Chapter 4: Broken hearts

1087 Words
Charles's POV I didn't want to hear what my mother had to say. Deep down, I knew she was right. Laura would never be safe if I took her as I mate. Even if I stepped down and gave up my title, she may always be in danger just for being a witch. My mother rubbed my back. "I'm only trying to protect you, Charles. You know that i can't if you do this. I wouldn't be able to protect any of you. Now, just do what mommy says and end it with the witch. " "I won't be able to if i see her. I dont want to hurt her." "Then call her and end it now, and then you are going to march in that packhouse and make things right with Raya because she is coming to the palace tonight." I put my head in my hands. "Now, Charles. Do the right thing." She walked away, leaving me with my thoughts. I knew what i had to do. I knew she was right, and i wasn't going to risk Laura's life. I loved her too much. You know that saying if you love someone, set them free? Well, i guess that's what I have to do. I have to set her free from me, from this life, and from danger that i would only bring her. I can't tell you the last time i cried. It had to of been years. But here i am bawling like a big ole baby. My dad would have my ass handed to me if he saw me crying like this and crying over a girl who wasn't my fated mate. I pulled out my phone and flipped it open, hoping i would have service. It was now or never. If i lost the nerve, i would never be able to do it. She answered by the third ring. Her voice sounded so excited. "Charles, are you on your way back? How did talking to your parents go? Are we okay to be together?" I tried to hide hurt in my voice. "Laura, we came to visit the neighboring pack near the palace. I ended up meeting my fated mate." The shock and hurt in voice were painful to hear. "Your fated mate?" "Yes, it was very unexpected. I wasn't expecting to feel the pull like i do." Her voice cracked. "What are you saying, Charles?" "I have to accept her. You were right. We were just kidding ourselves. A witch and wolf together and running a palace. It would never work." I could tell by her voice that she was now crying. "Charles, i always said i never expected this to be more than what it was supposed to be. You're the one that pushed this, which made me believe this was more than that. I should've known. I should have never got my hopes up. I have to go." "Laura, wait, dont go like this." "Why charles? You want your fated mate. What else is there to say?" "Im sorry, Laura. It's just what's best for everyone." "I understand. I hope you have a good life, a good everything. Goodbye, Charles." I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye back when she hung up on me. I broke down. I cried until I felt like there were no tears left to be shed. I was probably out here longer than my mother wanted, but I wasn't going in there to accept Raya as my mate until I could gather myself together. I stood up. I guess here goes nothing. Laura's POV I should have known. I sat here like an i***t waiting on him. I can't exactly blame him. I know how wolves can be. They just can't help themselves when it comes to their fated mates. I wish as witches we felt love like they do. They flaunt it for the world to see. Where my kind doesn't do that. It's more like the behind closed doors concept. I thought I would have that kind of love with charles. I really thought he loved me. I guess it doesn't compare to what he felt for his fated mate. Especially the way he ended things like he did and over the phone. Hell, I didn't mean enough to him to even do it in person. I grabbed my stuff off the bed and placed it in my old Volkswagen. I sat in my car, and I took one last look around this place. It will always hold a special place in my heart. It will always be part of my first love. The drive back I got in my own head. I hated this. I hated that I let myself love him so much. The tears just started pouring down. When I got to the old dirt path that was overly weeded, I got my s**t together. I put my car to a stop and fixed my hair and make-up so I could look somewhat nice. I put the car back in gear and headed to the coven house. My parents were waiting outside for me. I stepped out of the car, and my mother got one look at me and knew something was wrong. "Why do you look like that." I guess the make-up didn't do the trick I was hoping for. "I'm fine, mom." She pulled me into a hug, something she doesn't do often and whispered in my ear. "Just give the broken heart some time." I loved that she always knew. My dad cleared his throat. "There's actually someone I want you to meet. Well, I guess technically you met as kids, but I guess a reintroduction is necessary. His father and I go way back. A dark-haired man came out. His complexion was darker than mine, and his shoulders were broader than most warlocks. He was taller than everyone here. Honestly, he was a very attractive man. The closer he got, the more nervous I felt. Our eyes locked, and I heard him whisper beloved the same time I did. Oh. s**t. Timing is a weird thing. I felt my insides turn, and I ran away to my bedroom as fast as I could. I didn't know what to think or do. I just had my heart shattered hours before. How can I even begin to be with someone else when my heart still hurts for a man who didn't want me. I locked my door, and the crying began again.
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