Chapter 21: Reason of his coldness

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A month later: It's been a month since Taehyung lived in Jungkook's mansion, and it's been a month too, since  working for Jeon's Corps.  Taehyung was kind and his colleagues respected him.  He became close to them and even Jungkook's treatment of them gradually changed. "Mr. Jeon, you have a meeting with Mr. Park at 2 pm. And also Mr. Caden will arrive at 5 pm from Irelnad." Taehyung said. "Oh god, please remind me why do i need to meet this people,baby?" Jungkook said,clutchinghis nose in annoyance. And massaging his temple. Taehyung smile at him then walk closer to his boyfriend, standing in his back and put his both hands on Jungkook foregead and gently massage it. Jungkook close his eyes, feeling the magical touch of Taehyung. "Better now,Kookie?" Taehyung ask. "Much better,baby. Thank you." Jungkook smile then focus hi eyes on his laptop. "Baby,be ready tonight. I'll bring you somewhere,okay?" He added, tilting his head towards the brunette who was still standing in his back. Taehyung hum in replies. Suddenly, Jungkook stop on what he was doing and turn to face Taehyung. "Meeting with Park?" He ask, brow knitted. "Yes, ahm Mr. Park Bo- "s**t! Cancel it!" Jungkook said, voice in a bit loud. "But,Kookie...its been a week that he- Jungkook slam his hands on tge table and Taehyung flinch, "I said cancel it! Do i need to repeat myself Mr. Kim?" His voice in raucous. "Ye-yes koo-Mr. Jeon." H replied in tremulous voice. Jungkook suddenly feel guilty on his action, seeing the boy trembling in fear. Its tye very first time that he shouted Taehyung in his office. He close his eyes, took a deep breath and slowly walk towards the scared boy, but Taehyung flinch when Jungkook tried to touch him,he back away a little hanging his head down. "Im sorry baby, i didn't mean to shout on you. Sorry baby,please" Jungkook said in a small voice. "Its okay Mr. Jeon." Taehyung replied, when he raised his head. "I'll go first,i have work. Please,excuse me Mr. Jeon" he then added and turn his back to the young ceo. He enter his cubicle and focus his blurry eyes on the screen of his laptop. He bit his lower lips to prevent his sobbing. He wipes the tear in the corner of his eyes with the back of his hand. He close his eyes then took a deep breath and focus on his work, but mind is wondering why Jungkook is so mad everytime the name of Park Bogum mentioned. While Jungkook just look at his boyfriend back who walk away from him. He regrets why he piled up his anger on his boyfriend. He bowled his fist while biting his inner cheeks. He wants to talk to Taehyung but instead he walk to his sit,lean his back and face the window where he can clearly see the scenery outside. Flashback: Jungkook and Bogum are childhood friends, a long with Namjoon. They treat each others as brothers. Jungkook and Bogum goes to same univeristy and both are very active in every sports and they are rival in their studies but this doesn't became a reason to break their friendship. Everyone in their campus knows about how close this two, and they thought that no one can break their closeness. When a new student transfers to their university, both become close to her. Until at the middle of the year, Jungkook confess to her. And Lisa really have a feelings to Jungkook since the first time she saw the guy. Jungkook told Bogum about his relationship to Lisa and the other congratulated him but deep in his heart, he was burning in jealousy. And everything change when suddenly Jungkook was sent by his father to attend a week meeting in Ireland,he's just 18 at that time but he was already a ceo of their company. "Baby, i will miss you." Lisa said, running his fingers to Jungkook chest. "Lis, its only a week. I really need to go. Its a important meeting. Besides,Bogum is also at the university. If something or someone gives tou trouble,let him know,okay baby?" Jungkook says,kissing his girlfriend forehead then to her lips. "Park, please take care of Lisa." Jungkook stated.  "I'll call you when i reach there,okay baby?" Looking at his girlfriend who was sobbing,hugging him tightly. "I love you,baby." Lisa whispered and they both kissed. Jungkook breaks the kiss and smile to her. "I love you too,babe. Its time,i'll need to go. Take care both of you." He said,waving his hands to them. "aist ... I miss him, Bogs."  said Lisa depressingly.  "Lisa, it's just two days since he left, and besides, you talk every day on the video call."  Bogum says trying his best to hides the jealousy he feels.  Lisa looked up and gazed at the shady sky.  "Let's go to the bar, Bogs. It's just  to relieve my sadness at least for a while."  She said with a pleading eyes.  Bogum smiled at the girl and then helped her stand up.  "Okay, let's go."  Bogum said cheerfully and in a flash they were at the bar.  