Chapter 3: Mated to the prince

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Raya's POV Waking up at four in the morning on my birthday was not ideal, but luckily, my body was getting used to it here lately. Working in the kitchen was probably by far my favorite. I really enjoyed baking and come to find out im actually really good at. The Alpha tasted one of my pies, and from then on, i was the sole baker of the pack house. The problem is he told me last night that he wanted four different kinds of pie on top of cheesecake and cookies. This is why I am up before everyone else to start my day for the king and prince's visit. I knew our Alpha and the King go way back to training days. But as far as i can remember, he's never come here to visit. They would always go to the palace to visit him. I couldn't help but wonder what the change was about. It was nearly noon, and i got he last batch of cookies in the oven finally. I was covered in flour, and honestly, a good layer of sweat. Now, the not so fun part, cleaning up the huge mess i made. Another omega named Sarah came running in. "The king is here early. The ranked members are freaking out. We need to hurry and clean this up." Shit, s**t, s**t. "Do you think they will come in here?" Sarah shrugged her shoulders. "Im not sure, but the Alpha wants everything cleaned now." Fuck. I quickly loaded the two dish washers as fast as I could while Sarah helped whiping down the counters and stove. I grabbed the pie stands out of the pantry and placed them on the counter along with my pies. I took out a tray and was halfway organizing the different cookies out when i heard the Alphas voice. "Prince Charles, our baker is busy preparing dessert for you guys. I'm sure the kitchen is a mess. We weren't expecting you to later this afternoon, if not this evening." I got a sudden overwhelming scent of nutmeg and coffee. It couldn't be what i baked or the coffee. It was old and cold. The scent was fresh, like a freshly brewed pot of coffee. I looked up to be met with the most unique lavender eyes. I said, mate under my breath, and i heard him repeat right after me. Holy s**t, im fated mates with the prince. The kind and queen looked surprised. But both their shocked expressions broke out into smiles. The queen jumped up in down and pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh deary, this is wonderful." Prince Charles kept his distance. He never once approuched me and looked beyond upset. It stung, but i wasn't surprised. I'm only an omega, and i probably looked less than flattering right now. He shook his head. "I have to go." His mother ran after him. I just stood there completely embarrassed. Sarah was almost gloating. I knew she would rub this in my face later on. I found my mate on my fricken birthday, and i'll be rejected the same day this was mortifying. I looked between my Alpha and the King, and my nerves took over, and i just ran and kept running with no destination in mind. Remi's POV I was headed over the pack house to meet up with my dad. I never did get to talk to him because of the King and Prince showing up early. I heard light sobs of someone. When I came close enough to see, I realized it was Prince Charles that was crying. His mother, our Queen, quickly approuched him and sat next to him on the bench. I ducked behind a large bush. I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want to embarrass him by having him know someone heard our future leader sob. The Queens voice seemed kind of cold and harsh. "Charles, what is this about? That Omega, Raya, seems very nice, and she can bake. She's your fated mate. I dont understand why you ran out." "I just needed a moment, mother." "Why is that?" There was awkward silence between the two of them before the queen spoke. Charles never did answer the question. But it seemed like she already knew the answer. She stood up from the bench and pointed her finger down at the prince. "You will not reject that girl for that little witch you've been sneaking around with. It's not realistic. I've kept my mouth shut this long about it because I thought it was just a fling. A witch can never be a queen of wolves. You need to end it. You'll be King soon enough." "Mom, I love her. I don't need to be King. All I need is her." She started to whisper yell. "You will not do this to me and to our family. What will your grandfather and father say? You know they won't approve. Do you really want the title to get to your awful uncle. He will destroy everything they've built. You need to think of the kingdom and our kind. You will be putting the witch in danger. If you choose her, she won't make it out alive, and deep down, you know that. I don't care if you have to pretend to be in love with Raya or just take her for appearances. But you and your wolf will be stronger having your fated mate. It's for the kingdom." Holy s**t. Prince Charles is mated to Raya. My heart hurt for her, and it hurt me. He was in love with someone else, and his mom wanted him to accept her anyway to be in a miserable, loveless relationship. I had to tell her. "Mom, that's not fair to either one of us, including the girl. I won't love her. I can't." "I don't care. I'm trying to protect you, Charles, just let me. Because if you care about the witch, you will do this. Her life is on the line." I didn't want to hear anymore. I took off running in the woods. I had to stop Raya from accepting him. She had to know the truth. She deserved so much more. She deserved to be loved. I just hope I can I convince her to go away with me now. I could protect and take care of her. She will see how much I love her. I got out of a clearing in the woods and ran to her house. I knocked, but no one answered. Realistically, her dad was probably passed out on the couch drunk. I linked her, but what was met up with a block. She surely wouldn't be still in the pack house, could she? There's no way I could talk to her if she's around the king. My anxiety was getting to me. I shifted and decided to go on a quick run to try to calm myself down. I will find her, and I will tell her the truth soon enough. After about ten minutes of running, I picked up on her scent. I knew where she was headed. I shifted when it was too heavily wooded to get through. I saw her dangling her feet in the water. "I should have known you would have been the one to find me. I thought maybe Meghan, but she doesn't know of this place. I take it you heard, and that it's all around the pack that I'm going to be rejected by the prince?" I sat down next to her. I didn't care that I was naked. We've seen each other plenty of times from shifting. "I'm not sure if it's around yet. I heard the Queen and Prince Charles talking." She snorted. "I take it he doesn't want an omega for a mate?" "No Raya its not because you're an omega. It's because he's in love with a witch." "What? So now I'm worse than a witch?" Shit I didn't mean to make her feel worse. "Raya, that's not it. I don't think he meant to fall in love with the witch. His mother doesn't approve. She can't be the queen, and he knows that. I just didn't want you to accept him knowing he's in love with someone else." "I appreciate it. I almost wish I never knew that. I wish I was just being rejected for being an omega, not being rejected for a f*****g witch. It feels way worse." Shit I realized I hurt her worse, and now she was seething with rage. She got up and took off running. I might have really screwed up. I didn't even get a chance to tell her he is being forced to accept her. I dont think she realized what I was trying to tell her.
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