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“Goodness, Ammi I am full already,” I groaned, rubbing my bloated stomach. “Unless, of course, you want me to throw up every morsel I've managed to swallow,” I grumbled, leaning my back against the sofa. “Ah, we wouldn't want that to happen now, would we?” Ammi said with a soft smile, before she held up the small plate that was set aside on the table. “But I was wondering if you'd like any more of this? It looks like you enjoyed it.” Ugh! If I take one more bite of anything here, I'm definitely going to throw up, I thought as I eyed the plate containing beef jerky. “Ammi, I'm good. I promise I'm okay,” I grumbled again, licking away the remnants of the egusi soup on my fingers. “It's the best meal I've had in a while. You are still the best cook out there,” I added, beaming up at her. Ammi’s wide grin and the wrinkling of the edges of her eyes told me I said the right thing. That my comment made her happy. I sighed, looking around the large living room, with two doors by the right. One leads to the kitchen, and the other to Ammi’s bedroom which has its own attached bathroom in there. The one bedroom apartment was what Ammi chose when the king, Aiden, gifted us a compound after we arrived at the capital. Just a few weeks after the death of my Abbi. I was only ten years old when he died, but I can still recall the sound of his voice when laughing and the feeling of his warm hugs. My Abbi was the best! The compound has three apartments in it, and before Addah Tanaya left, we occupied the one with three bedrooms, a large living room, a kitchen, and a beautiful porch overlooking the yard. After Tanaya got married, Ammi claimed the apartment was too big for her all alone, since I planned to move to the other apartment with two bedrooms. I needed the space and the privacy. And so, we left the old apartment and moved into the other two in the compound. Despite having my own apartment though, I spend most of my free days with Ammi, even if I don't spend the night there. Sometimes, I work from Ammi's couch, while she braids my hair or cuts the nails on my toes. It was one of the special moments we share together. And one I always cherish. Unlike Ammi’s rich vibrant color combinations of red and cream colored couches and curtains, I kept mine black. Because black is an absolute favorite, alongside Maroon. I dislike bright colors, especially when they involve being used as decorations. I don't mind wearing bright clothes, although I mostly avoid them. My curtains are black, with a white one in the middle of the rest. I have a black leathered three settee couch, a white two settee, and a single black settee. And that is all. Except for an old picture of Ammi and Abbi, I don't have any pictures hung around. Unlike Ammi, who has tons of mine and Tanaya’s pictures hung all over the living room and bedroom. She loves the color Maroon, so I always try to get her things with a touch of it. Just like I love it. “You should've let me come with you. I would've taken care of you better,” Ammi answered, washing her hand in the bowl before us. “Nothing beats the care of a mother.” Okay, so we are going back to this, again. It's been three hours since I got home and Ammi has been on my tail since then. Don't get me wrong, it's not as though I don't appreciate her care, but it gets to be too overwhelming. Too… obsessive. And I don't like it, not one bit. Can't she just treat me like an independent person and stop putting my being autistic into perspective every time? It's not as though I'm incapable of taking care of myself. I'm still very independent in my own way. The only difference is that I just think and view things differently than she does. That isn’t a bad thing. Besides, does she have any idea how dangerous what I do is? Or how dangerous the country is presently with female wolves disappearing? Bet if she knew, she'd have constantly nagged me to stop working on the case. Or worse, plead with me to drop my job. “Oh well, too bad I didn't. And I'm already back, now,” I faked a smile, which from the long pull of Ammi’s brows, probably looked like a grimace. Oh well, I did try. Ammi was sitting across from me, dressed in white lace sewn into buba and wrapper. She tied the wrapper over the buba and tied a black head gear on her head. Despite that, I could still see her gray hair peeking underneath her gear. Silky, soft and long, which was one of the traits Ngunlians have. Ammi’s green eyes are a reflection of mine. People always say I got her large doe green eyes and I always feel happy when they say that. I really like Ammi’s eyes. “Your sister called yesterday,” Ammi said nonchalantly. “She sends her regards.” ‘Uhh. This is bad,’ Robyn murmured, as she stretched her limbs after being asleep for a while. “Hmmm. So, she finally deems it fit to call her mother? Interesting.” I sighed. I don't like where this is going, not one bit! “A surprise, because she never initiates a call first nor returns it when we call her.” “Marriage is different for people,” Ammi murmured quietly. “Different enough to endure being abused?” I couldn't stop myself from asking. “Don't say that about your sister, Sherneil. She's just busy with the twins. I'm sure she's okay and she'll visit us soon. She said the same thing, too.” Both Ammi and I knew that something was amiss with Tanaya. It was never like her to ignore her family this way, nor to pretend we don't exist. But that is exactly what is happening now. She found her mate, an Omega like her, and has moved away from the country, entirely. Now that I remember, Addah Tanaya and her husband are living in Tabitha’s country. But, that still doesn't excuse the fact that she is cutting us off completely. And no matter how many times she says she's okay, something in her voice tells me that she isn't. Because my Addah has always been jovial, friendly, and so sweet. The woman I speak to from time to time now couldn’t be described with those same words. And she won't let us help. Or tell us what is going on. She doesn’t even acknowledge that anything is different, just that we’re imagining it or that she’s just married now. As though that should simply explain everything. ‘Some day when I meet that sorry excuse of a man, do not stop me from removing one of his ears, Sher.’ Robyn hissed, licking her right paw. ‘You bet I won't. I dislike him as much as you do. Notice how I didn't use hate? Because hate is a strong word and regardless of how much I don't like him, he's still Tanaya’s mate and husband. But sneaking a bit of the Guza leaves into his food wouldn't be too bad, right?’ Robyn howled, falling onto her back and rolling as she laughed. Seeing her that way and knowing I made her laugh that hard made me happy, I found the edge of my mouth tugging up into a small authentic smile. ‘Sher, that is wicked!’ She finally said, her large eyes misty with unshed tears. ‘I love seeing this side of you, which always leaves me surprised. Imagine him at a family dinner and all he does is pollute the air? We both know how the Guza leaves upset a stomach, which always leaves one in an embarrassing situation while polluting. Oh damn! This is certainly a scene I’d like to see!’ ‘See. I knew you'd like the idea. One of the best I've had so far.’ Speaking with Ammi, doing this with Robyn, are ways that I try to ignore my thoughts of Mav and the gripping curiosity to check what the contents of his text messages were. I want to spend a moment without thinking about him, or any of the things we did yesterday. Nothing related to Mav. I had promised myself that I was done with his s**t for the day and that is how it's going to remain. “I'm going to go to sleep and maybe fix a few things in my room. I'm going back to work tomorrow.” “Tomorrow is Sunday though…” Ammi’s words were cut off by the loud shrill of my phone. I turned my phone on just an hour ago. Three messages came in as soon as the phone was done booting up. And they were ALL from him. Now, two more have come in and, yet again, one was from he who shall not be named and the other from Natasha. ‘Hey Girl. You report to work on Monday. Do not come to the facility tomorrow, just rest! That is a command from your queen.’ I groaned. Oh, please! Not another day of staying at home idly. I can't handle it. Like I did with the other three messages, I ignored the new one he sent. “Well, it seems I’m going to spend the day at home tomorrow.” “Great!” Ammi clapped her hands excitedly. “I'll braid your hair.” A genuine smile touched my lips and I simply nodded. “See you at dinner, Ammi.” “Want to go for a run before you leave?” Ammi called, grinning. ‘Hell yes, I do!’ Robyn jumped excitedly. ‘A run is the best answer, Sher.’ She added. I smiled and nodded my head. I love the relationship I have with my Ammi and how connected our wolves are to each other, as well. Running is just another one of our bonding moments. *** Sunday was absolutely boring. Although I completed my routine, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I'm empty, that I am missing something. So, I spent most of the day with Ammi. At the same time, I went through the report I had prepared on my research that I will present tomorrow. Hopefully, it will help us with something - perhaps a lead on what is actually going on. Why some of the female wolves are disappearing. I returned to my apartment around 5pm and took a nap. The beeping of my phone, which was laying beside me, woke me up. Groggy and angry at being unexpectedly awoken, I simply turned away and drew the blanket over me even more. Because it was raining. And I never liked the rain. Another beep sound came, eliciting another groan from me. Unconsciously, I stretched my hand towards the phone, picked it up and saw that it was already 9pm, and that I have ten new text messages. All from the same person. Maverick. A small gasp escaped my lips, as I cussed quietly when I noticed that I had accidentally tapped on the message thread and opened them. I had been avoiding his text messages since yesterday and he just kept sending them. Who in the world keeps sending messages despite being ignored? Only he would, that’s who. My eyes randomly dropped on one of the texts. The seventh text. Maverick: ‘Kitten, are you okay?’ Ugh! Why in the sacred name of Nyala does he keep calling me ‘Kitten’? I thought that was a name he made up for the bedroom? ‘Maybe that's his pet name for you? Can't deny that it sounds so sexy. Sexy enough to make my tail wiggle.’ Robyn purred, her eyes half open and half close. Duh. I continued down to the eighth text. Maverick: ‘Now, this seems too petty for someone like you. But why are you ignoring my texts now? Can you please reply so that I know if you're okay?’ Again, duh! Why does he care? He never cared when I wasn't replying to his semi-annual texts. Why should he start to care now? Maverick: ‘Okay. Kitten. I get it. Was yesterday not good enough for you? Is that why you are ignoring me now? Forget about my first text, yesterday. I wasn't in the right state of mind. Okay? Please, just reply to this so that I know you're good.’ Unable to continue stomaching his confusing words, which are in direct opposition to his actions yesterday, I decided to close the messages app, set the phone aside, and sit up. I shoved away the white soft blanket I slept with, and stared down at the black ruffled sheet on my bed. Just like my living room, I kept my bedroom simple. Black sheets, white blanket, a combination of black and white curtains, a bedside table with it's lantern and a little shelf on the far side with a collection of the few books I've read. ‘Well, girl, those were some hella good messages. And a direct opposite of who we met yesterday. Is he the same person? It’s almost an apology, is he trying to be better or is this another game?’ Robyn asked. I shrugged, refusing to say anything. Because to be honest, I'm not in the right state of mind to clearly think. Because one, I'm still groggy from my nap. Two, I don't really know what to think of any of this. Three, I am hungry and there is a heavy rain falling outside. Bored out of my mind, and looking for something to distract myself, I decided to bake a marble cake and pair it with a cup of hot chocolate. At least that would give me something to do while also feeding my hungry stomach. I took a quick bath and pulled on a soft cotton sleeping dress that stopped at my knees, then I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and made my way into the kitchen. The loud thud of the rain hitting the roof did nothing to calm me nor did my plan to bake. I dislike rainfall, especially when it is accompanied by the rumbling sound of thunder. When Tanaya was still with us, I always snuggled up next to her, as though she would protect me from the rain or the rumbling sound of the thunder. It was one of the things I shared with Tanaya, without Ammi ever knowing. Because then that would make Ammi extreme careful towards me, even more than she already is. And I definitely didn't want that. Now each time it rains, I curl up in my empty bed, cover myself with my Egyptian sheets and close my eyes, and clutch the little teddy bear that once belonged to Tanaya. Having something that belongs to her once, even if the scent has vanished after the years makes me feel safe. I stay this way, with my body shaking underneath the sheets and Robyn speaking to me, until the rain stops. Today, however, I want to be a little bit daring. I am going to bake instead of curling on my bed all scared. I am going to be brave. Bravery is being scared but doing it anyway, so that is what I will do. ‘It is okay to be scared, though. Just like I'm scared of spiders. Ugh! They make me shiver.’ Robyn shuddered. I laughed softly, shaking my head as I arrived at the kitchen. I brought out all the ingredients that I needed and stared at them, my heart started racing. Oh Nyala, I don't think I'll be able to focus well enough to actually bake. Because, to be completely honest, the rain scares the living s**t out of me. ‘Let's just go back to bed. Don't force yourself to bake when we both know the rain isn't our friend, right? Or maybe we should go to Ammi?’ ‘You know very well that I don't want Ammi to know about this. It'll only make things worse for us.’ I muttered, placing my face into my hands. ‘I hate this, Robyn.’ ‘I hate this, too, Sher. But you have me and I have you. We have each other. How about we try listening to music? And, maybe, dancing?’ I beamed at the idea, quickly easing a bit of the tension that was building around my throat. So, instead of baking, despite being hungry, I walked into the living room and turned on the T.V. Then I connected my bluetooth and chose the playlist I had named ‘Calm moment’. However, as soon as the music started playing, just as I was about to curl up on my couch, a loud banging on the door caught my attention. At first, I thought I must have been mistaken, but when the knock came again, I knew that I wasn't. Oh, Ammi. She's coming to me in the rain! I pulled the blanket around me and walked to the door, eager to let Ammi in so that I can at least feel safe enough to bake and have something to eat. Who knows? She may even be here with some food. “Ammi, were you missing me already? I thought…” the words died in my throat as I saw the person standing outside the door. Drenched in the rain and looking utterly pissed off. Oh, handsomely pissed - if I dared my bond driven mind to take over. Maverick. His eyes roamed over my body and for tintiest moment I allowed the feeling of ruffled butterflies to fill my stomach. It was terrible, especially when one is hungry. ‘Oh s**t! Sorry to say, Sher, but he looks dangerously delicious and angry!’ Robyn whispered. “What are you doing here?” I asked, managing to school my features and pretend that I was unaffected by seeing him here. Especially seeing him completely soaked in water. It seemed my voice dragged him out of whatever daze he was in, because the anger on his face suddenly vanished, replaced by something indescribable. A grin was suddenly plastered on his face as he backed me from the door and let himself in. The door clicked behind us, while Maverick kept walking toward me until my back hit the wall behind me. He placed both hands on either side of my face, against the wall, trapping me in between his huge body, with his scent taking over my senses. And I mean every part of my senses, including Robyn’s. It was then that I realized I could take in his scent today. He smells like the hot chocolate I usually drink every morning. It also smells like the chocolate chip cake I always love baking. Two dangerous combinations for a heart like mine. Utterly dangerous. And it also seems the mate bond isn't here to joke today. I could feel its firm grip around my chest, the continuous tug of the pull, breaking through every wall of self perseverance I made to protect myself from him. This bond…this iron grip it has on me is crumbling it all. Slowly, he brought his index finger to my cheeks and ran the finger lightly there, causing a shiver to run through me. “Aren't I allowed to visit my mate?” He drawled in a lazy deep voice, before he tipped my chin up and stared down at me heatedly. Okay. No, s**t. No, double s**t. What in the world is going on?
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