Soon Lisa was feeling dizzy, because of the amount she had been drinking. "Lisa, you're drunk. I'll take you home."  worried, Bogum said. "Aist !!! don't be in a hurry, Bogum."  lisa said, stomping her feet.  SHe forced himself to stand up, approached the young man. Bogum stared into her eyes and he gulp,feeling the closeness of their faces. Lisa even brought the body closer until they were already touching.  Lisa smiled as she felt Bogum's hard c**k.  "Lisa ..." "shhh ... I know you have feelings for me, Park. I can see the anger and jealousy in your eyes every time Jungkook and I are together."  Lisa says flirting with her boyfriend's bestfriend.  Bogum moaned softly as he felt Lisa's touch between his thighs. He cant control anymore, he smashed the soft lips of Lisa and they were both lost in their world. The next thing they know is both of them walk up in Lisa's room, fully naked,still hugging each other. Lisa was awaken her phone, and she look at it. A video call from Jungkook. He slowly detached Bogum's arms that was in his waist and slowly get up from the bed, putting her robe and enters the bathroom. "Goodmorning,baby. I miss yo so much,baby." She said. "I miss you too, and i have a surprised babe." Jungkook said, full of excitement in his voice. "What is it,baby. Im excited." Lisa giggled. "Open your door, and you will you,babe." Then the call ended. Lisa brows raised a bit, look at her phone. He get out from the bathroom then take a glance to Bogum who was still asleep, walk out from her room and opens the door. "I miss you babe!" Jungkook said,hugging her. His smile drop when he notice girlfriend not responding to his hug. "Babe, are you not happy to see me?" Jungkook pouted. "Ah..i am..i am happy?" Lisa said,stuttering on her words then he look at his room direction. "I thought you-- "Oh, i got the deal and thankfully i was able to come back early,baby." Jubgkook explained, "Are we gonna just stand here? Come on,babe....i miss you so much." Jungkook said,dragging her girlfriend inside. Lisa doesn't know what to do, her body is not cooperating at this moment. Jungkook arrive at his apartment when she and Bogum are.... "Baby,whats wrong?  Dont you miss me?" The boy ask, kissing his girlfriend neck. Lisa let a soft moan,feeling his boyfriends hot breath touching his skin. "Lisa why---Jung..Jungkook?" Jungkook was shock to just waht he saw, and to Lisa's surprised, he pushed Jungkook away. Jungkook looked at the two, his eyebrows furrowed, at the look of his best friend.  Even though he was confused, he was still able to ask them, even though he already knew what had happened.  "What did...... is not ... why?"  He  said, not knowing what correct word he should use.  "Babe, let me explain. Please."  Lisa said, with tears in her eyes, and even though she was trembling, she tried to calm herself.  While Bogum is like a statue standing at the door, he does not have the courage to say anything. He feels his throat become dry, and his conscience is wrapped up in his betrayal of his friend.  "explain? is there anything more clear than what I just saw, lis? Is there any other way to explain so that I don't get hurt ?! Damn it, Lis! I only asked for a week, lis ... but you.....When are you too start  fooling me,huh?!"  He said ingravelly voice . His whole body trembled with rage.  "Park, I told you to look after her for me, I didn't tell you to touch her! You know how much I love Lisa, I entrusted her to you because you are my best friend! But what did you do behind my back ?!" He said,letting  the restrained tears flowed. A few minutes of silence between the three of them. Only Lisa's sobs could be heard. "Jungkook, im sorry.  we were just carried away by the lust of our body.  I didn't mean to hurt you, sorry." Bogum explained in a small voice. Jungkook stared at his friend, full of anger. He walked closer to the door to stop, "From today, I cut off any connection we have.  And may our paths never cross." Jungkook's mood was heavy and full of anger, he knocked down the door of his car loudly when he entered.  He started immediately and then drove very fast, as if it were flying.  He ignored the vehicles he was passing until he lost control and the car he was driving collided with a ten-wheeler truck. He woke up feeling a severe headache and it almost screamed. "Kook,are you okay?" Namjoon ask with concern. "Hyung... "Its okay. Thank god you woke up already." Jungkook frowned and look around him. He just now notice that he was in hospital. "But wha-- "Oh god,finally you woke up,Jungkook. You scared us know." Jin said,running towards the younger and hug him,trying to control his sobbing. "How many days,hyung?" He ask confused. Jin slightly smack the younger head, "Hyung..." "What do you mean days,you i***t! You've been in coma for 6 months! Damn it, jungkook!" Jin  said in a croaky voice.
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