Of Mates and Marks

900 Words
"What are you doing? Have you lost your mind?" The gamma yelled, but Alpha Morales raised his hand, stopping him. He blinked a few times, then slowly raised his head back to her, his eyes flashing with restrained anger. "Claim you as my own?" He asked, his voice dropping octaves, showing her in practical just what he thought of it. Hailey swallowed, then securing her dress with her left hand, she pushed her hair away, exposing the red mark his kisses had left. "How could you? Knowing fully well I was supposed to be a priestess, how could you?" She was yelling by now, her eyes starting to fill with tears. "Because of you, I lost everything I have ever worked for, humiliated on my anointment ground, and now I have to go through things like these too! " Alpha Morales looked at the bite mark, his gaze hardening. He had no memories of it, but he also highly doubted she was lying. "I was..." "You were drunk? That is your grand excuse? What are you going to do about me? What are you going to about everything I have lost because you couldn't just stay away?" Alpha Morales said nothing for the longest time, hearing the gasps fill the entire pack house. The alpha has marked a priestess. Probably the scandal of the year. It was a taboo that has never been heard of. Something that should never be heard of. Alpha Morales swallowed, raising his head a little. It asserted his dominance and superiority. "What do you want?" he asked, his voice cold and emotionless. "What do you want me to give you?" "How can you even..." "Enough. I have heard enough from you. Name your price. Name whatever compensation you want. I will give it to you." Hailey brought her hand to her forehead, feeling the frustration reach its peak. How could she have let someone like this take advantage of her? How could she have let someone like this mark her? "You do not have any respect for mates, do you?" He watched her, a rather bored look on his face. "Mates? I am sure you are not my mate. Whatever happened last night was an accident. Luckily for you, I am willing to pay for it." Hailey swallowed, then slowly sank to the floor, her fingers going into her hair. "Pay for it? Like I am some pack w***e?" He said nothing. He hadn't implied it that way, but he also had nothing to prove to her. "You don't want a compensation?" He asked, moving a little. She looked up, her gaze hardening as she pursed her lips. Slowly, she stood up, her fists clenched. "I want you to pay for marking me." He nodded. "I already said I would. Now tell me the price." She walked forward, her eyes meeting his. "I trained twenty years. All my life to be priestess. Now that I can't be a priestess anymore...I want to be Luna." The entire pack house erupted in surprised gasps. Alpha Morales's brows knitted together darkly, his head tilting a little to the right. "What did you just say?" "Because of you, Alpha Morales...because of you, I did not become a priestess. Now I want you, Alpha Morales to make me luna." Her eyes were unblinking as she said it, her fists clenched till her knuckles turned white. Alpha Morales watched her for a couple more minutes, then burst into mocking laughter, his hands clapping as he shook his head. "I believe you are mistaken," he said once he calmed down, then pushed his fingers through his hair. "Mistaken?" "Definitely," he said again, laughing. "Perhaps you haven't lived with us. But you need to know that the Luna...is my mate." She swallowed hard, then took a step forward, reaching him. Her eyes met his in a sort of challenge. He could scent her again. The deep essence of musk and a tinge of vanilla. He looked up to her eyes, then to the mark on her neck. Now he knew he had left that mark there. Because for some inexplicable reason, he felt like leaving another mark even now. "I haven't lived with the wolves long enough, but I know...that wolves do not go around marking other wolves that are not their mates." "What are you trying to imply?" His voice was husky, dark. "You marked me, Alpha. Now you have to make me your mate too. I own your mark, and I will own your mate bond." A priestess ran through the short door that led to the grand priestess's private sanctuary, then immediately gave a small bow. "Grand priestess Meghan, we have a problem." Meghan turned, her brows immediately furrowed. She was still annoyed by how last night had gone, and she hoped she wouldn't have to deal with one more act of foolishness. "What is it?" "The priestess apprentice you kicked out of the temple yesterday...she has asked alpha Morales to take her as his mate." Meghan let go of the bowl she was holding, her eyes squinting as it clattered to the ground. "Is this true?" She asked, turning to face the other woman. "Yes, grand priestess. I saw it when I was coming back. They were in the pack house." Meghan's eyes roamed the entire place, her gaze darkening as she assimilated the new information. "How dare she?"
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