Two Worlds

1073 Words

MRS ARNOLD’s POV I picked up the call expecting it to probably be the man who gave me the note. Hopefully, he wanted to give me a proper explanation for the note. “Hel.. Hello.. Who is this!” My voice was shaky, and I was shivering out of fear. “This is Samrat, ma'am. I gave you my number I have been expecting your call, so I decided to call you instead” “Samrat, thank God that you called! I need to ask you a question! Is that man over there really my son? Please, I need the truth! I don't understand anything that is happening and I really need answers, please! Where exactly did you see that man from?” “It would probably sound funny to you, but I saw this man outside my house a week ago, he was lying down helplessly with bruises and burns all over his body, and he begged me to help

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