Chapter 5: The Return of Alya

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The late afternoon sun cast a warm, golden glow over the villa as Marissa stood by the front door, nervously glancing down the driveway. Today was a special day—her youngest daughter, Alya, was returning home after spending years studying abroad. Marissa had always been proud of how independent and ambitious Alya was, but she missed having her daughter close. She hoped this homecoming would bring back some of the warmth and closeness that had been missing from their lives since her husband’s passing. As the car pulled up, Marissa’s heart skipped a beat. The door swung open, and Alya stepped out, looking as radiant as ever, with an air of confidence that made her mother’s heart swell. They embraced tightly, holding onto each other for a long moment as if trying to make up for all the lost time. “It’s so good to have you home, Alya,” Marissa said, her voice thick with emotion. Alya smiled warmly. “I missed you, Mom. It feels like forever since I’ve been here.” After exchanging a few more words, Marissa led Alya inside, giving her a brief tour of the villa, which had seen a few changes since she was last home. As they walked through the living room, Alya’s eyes fell on a man sitting on the terrace, busy arranging some flowers in a vase. She didn’t recognize him, but something was intriguing about the way he carried himself—calm, focused, yet with a hint of melancholy. “Who’s that?” Alya asked, curiosity creeping into her tone. Marissa hesitated briefly before replying, “Oh, that’s Arga. He’s been staying here for a little while. He... helped me out when I wasn’t feeling well, and we’ve become friends.” Alya raised an eyebrow, intrigued. She wasn’t used to seeing her mother with new people, especially men. It was rare for Marissa to let anyone new into her life, and this stranger seemed to be quite comfortable in their home. “I see,” she said slowly. “I’d like to meet him.” Arga looked up and smiled politely as they stepped onto the terrace. He had heard about Alya’s arrival and was curious to see the youngest member of Marissa’s family, but he hadn’t expected to meet her so soon. “Arga, this is my daughter, Alya,” Marissa said, gesturing between them. “Alya, this is Arga.” Alya extended her hand, and as Arga shook it, she studied him closely. He was different from the typical guests her mother usually entertained—young, with a calm demeanor and eyes that seemed to hide a story. “Nice to meet you, Arga,” she said, her tone friendly but with a hint of curiosity. “Mom doesn’t usually have guests who... stay.” Arga smiled, sensing her subtle probing. “Nice to meet you too, Alya. I guess I’m not your typical guest,” he replied, his eyes twinkling with a hint of amusement. The initial introduction was brief, but Alya was left intrigued. As they sat down for tea, she couldn’t help but notice the way her mother and Arga interacted. There was a sense of ease between them, an unspoken connection that she found both surprising and slightly unsettling. Marissa had been lonely for so long; seeing her warm up to someone new was unexpected. Over the next few days, Alya spent more time around the villa, adjusting to returning home. She often found Arga helping Marissa with various tasks—fixing things around the house, cooking meals, and tending to the garden. One evening, she decided to join him in the kitchen, where he was preparing dinner. “You’re quite the handyman, aren’t you?” Alya said as she leaned against the counter, watching him chop vegetables with practiced ease. Arga glanced up, offering a small smile. “I try to help where I can. Your mother’s been very kind to me.” Alya nodded, her curiosity growing. “So, what’s your story, Arga? You don’t seem like someone who ends up at a villa on a hill without a reason.” He paused, considering how much to reveal. “I was in the city for a while, trying to run a business. Things didn’t go as planned, so I took some time away. This place... it’s been a refuge of sorts.” Alya could sense that there was more to the story, but she didn’t push. “Well, I’m glad you’re here. It’s nice to see Mom smiling again,” she said softly, almost as if to herself. “I just hope she doesn’t get hurt.” Arga’s hands froze for a moment before he continued chopping. “I would never do anything to hurt her,” he said, his voice low but firm. The sincerity in his words caught Alya off guard, and for a moment, she didn’t know how to respond. She wanted to trust him, but a part of her still couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to Arga than he was letting on. As the days passed, Alya was drawn to Arga’s quiet strength. He wasn’t like the people she had been around during her time abroad—ambitious, competitive, constantly pushing for more. There was a calmness about him, a sense of peace that made her feel at ease. They started spending more time together, talking about everything from trivial things to their dreams and fears. Alya opened up in a way she hadn’t expected, sharing stories about her time abroad, her ambitions, and even her insecurities. But as their conversations grew more profound, so did Alya’s confusion. She was starting to see Arga not just as a guest or a friend of her mother’s but as someone she genuinely admired. Yet, her mind had a nagging feeling—why was he here? And what did he want from her mother? One evening, after a long day, Alya sat on the terrace, lost in thought. Arga joined her, bringing a cup of tea. “You seem deep in thought,” he said, handing her the cup. “Just... trying to make sense of things,” she replied, her gaze distant. “You know, it’s weird. Coming home would be easy, but everything feels... different.” Arga understood the feeling all too well. “Sometimes, things change when we’re not looking,” he said softly. “Or maybe we change, and the world stays the same.” Alya looked at him, feeling a connection she hadn’t expected. “Maybe you’re right,” she said. “But that doesn’t make it any easier.” They sat silently, watching the sun dip below the horizon. At that moment, Alya felt a strange mix of comfort and uncertainty. Something about Arga made her want to trust him, but the doubts lingered. She didn’t know it yet, but her growing affection for him would only complicate things further, mainly as she remained unaware of his deeper connection with her mother. For now, she could only wait and see where this newfound bond would lead, unaware of the tangled web of emotions, secrets, and past ties slowly unraveling around them.

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