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I didn’t put any effort into my clothing the next day, it just didn’t seem right when I didn’t feel whole inside. I threw on a pair of black sweats and a black hoodie with letters written in calligraphy ‘You’re attracted to broken pieces of others’ with an overturned smiling face to resemble my current mood. Its text was yellow like a smiling face emoji. Maya had the same sweatshirt as me when we ordered it from some website. I can’t even remember the name of it. The thought of her came to mind and I sat on the edge of my bed. Why does she pick someone like Greg? It's never going to work between them because they aren't compatible together. I've known her since we were kids, and she's always been ill-disciplined. She enjoys it just as much as I do, so why change for a boy? Removing that thought, I grabbed my shades from my nightstand and headed out the door. The drive to school was tormenting, but I made it right before the breakfast bell, parking my car in its usual space, sitting in my own thoughts for a few moments before getting out of the car. I strolled through the school doors and immediately spotted her; she looked stunning in her floral dress with white flats. I've never seen her wear something so girly before, but wow, she looks amazing. I waited for her to scream my name like any other morning, but when she glanced at me all I could see in those beautiful eyes was hatred. She glared and walked away as if I didn't exist or matter. My heart pained as I watched her leave. She didn't even spare me a second glance, she was already down the hall. I ran after her, making her halt just before entering her classroom. "Amaya, look I'm sorry for-" "Leaving me in the middle of the forest at night and then yelling at me because I like someone. I don't tell you who to like or f**k, I never judge you, ever, but you've said all you need to say, Brian, now leave me the f**k alone." she pulled her arm out of my grasp and walked inside of her classroom. I was at a loss for words. We never fought and now that it's happening, I don't know how to feel. I want to say it doesn't matter or that it doesn't get to me as I watch her openly blush and smile at Greg, but it does. I can't help how I feel, and now I'm going to do something about it. Boy, am I going to do something about it. Storming away in a frenzy, I went to find my group of friends. They'll for sure help me with something that I've planned. If Amaya wants the geek, then I'll show her just how weak he is. ******* When lunch finally came around, I waited for Amaya but as she walked into the cafeteria, she swayed right past me and sat at the table with her new friends. I calmly walked over, taking a seat next to Greg and, after that, so did my guys. "What's up geeks having a good lunch," Chad, one of my close friends, said as he sat down. The action made the seven of them laugh in union, causing Greg's friends to freeze. “What is this?” Another guy taunted while one of Greg's pals placed away his Pokémon cards. "Oh, Greg, you have something." when he looked up, Chad smashed the pudding in his face. "Sorry dude you were just asking for it" I laughed at this while he wiped his face with a napkin. His hands shook, and his face turned bright red. Still he remained seated, knowing that he couldn't beat any of us. So why try. Amaya’s glare burned holes through the side of my head. I could feel it, but I watched the scene before me instead. I wanted Amaya to see how much of a loser he was. She had to see that he lacked a backbone. I was the one she wanted, not someone like him. Not someone who couldn’t even protect himself, what makes her think he could do the same with her. "Brian, leave!" She yelled. "We were just having fun, isn't that right Greg," I slapped his shoulder roughly. He jumped and hissed a little but forced a smile onto his face. "I'm okay Maya, it’s not Brian’s fault" he said. My blood boiled, no one gets to call her Maya but me. It sounded so foreign coming from him. At this, I threw his whole tray onto the floor. All its contents sprawled across the filthy flooring of the lunchroom. He wasn't a competent person, not the one she needed. I was and always will be the one she needs. "Brian, you’ve gone too far. Greg, are you okay? Let's go." she stood up and so did he, but not before I tossed my leg out and tripped him. His whole face and shirt was covered in his lunch, which I dumped onto the floor. The whole cafeteria laughed and mocked his tearful expression. He was pathetic and now she sees that. "Shut the f**k up!" She shouted, and the laughs died down. "Oh my gosh Greg, I’m so sorry." She ran to his side, but before she reached him, I grabbed a container of chocolate-flavored milk and poured it all over his head. "Now you look absolutely splendid." He just knelt on the floor looking defeated in every way possible. "You should be ashamed of yourself! I will never forgive you for this. Come on Greg, I'll help you" she finally made it to him and helped him up. As she did, he limped out of the cafeteria with one arm around her shoulder. Seeing her leave, the reality finally dawned on me what stunt I had just pulled. I didn’t have to like the guy, but I knew it was someone she cared about, and it drove me a bit crazy seeing her give all her attention she once gave me to this new crush of hers. That’s all he was to her, someone she could experiment with. I know she doesn’t like him as she says she does. This must all be an act. What have I done? She's going to hate me now; I must fix this! I raced after them and stopped Amaya from walking any further to the nurse’s office. "Look I'm-" "You’re not sorry for anything. You never apologize because you mean it, you say it for your own benefit, but no longer will I ever be a part of what you just did. I'm not your friend anymore, you and those losers can all go f**k yourselves and grow up" she yelled and continued to walk away with Greg. "So, what! You used to love that, remember, but now, since you're infatuated with him, it's changed?!" Greg went pale and turned around to face a seething Amaya. "That stays in the tree house!" She gritted. "We aren't friends anymore. I can tell anybody your little secrets." Before she could say anything, Greg kissed her. I stood there shocked; I didn't know how to function but when she kissed back, I lost it. "What the hell do you think you're doing"? I yelled. Pushing him away from her, he stumbled back, his spine hitting a locker. "I- I-" "I- I, spit it out freak!" I mocked him, he looked at a loss for words, so I punched him. "Brian stop it!" "You think you could just kiss her, then she'll fall for you! You aren't strong enough!" I repeatedly punched, kicked and slapped him around. All sanity left me as I continued my assault on the helpless wimp. Amaya tried to break it up, but she wasn't strong enough to pull me away from him. I wanted him to understand that he'd never have her, she didn't belong with someone as weak as him. I felt two pairs of hands pull me from him. He didn't move. I knew he wasn't dead yet. I wanted to go back for more, but I was held back. "f**k you Brian, never come near us again you f*****g psycho!" She and a teacher carried Greg away. “Brain! Vice principals’ office now!” The teacher shouted, continuing on his way with Amaya to get Greg the care he needed. "What the hell was that about dude? You nearly killed the poor kid." Chad questioned me, still holding onto my arms. I yanked my arm away from him and stormed out of school. No way was I wasting my time getting written up to be suspended. They’d just have to send my parents a voicemail that I’ll delete later. I drove carelessly to the forest and once I made it there, I grabbed gasoline from the back of my convertible. I walked to the tree house we built when we were thirteen, pouring the substance all around the tree. Knowing it might start a forest fire and if I was ever caught, I’d go away for what is considered arson. If she wants to throw our friendship away, then so be it. I lit a cigarette and inhaled it into my lungs as I took him my last glimpse of the tree house that we called home for so many years. The smoke invaded my lungs, leaving a nasty taste in my throat. Without a second thought, I tossed it onto the ground and watched as it traveled all the way up the tree house. It lit into heavy flames, as I watched everything I once held close to me burn away into ashes. She thinks I'm a psycho now. Just wait and see how much of a psycho I am.
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