Chapter 10

998 Words
Elijah's Point of View I frown at my mother and shake my head after she explained to me what Kathryn wants. "No, why would I want to agree to this? Why can't I see them both?" My mother sighs. "Come on Elijah, don't make this difficult. She is giving you a chance to get to know your son. Don't you want that?" "Of course I do. I'd love to get to know him. But I also want to spend time with her." "I know, but she is asking you for some time. Just respect her wishes and wait until she is ready to come to you, in the long run this will help your case." "Will it?" I ask skeptically. My mother nods. "Of course it will. This will show her that you care about what she wants. She needs to realize and see it for herself that you care about her and the things that she wants or needs." I sigh and run my hand through my hair. "Okay fine. I'll give her time, atleast she's allowing me to see our son. I guess that's better than nothing, right? When can I see him?" I ask feeling a little excited. My mother was right, eventhough I can't see her I can get to know our son. That would do for now. "Right. It's up to you. She wasn't sure if you'd go along with it so she didn't give a specific day. You can decide when you want to see him, and then I'll just let her know so she can bring him over." "And what if I wanted to see him everyday? Would she allow that?" "I'll ask her, but I'm sure that it would be fine. So do you want me to call her and make arrangements?" I nod. "Yes please." My mother nods and picks up her phone. "And mom?" She looks at me. "Yes?" "Tell her I'll give her some space like she asked. But I'm not giving up on her, or us. I'm going to keep on pursuing her." My mother smiles at me and pats my hand. "I will and thank you. She'll come around you'll see." ----------------------- Kathryn's Point of View "And he's sure he wants to see him everyday?" I ask Heather just to confirm. "Yes dear, he wants to spend as much time with him as possible." I nod, eventhough I know she can't see me through the phone. "Okay then. I will bring him over to yours from tomorrow at around 8. And then I'll pick him up at around 4 after I get back from school." "That's perfect. Thank you dear." I can hear the smile in her voice. "Of course, and I have to thank you." "No need. I'm happy to help. Oh and one more thing.." She hesitates and I frown. "Yes? What is it?" "Elijah asked me to tell you something." "Okay?" "He said that he'd give you some space, but that you should know he's not giving up on you." I open my mouth to respomd but close it again, not knowing what to say to that. I sigh. "Goodbye Heather, I'll see you tomorrow." "Goodbye dear." I hang up and look down at the phone in my hand for a while, thinking over her words before shaking my head and heading into the living room where Colton is playing in his ballpit. "Well sweetie, it seems your daddy wants to get to know you after all. Tomorrow you're going to grandma's to play with him. Won't that be nice?" I say to Colton as I brush his hair from his forehead. He smiles at me and hands me a ball. "Mommy, play" I smile at him. "Fine, Mommy will play with you for a little while but then I have to go make us some food yeah?" Colton smiles at me and nods before he continues to play with his toys in the pit. I look at my little boy playing. I really hope tomorrow goes well. At this point he hasn't really asked about his father but I know at some point he will. Atleast it seems that his father wants him in his life. He wants you too, a little voice in my head pipes up and I frown. I don't really know what to think or how to feel about all of this. I don't understand how he doesn't seem to remember what he said. It doesn't make any sense to me that he suddenly wants us in his life. I know Amy and Heather believe him when he says that he didn't do any of those things. But then who would? What would they gain from trying to keep us apart and to make me hate him? Suddenly a name pops into my head. Rachel. I don't know why I haven't thought about her before. I knew she had feelings for him, and she's a real b***h. And with me out of the picture she could probably have a go at him. But isn't this a bit far? Even for her this would be extremely mean. Is she the one behind the messages? But what about the picture? She was half naked in bed with him, both of them wrapped around each other, they clearly where together then. I sigh and shake my head. Maybe Heather and Amy is right. I need to speak to Elijah to understand what is going on. I owe it to our son to try and sort things out with his father. I don't want him growing up with parents who are constantly bickering. I kiss Colton on the head before I stand up to go get lunch ready. I need to work things out for myself. The sooner I get that done, the sooner I can face Elijah and sort all of that out. And then when everything is sorted we can talk and maybe see where things go from there.
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