
3160 Words

MAVERICK. I awoke to the sounds of something beeping from beside me, and a damn awful freaking headache as well. I groaned, trying to roll and hold onto the one person I really wanted to, only to be met with cold empty sheets beneath my palms. She wasn't here. A sharp jab in my head caused me to wince. I placed one hand on my forehead, my eyes still tightly shut as I tried to recall what had happened. Funny enough, the only thing I remember was the fact that Sherneil laid on this bed with me. And now she wasn't here. But how? Where am I? “Ka tashi? (Are you awake?)” I heard Mama ask. My eyes flew open instantly, as I took in Mama's looming figure staring down at me. I winced at the sharp lighting in the room, and quickly brought one hand to shield my eyes from the light. “Where…” m

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