
1091 Words
ADELE’s POV (inaudible chattering) I sat on the chair while the photographer kept taking pictures of me, but my mind was very far from there. “Adele! Adele! Adele!” Someone called out to me, but I wasn't sure if it was my name because I was deep in thought. “Adele!” The person finally tapped me aggressively, and it was my friend Amelia. “What is it, Amelia?” I asked her angrily. “It's time for you to walk down the aisle where your husband is waiting.” Immediately, she said that I was drawn back to reality. I looked around me and saw myself in a wedding dress and people were all over me taking pictures. My mum came into the room, she said a little prayer, then she took my hands to walk me to the altar because, unfortunately, my dad was dead. I only had my mum and my younger brother who was barely 15. One of my hands was held by my mum as we both walked down the aisle. People stood up and applauded loudly. I really wanted to see the man I was getting married to. How did I find myself in this situation, you ask? Well, getting married to a man I met 2 weeks ago was not on my bucket list, but for a lady like me, I didn't have many choices. It was either that or putting my family in danger. We got to the altar where my husband was, and my mother handed me over to him, but I really wish she hadn't. He held my hand and slightly pressed my wrist, and it made me whimper in pain. I stood in front of my husband-to-be. Alexander Arnold! The man who made people shiver in fear just at the sight of him. “The man will read his vows to his wife, then she will follow.” The priest beside us said. Alexander looked at me and smirked. He had a big build, he was 6 feet tall, he was taller than me, he had long brown hair, gray eyes, plump lips, and he had tattoos on both hands and on the side of his neck. Alexander read his vows to me and I did too. “Adele, do you accept Alexander to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and protect you, in health and in sickness, in poverty and wealth till death do you part?” The priest asked me, but I couldn't find the word to say. Heaven knows I wanted to say no, but I looked at my mother, and she smiled at me. I thought about all our sufferings and how I didn't want us to go back there. I looked at my brother and how thin he looked because of his sufferings, and how we barely ate 3 Square meals a day. I didn't want that for us again, but marrying Alexander was not the solution, but it was also the only solution. Alexander walked beside me and whispered to my ears. If you think you could embarrass me today, then you must be joking! If you love yourself and your family, you had better say I do this instant. He walked back to his spot and smiled at the crowd. I looked at the priest and quickly said the words that could ruin my life. “I do!”. And the crowd applauded. “Alexander, do you ta..” “I do!” Alexander quickly cut the priest and replied to him. “I now pronounce you husband and wife!” Immediately, the priest said that tears dropped from my eyes and I could feel my legs shiver. “You may kiss the bride.” Alexander walked towards me, opened my veil, and placed one of his hands on my waist and the other held my chin. He pressed a kiss on my lips, and it felt like he was trying to eat my lips, so I quickly broke the kiss off. The wedding was done, and it was time for the reception part. The wedding was the talk of the country as it was not just anyone's wedding. It was the wedding of Alexander Arnold! One of the richest men in the whole world. He was the only son of Mr Arnold Lizandro. His father was an Italian and American mix. He was a big business tycoon and, according to some rumors, he was also a mafia boss. His father was ranked 3rd richest man on earth. Alexander also had his own wealth, but when his father died he left everything in Alexander’s name. Alexander's mother, Mrs. Arnold Lizandro was once the speaker in the White House, so she had a very big name and a lot of wealth. In my town, I was the girl known for always owing debts. So, when the news got to them that I was getting married to Alexander, you can imagine how it must have been. Some said I charmed him and some said I blackmailed him or had leverage on him. But the truth is that he forced me into marrying him. My friend, Amelia, took me to one of the parties this man was hosting. He drugged me. We ended up sleeping on the same bed, but luckily for me, he didn't touch me, but when his mother saw us in bed the next morning, she was not having it and, of course, his mother insisted on us getting married. I refused because I barely even knew this man, but he threatened to make my life even more miserable if I didn't agree to marry him. He also said he would come for my family too, so I had no other choice and the pay was good too,”$400 million”. We got to the reception venue, and it looked like paradise. Maybe I might have enjoyed the view and the party if I wasn't the one getting married. SOMEWHERE FAR IN ITALY “Sir, I heard Alexander’s wedding is today” “What! Turn on the Television “ (woman talking and showing the reception view of Alexander Arnold's wedding on television ) I see, so after ruining my business, you are trying to get married, huh? That's not how it works, my dear friend. I think it's high time I paid you a visit. Tell the boys to pack up, we are going to New York. No one messes with Armando Alessandro!” “Yes sir!”
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