Chapter 4

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I didn't attend school for the remainder of the week. A suspension was in place and I could not be on school property for the remainder of the week. I was busy planning my revenge nonetheless, and it was better than having to endure the new couple anyway. Brooke stated how close they’d gotten. Hearing that caused me to take my annoyance out on her. Having my way with her whenever and however I wanted, she was happy and willing to participate, thinking because I sexed her virtuously it meant I wanted more with her. She, however, was completely mistaken. She loved it even more than I enjoyed hearing her moan and whiter underneath me. Laying helpless and feral, she was an absolute mess, but damn was it a sight to behold in the bedroom. I yearned for Amaya though. I contacted her a few times, if you consider every hour since our argument a few. She never responded to any of my calls or texts. Hell, I emailed her an apology and still silence was my only answer. We never went through this stage in our relationship and now this foreign feeling of emptiness and the fear of losing her hangs over my head each passing day. Maya made it clear she wanted no dealings with me. She went as far as to post them on a date that week. He placed a slobbery kiss upon her perfect rose cheeks. She was playing with fire; I hope she knew just how bad the burn could make one suffer. "You called me?" Kyle asked as he made his way to my fridge. A close friend of mine from childhood. "Damn you heard of knocking before entering," I followed him. Into the only place he frequented. The kitchen "Yeah" was his only response. I shook my head and sat in the kitchen bar watching him rummage through my fridge. "I need your help with something, and it might-" "I'm in," he grabbed a sprite from the fridge and took a short sip. I eyed him for a minute, curious as to why he answered so abruptly, even before knowing what I would ask. "You don't even know what it is, and you’re already agreeing. What's got you in a good mood." I asked. He huffed and plopped down onto the bar stool beside me. "This is about Amaya and that nerd; he doesn't deserve her." "Exactly! She shouldn't be with a f*****g freak like him," I yelled. "I know what you mean, man. I saw them walking down the hall all cutesy and s**t, I tried to say hi to her. Do you know she just kept walking as if I weren't there." He was changing my Amaya; she would always greet the guys because she was one of us. She didn't have to change for me, and yet she does for that weakling. "I've got it all planned out. Make sure that Amber is ready Alright." "Let me know when" ********** I stride into school with pride early on Monday morning. My suspension was lifted, and now I could return to the regular program of causing havoc on the student body. I'm positive that my plan will work, and Amaya will be back to her natural self. Of course, we'd need some work on our relationship. I was ready to rebuild. If he was out of the picture, we would be Brian and Amaya again. When I saw her holding hands with him, I didn’t cause a scene, I walked past as if I wasn’t fazed by the affection, she showed so pliably for the whole school to witness. This is the way it must be if I want this scheme to succeed. She'll be running back in no time. All I have to do is sit back and let the magic happen. Arriving at the football field, behind the bleachers, Kyle and Amber shared flirtatious glimpses towards one another before noticing me. Seems like there’s more between those two, but I can’t worry about that right now. More important matters were on the line. Amaya and I are not those two who clearly have the hots for each other. I’ll be sure to see what’s up later. Kyle was like a brother to me, and I’d never forget what he’s doing for me now. “What’s up” I greeted him. As soon as I approached, Brooke came from nowhere, throwing her physique onto me, catching me off guard with her presence. She wasn’t supposed to even know what was going on. "What are you doing here!" I questioned her while making space between us both. "Baby, even though I don’t have a relationship with Amaya other than cheer, she means something to you and if I can help, then I will." she grabbed my hand. I gave Kyle a glare, I knew he was the one that told her. "Amber, are you sure you can do this?" I inquired before we made our way back inside the main building of the school. "Please, I deal with nerds on a regular basis. I think I can handle this" she flipped her hair behind her shoulder proudly. She was right, nerds flocked like fire to a flame. She knew how to lure them in and make them do anything she desired, plus Amaya hated her, so it was a win, win. She pushed up her purse to Kyle's chest and scurried off into the building. Making sure we followed close behind. Turning the hall, we neared the drama class and waited until 12:45 for Greg to appear. I made sure I knew his schedule for this exact moment. Amber addressed him with a cheer right before he entered his classroom. "Greg! I've been looking for you everywhere!" she squealed. He looked surprised to see her talking to him, doing a double take at the mention of his name coming from her mouth. “Me?” was his response, clearly confused by the interaction. Amber swayed his way and stopped right in front of him. Kyle, Brooke and I hid right around the corner behind the wall, so he wouldn't see us and suspect anything. "You made sure to get Amaya out of class" I asked Kyle. "I told her we have an emergency cheer meeting in two minutes." Brooke chimed in. I was a little annoyed she was there, but that made sense. Amaya wouldn’t think anything of a sudden cheer meeting. I nodded my head and continued watching the scene. Amber started saying something, it must have worked because he smiled and made some weird face before rushing into his backpack and placing a deck of cards in Amber’s hands. "What the hell is she telling him" I asked. We all looked curiously at them as they exchanged more words. She didn't make a move like she was supposed to, just lots of talking. If only she shuts up and does something to get him into it. She’s going to spoil my plan. I planned on just walking up there, but then she did it. She kissed him right on the lips, and he didn't pull away. He stood there stunned with his eyes wide, but he didn't pull away. "GREG!" Amaya stood behind them with a deadly glare. "Maya, I-I…she kissed me!" He pointed a shaky digit towards Amber. Amber huffed and took a step forward. "No offense, Amaya, but seriously, your boyfriend asked me to kiss him. I guess you got too good for his liking and needed a capable person to show him a few things" Amber wiped her mouth with a smirk, challenging Amaya. Amaya fumed with silent rage; I could almost see the smoke coming out of her ears. She gave them both a once over before storming off in the other direction. Seeing her walk away brought us back to reality, racing our way back to the field where cheerleaders sat on the green grass warming up for practice. I guess Brooke called an actual cheer meeting. I must give it to her to make this execution just right. Amaya showed up in her Nike pro shorts with a sports bra to match while carrying her duffle along her shoulder. She was ready for her usual drills caring herself with pride. If I wasn’t at the scene, I wouldn’t have guessed anything was wrong. But that stare she held, she almost looked deranged as if she'd kill anyone if they said the wrong thing to her. "Amaya's back," Kyle whispered. "I'm not done." "What do you mean? She's back, that's what we wanted, right?" "Yes, and now I'm going to make sure that she knows what side to stand on," I watched as she talked to her teammates about the choreography that Brooke put together. She wasn't into it, she stayed anyway. She’s not a quitter. She knows she'll quit Greg, she has too much respect for herself, one guy isn’t going to change that. You don’t f**k Amaya because that’s always been her job first.
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