Chapter 4: Suspicion from the City

1181 Words
The arrival of Rama disrupted the calm atmosphere of the villa, Marissa’s eldest son. As the head of a successful business in the bustling city, Rama had always protected his family, especially his mother. So when he unexpectedly showed up at the villa one weekend, Marissa was delighted and slightly surprised. She hadn’t seen him in a few months, and his sudden visit caught her off guard. “Mom, I thought I’d come by and check how you’re doing,” Rama said with a warm smile as he hugged her tightly. Despite his calm demeanor, his eyes darted, taking in every detail. Marissa eagerly welcomed him, her heart swelling with happiness at having her son home, even if just for a short while. “It’s so good to see you, Rama. I’ve missed you. It would help if you had told me you were coming,” she said, her voice brimming with affection. “I wanted to surprise you,” he replied. But as he glanced around the villa, his attention was quickly drawn to a figure walking out of the garden, a man who didn’t quite fit in with the familiar faces of the staff. “Who’s that?” he asked, his tone casual but his eyes sharp. Marissa turned to see Arga approaching with a warm smile as he carried a small basket of freshly picked herbs from the garden. “Oh, that’s Arga. He’s been staying here for a while,” she explained. “He’s a friend.” Rama’s eyebrows rose slightly, his mind already spinning with questions. A friend? Since when did his mother invite strangers to stay at the villa? He had known her to be cautious, even distant, after his father’s passing, preferring to keep her circle small and trusted. This was... unusual. But he decided to play along for now. “Hey, you must be Arga,” Rama said as he extended his hand, a polite smile on his lips but a hint of scrutiny in his eyes. “I’m Rama, Marissa’s son.” Arga shook his hand, noticing Rama's firm grip and assessing his look. “Nice to meet you, Rama,” he said, maintaining his calm composure. “Your mother has been very kind to me.” Rama’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I see. How did you two meet?” Marissa quickly stepped in, sensing the tension building. “Arga was... well, he helped me out a while ago. I had a bit of a fainting spell while walking on the hill, and he happened to be nearby. We talked, and he’s been staying here ever since.” Rama nodded, but the explanation only raised more questions in his mind. His mother wasn’t the type to let someone into her life so quickly, and this man—young, capable, and seemingly out of place in this setting—didn’t fit into the picture of their quiet, secluded villa life. As they sat down for lunch, Rama observed Arga, noting the way he spoke to his mother and the ease with which they interacted. It was clear that they had grown close, and that only deepened his concern. After lunch, Rama took the opportunity to speak with his mother privately. “Mom, you didn’t tell me about this... Arga. Is something going on?” he asked, trying to keep his voice neutral. Marissa hesitated for a moment before responding. “Rama, I understand why you’re worried, but there’s no need. Arga has been nothing but respectful and kind. He’s had some difficult times, and I think he needed a place to clear his head. That’s all.” But Rama wasn’t convinced. “I just want to make sure you’re okay. You know how people can be, especially if they see an opportunity.” Marissa sighed, understanding the underlying message. “I appreciate your concern, but I’m not naive, Rama. I can take care of myself.” Rama didn’t press further, but his unease didn’t fade. That evening, as everyone retired to their rooms, he decided to do a bit of digging. With his phone in hand, he began searching for information on Arga. The name alone didn’t yield much, but after some creative digging, he stumbled upon something that made his heart sink—a news article about a failed business and a long list of creditors. The article detailed the collapse of Arga’s startup, a tech company that had once shown promise but fell apart after a series of bad investments. There were mentions of unpaid debts, lawsuits, and even rumors of illegal practices, though nothing was confirmed. It painted a picture of a man who had been desperate, someone who might have been looking for an escape. Rama’s suspicion deepened. Why would a man with such a past be at his mother’s villa? Was this a coincidence, or was there something more sinister at play? He felt a surge of protectiveness and anger at the thought of someone possibly trying to take advantage of his mother’s kindness. The next morning, as Marissa and Arga enjoyed breakfast on the terrace, Rama joined them. His demeanor relaxed, but his mind still raced. He tried to steer the conversation toward Arga’s background, subtly probing for answers. “So, Arga, what did you do before coming here? You don’t seem like the typical traveler,” he said with a friendly smile. Arga hesitated, carefully choosing his words. “I was in business... in the city. Things didn’t work out as planned, and I needed time away. That’s how I ended up here.” Rama nodded, his suspicions confirmed. “It must have been tough, losing everything,” he said, his words pointed. “Especially when you have... responsibilities.” Marissa glanced at Rama, noticing the edge in his tone. “Rama...” she began, but he quickly continued. “I’m just saying, it’s a big change, right? From running a business to... this.” His eyes locked onto Arga’s as if daring him to lie. Arga met his gaze, unflinching. “Yes, it was. But sometimes, life doesn’t go how we plan, and we must find a way to move forward.” There was a moment of silence, a quiet tension hanging in the air. Marissa felt anxious, sensing the unspoken battle between her son and Arga. She didn’t fully understand what was happening but knew Rama well enough to see he was trying to protect her. It was sweet, in a way, but also frustrating. After breakfast, Rama discreetly called a private investigator he knew, instructing him to look deeper into Arga’s background. Rama was determined to find out if there was more to this man’s story. As he hung up, he glanced back at the villa, where Arga was helping Marissa with some plants. They were laughing, and for a brief moment, he saw a glimmer of happiness on his mother’s face that he hadn’t seen in years. But he couldn’t let his guard down. If Arga intended to hurt her, Rama would stop him before it was too late.
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