Chapter 1 - Mississippi Heat

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I can feel the rays from the scorching sun beating down on my face. I reach up to wipe my brow, "Lord have mercy, it's a hot one today, son!" I cry out. "Sure is Brie," Maggie responds while lifting her head just enough to make eye contact as she sprawls out over the lounger on her stomach next to me, her bikini top untied in the back. Maggie has been my best friend since we were in kindergarten. Hell, we are like family more than anything. We just graduated from high school together this year. I lift my sunglasses to wipe the perspiration with my middle finger underneath my eyes, exhaling audibly. I'm not just misting; I'm melting out here. I begin to fan myself with my right hand as if that was enough to cool me down. That Mississippi heat will give you a heart stroke in the summer, "We're gonna miss days like this together come August when you leave to go to school," Maggie mumbles softly without looking up. Sadly, I know it's true. I'm enrolled at the University of Tennessee to start in the Fall. Momma is taking me a few weeks from now to help me get my dorm room set up. I'm a little nervous but also excited at the same time. I'm curious to see what the future holds for me. I've never left Laurel before, except to go on vacation. I realize it's the perfect opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and to find my place in this world. I have yet to decide what I want to study, so I'm currently enrolled in general classes. Momma tells me that this will be the happiest time of my life; new experiences, new beginnings, and a fresh start. She wants me to experience new things, but I know it's hard for her to let go. I'm not an only child; as it turns out, I'm a twin. My sister, Bridget, passed away after birth; we were both born prematurely. I have felt that emptiness in my soul my entire life without her. Momma was devasted for a long time after Bridget passed. Then when Daddy left with another woman ten years ago, Momma and I leaned on each other for support since we were all each other had. I still talk to him occasionally; he currently lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. We live in the small town of Laurel, Mississippi, and I've resided here my whole life. People love to talk, and everybody knows everybody, and you can bet your ass that everyone knows your business. Momma always says: small town equals small-minded people. Now, not all of the town's folk are that way, but we have a selected few who fit the profile. At least when I leave, I have a new slate to start over. Not that there's a lot they say about me that I'm aware of. "So, what's the plan for tonight, heifer?" I ask Maggie. She shrugs her shoulders, still lying on her stomach, facing away from me, "I don't know. Dylan told me that Seth is having a bonfire tonight. You wanna go out there?" Whenever Seth's name is mentioned, my entire body tenses. I begin to fantasize about his dark eyes and how I could get lost in them at any moment and never find my way back. I imagine his perfect physique being pressed against me and how he would taste as I kiss him passionately, thrusting my tongue out to meet his in the heat of passion. Jesus! I bet he tastes as good as he looks. I fidget in the lounger, crossing my legs to calm the storm arising between them. I have it bad for this guy, and I have for a long time now. I venture to guess that he feels the same about me. Lately, he looks at me as if I'm a cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer day. I attempt to shake off my lustful fantasy and redirect my attention to Maggie, "I know, Mariah told me all about it. Maybe we should make an appearance." I reply casually. I've never uttered a word to Maggie of how I feel about Seth. Seth is quite a bit older than me, I'm eighteen, and he's twenty-four. Dylan is Maggie's older brother, and Seth is his best friend. My cousin, Mariah, whom I'm also super close with, is currently engaged to Dylan. Up until recently, she lived in Cincinnati, Ohio, with her family, but came to stay with us for the summer to help Momma out at the Assisted Living Center. She recently decided to move down here permanently after she and Dylan fell head over heels in love with each other. I've been trying to help her plan their wedding, which is coming up in August, before leaving for college.  I'm glad she's marrying Dylan. I had my doubts at first due to Dylan's history with women, but I love him to death, and I know he loves Mariah more than anything, so I am happy for them. I can't help but fear that it would be a total s**t show if he knew how much I liked Seth since Dylan has always been overprotective of Maggie and me. He considers me his little sister for as long as Maggie and I have been friends.  My heart races just from thinking about tonight. All I want to do is be around Seth for as long as possible before I am forced to forget about him. Not that I think I could even if I tried. "Well, what time do you suppose we go?" I ask her. "Maybe we should probably start to get cleaned up; it's half past four now." She responds. "Yep, I agree." I roll over the side of the lounger to get up before reaching down to tie Maggie's bikini top in the back, "Girl, you are pink," I tell her. Chucking, she lifts herself off the lounger and stands next to me, rolling her eyes, "No, surprise there!" We grab our towels and walk briskly towards the house. The moment I step inside, the cold air hits me. Ahhhh, nice! Perspiration is rolling down my chest, "Oh, Lord! Thank God for air conditioning!" Maggie exhales. "Girl, yes!" I respond in agreement. The two of us march into the kitchen to grab a water from the refrigerator and stand there chugging it down, "Momma will be home from work soon. We ought to start getting ready. You can shower down the hall upstairs, and I'll shower in Momma's bathroom." I direct her. She nods in agreement as she finishes the last of her water before throwing the bottle in the trash. As soon as I finish mine off, we trudge up the steps. I grab some towels for us from the linen closet in the hallway, and we part ways as I head to Momma's bathroom as she marches to the hallway bathroom. As I enter, I begin checking myself out in the mirror above the sink. My shoulders and nose are a not so lovely shade of pink. Of course! My skin is so fair; I don't tan; I just get pink. Why do I even bother? I turn the lever to the shower, and while waiting for it to heat up, I strip off my bikini and toss it to the side of the cold tile floor before brushing my teeth. Once the water gets to the right temperature, I step inside the shower. The water feels so good as it cascades down around my body. I grab the loofah and begin to wash off all the sweat and sticky suntan lotion. After I finish washing up and shaving in the shower, I hop out and quickly dry off, wrapping a towel around my hair and body before tiptoeing down the hallway. As I pass the hallway bathroom, I can hear Maggie belt out a song as her voice echoes in the shower. Her voice is fantastic. I wish she would allow people to listen to her sing, but she's so shy except around me, her Mom, and Grandma. I'm fortunate I get to be one of the few people to hear her angelic voice. I decide to listen outside the bathroom for a moment to make out what she is singing, "Oh, No one needs to know right now....." Ha! I should have known Shania Twain, her favorite. I smile ear to ear as I continue down the hallway to my room, stopping at my closet to pick out an outfit as I enter. Hmmm... what do I want to wear today? I decide to put on my cute white cut off t-shirt that shows off my mid-drift with my blue jean skirt. As I quickly get myself dressed, Maggie enters with a towel wrapped around her hair and body as she stops to scope out the clothes in my closet. She picks out a pair of cut off jean shorts with a teal green tank. We fix each other's hair and makeup and get ourselves groomed before heading out. We jump in Maggie's Jetta and begin to back out of the driveway before Momma pulls up next to us. I roll down the window, "Hey Momma, we are gonna grab some food and go to a bonfire at Seth's house tonight!" I tell her. "Okay, be careful; love you two!" She calls out. "Love you, Momma!" Maggie calls out. I blow her a kiss goodbye before we speed off down the road.
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