As Your Own

1162 Words
Hailey moved closer, her face by now a mess of tears. "Grand priestess, please. I don't care if you have me do more than I normally should, I don't care if you punish me anyway you wish, just please. Don't take this away from me. Please." Alpha Morales tilted his head to the side, watching the drama unfold. His eyes struggled to come to a close and he felt the onsets of a headache. The grand priestess said nothing, but slowly backed away. The other priestesses immediately backed away too, all following behind her. Hailey turned, now desperate. She immediately stood, running after them. None stopped, and they only briefly gave Alpha Morales a curt nod, before they walked past him. He said nothing as Hailey ran too, coming up to him. By now she knew it was useless, and she stopped, her hand going to hair, her eyes wide with realization. She had lost everything. How would she go back to being an omega when she has never even lived with the other wolves? "What are you doing?" Alpha Morales asked, blinking slowly. His voice was now a slow drawl, his eyes almost sleepy. She turned to him, her brows furrowing. "Why did you do this? How could you do this?" He tilted his head to the side, like he didn't quite understand what she was saying. "Alpha?" Beta Nico suddenly said, running to Alpha Morales. He held him up, letting him rest on his shoulder. He was much taller, but he couldn't hold himself up anyway. "Wait. Is he...drunk?" Beta Nico looked up at Hailey, then to Alpha Morales. "Who are you?" Her eyes pooled with fresh tears again as she watched alpha Morales's eyes slowly drift to a close. "Please no." She uttered, her hands trembling. Beta Nico said nothing, as simply turned away, pulling Alpha Morales with him. Hailey stood there, watching as he left with the remaining crumbs of her life. Slowly, she fell to the ground in a pool of the cotton white dress, her hair falling in front of her, her heart shattering with every second that went by. Beta Nico tucked alpha Morales in, his eyes thin as he watched the alpha's closed eyes. "You always get drunk on this day. It's been five years, Alpha." Alpha Morales gave a small groan and turned on his side, his hand dangling off the side of the bed. Beta Nico adjusted it, then slowly turned away, closing the door behind him. "Who is this?" A black haired girl said, her brows raising once Hailey walked into the pack house. Hailey bit down on her lips. She had nowhere to even spend the night, nowhere to seek refuge away from everyone. She swallowed and said nothing, clenching fistfuls of her dress in her hands. "Hey. Who are you?" The girl said again, coming over to stop Hailey. Hailey looked up, sucking in the bottom lip. "I..I am a new omega." It sounded foreign. She always identified as a priestess. She was a priestess in her blood. "What's with the dress?" The girl said again, laughing. Hailey said nothing as she pushed past her, her head down. She navigated through the endless rows of omegas, small beds and little pups, and found a small empty corner. Slowly, she lowered herself in to the corner, her knee drawn to herself as she rested her head on it, tears starting to fill her eyes again. Alpha Morales walked slowly, his eyes scanning the entire pack house. He normally went round the pack to inspect it himself every morning, and mostly make the changes where he needed to. His eyes thinned as he watched it, his lips showing just what he thought of the place. "This place is run down." "We were going to submit a proposal to..." "Start immediately on it. We are having a few dignitaries over from the other packs. This is a disgrace." Beta Nico immediately nodded, and they started to walk away, Alpha Morales's eyes thinning at the building once more. Hailey stood by the small window, watching nothing in particular. Everything seemed a little too foreign, a little different. She was used to immediately washing herself off at the waterfall, then prayers. The thanksgiving was always before breakfast. She swallowed, and started to walk away before she suddenly felt someone pull at her dress, causing the off shoulder to give way, tearing up the material at her side. She gave a loud yelp, as she held the cloth in place, her eyes wide. "A new omega, huh?" The girl who she had come to know was named Ruth said, her hand on her waist. "What..what do you want?" "You should have told us you were a priestess. Expelled for being a little whore." Hailey swallowed, moving backwards. "I did nothing of such." "Oh, you didn't? It's everywhere now. You were expelled on the day you should have been anointed. What sort of disgrace is that? How horny could you have been?" "I did nothing of such!" She yelled, then pushed at Ruth, as she tried to get away. But the girl was stronger, and she caught her hair just before she got to the small door. She yelped as she was drawn back, feeling her scalp burst in flames of pain. She managed to turn and force the other girl to release her hair, but the force sent her falling backwards, her eyes wide as she suddenly fell into someone else. For a while, everything went suddenly quiet, the strong hand on her waist, the scent from last night filling her senses. Slowly she opened her tear filled eyes and turned to the man. Alpha Morales had his eyes thinned and cold as he watched her, the ice in his eyes betraying nothing at all. Not even a flicker of recognition passed his face as he watched her. "A..alpha." "What are you doing?" Ruth swallowed nervously. "I was..." "Take care of her," he said to Nico, who immediately escorted Ruth away to the discipline room. Alpha Morales slowly let go of Hailey, and she stood on her own, her hand on her dress, her hair falling in her face. With a small sigh, he removed his jacket and wrapped it around her. She looked up, her heart filling with anger like she has never felt. Her life had gone downhill all because of him and now he had the guts to come here and act like a hero? Before she could think it over, she covered the small distance he had put between them, and raised her hand, slapping him across his right cheek. Alpha Morales's face swerved to the right, his eyes wide, his hand protectively coming up to his cheek. "How dare you, alpha?" The entire pack house was silent by now, each watching with wide eyes at what should have been a gratitude galore. "How dare you mark me as your own?!"
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