthfully, it's gnawing at me.  After we finish eating, Dylan pays the bill, treating everyone to dinner. He's such a sweet guy, a knucklehead, yes, but so sweet, "Alright, so you girls will meet us at Seth's house?" he asks.  "Yep, see ya there," I respond. Maggie and I bid everyone farewell and dash for the Jetta once we exit the doors. Once we climb in the car, she pulls her seatbelt on and eyes me curiously, "Brie, who are we bringing?" she asks while throwing her hands up in the air. "I'll call Jeb and Nate. I didn't want to be the ones with no date tonight." I respond. "Well, let's hope your plan works out. I'm pretty sure Nate is hanging out with just Jeb tonight. He may not want to go." She tells me. I begin to chuckle, "Maggie, please get real. You know as well as I do that Jeb loves me. He won't say no; I'm almost sure of it. I know he'd ditch plans with Nate in a heartbeat to go out with me." "Alright then, call him and see what he says. I hope you are right," she tells me as she shakes her head from side to side. I search through my contacts for Jeb's number and dial him up; he answers quickly, "Hello." "Hey Jeb, it's Brie. What are you guys up to tonight?" I ask. "Nothin, just playing some video games, I guess." "Hmm... sounds boring. How about you guys come with Maggie and me to a bonfire? " "Sure, where at?" He asks as his voice cracks. "Seth Madden's house," I respond. "Okay, I don't know who that is, but we will go with you only if you can pick us up." "Sure, we will be there in about twenty minutes," I reply. "Okay, we will be ready, Brie." He says excitedly. I can hear him mumbling something under his breath to someone in the background before I disconnect the call. I think he may be arguing with Nate.  I glance over at Maggie, "Jeb says he and Nate will go with us. I told him we'd be there in twenty minutes." She audibly exhales, "I'm so surprised that Nate didn't get pissed. He specifically told me that he wanted to hang out with his cousin tonight for a guys night to play video games," she says. I snicker, "Must be the power of the pussy." I respond. The two of us roaring with laughter as she takes off down the road.  We arrive at Nate's house moments later, and as we pull in the drive, the boys dash out the front door towards the car. I get out to slide the seat forward before climbing in the back, scooting behind Maggie. Jeb climbs in next to me, and Nate is seated in the front. Jeb nudges my arm playfully as Maggie takes off down the road, "Hey, Brie." I flash him a shy smile and nudge him back, playfully, "Hey, Jeb." He places his arm behind my neck, resting on the seat. I don't object or pull away because I need to make him believable as my date tonight, but in all honestly, I'm not into him like that, but there's no reason I can't use him shamelessly. I have my eye on something better - SETH. I just hope Rachel isn't going to be in the way of things. I guess there's only one way to find out...
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