
1039 Words

MRS. ARNOLD’s POV I got a call from a strange number a few days ago telling me that Alex was still alive, but I doubted it. I thought maybe the person only wanted to fool me into giving him money. I told the man that I would come to India to see my son for myself, and I promised him that if he was lying then I would sue him for using my dead son to trick me. “Come with me, madam. I will show you your son” I followed this man as we walked on foot because my car could not go through, but of course, I did not come alone, I was with three of my guards. I have never been to India. No way would I come alone. I was not convinced that Alexander was alive, but I wanted to clear my doubt, so I would know that I was wrong. I buried my son's remains with my own hands, so how would he be alive?

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