Chapter 8: The CEO's Confession

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A month ago, and that month was arguably the happiest day of Taehyung and Jungkook's life.  They became especially close to each other and their closeness was not hidden from the knowledge of those close to them.  It has become jungkook's habit to drop and pick Taehyung to his university.  And the young man at the school became very sensitive because of this.  And it is also not hidden from Jungkook, because every day that god did, he assigned someone to watch over the Tqehyung without his knowledge. Monday when Jungkook drop  Taehyung again at the university. And just at the gate,whispers can be heard again. Jungkook got out of the car and opened the door to help the young man get out.  He bent down to get out of the car and fear to see the eyes judging him. Jungkook touched his chin to look it in the eyes, he smiled and nodded,"Ignore them, okay? You did nothing wrong."  He smiled and was accampanied to its room, holding his waist. "Taehyung!"  A shout from behind him and when they looked back it made him smile to see Jimin, his bestfriend.  He sighed and clung to the two and frowned as he looked at the hand around the waist of the other. "Jungkook, thanks for the dropping me again. Let's go chim, we might get late" He said and removed the hand that was on his waist.  "Hey, do you have any plans to introduce me to your boyfriend, Kim Taehyung?"  teasing his bestfriend. "Park f*****g Jimmin! he's not my boyfriend. You're embarrassing me, don't be like that."  he said shyly. "sorry mr.jeon, my friend is really crazy."  he said and bowed. "No problem, Taehyung. And didn't I tell you, just call me jungkook? Maybe you want to be punished?"  he said with a mixture of teasing.  He blushed at what the older young man had said. "After all, you don't want to introduce me, so I'll just introduce myself. Mr. Jeon, Park Jimin ... this crazy's bestfriend."  he said and held out his palm to shake hands. Jungkook smiled and those around them shouted.  Astonished, the three of them turned away.  "wow, mr.jeon knows how to smile."  said one. "She's handsome, especially when she smiles." They again ignored it and separated their ways. Jungkook to his office while the two to their respective rooms. Both are giggling and Jimin teasing the other. As soon as Jungkook arrived at his office, he found his father sitting and pretending to be deep in thought. "You're late?"  he said when he heard the door open.  He sat down in his chair and started to open his laptop to see if these were emails.  "How are you looking for someone who can give me a grandson?"  the old man said gently. He stopped and looked at the old man sitting in front of him and turned his eyes again to his laptop. "One year Jungkook, just one year and when he gives you a child you can divorce him."  he said.  Shivering, Jungkook while listening to the old man.  He stood walking towards the glass window, staring outside.  Closed his eyes, took a deep breath to calm himself.  Opened his eyes again and faced his father.  "I will get married but no contract will be signed. At this point, listen to me! From the moment I think about it, I have done nothing but obey you, I have no freedom to do what I want. You always have!"  He said with a trembling voice and tried to control his anger. The old man was shocked by what he said, "for the first time, you also spoke. But I will still be the one to be obeyed, wether you like it or not, I will find you who can give your heir!"  the old man shouted and then slammed the door shut.  Due to its extreme falit, he pounded on his desk and his hand bled, but he did it again and again.  His secretary enters the office when he hears a crash and is surprised to see his boss's hand bleeding.  "mr. jeon ..." "OUT"  he shouted and the woman came out in a panic.  Just when she got out, he even heard a noise from inside the office, and confusedly called his boss's brothers.  "goodmorning sir, its mr.jeon please, in his office."  She said not knowing what she really want to say. "Why what happen?!" said the person on the other line.  She recounted the old man's visit and his brother hurried to the office.  A few minutes passed and it came, entered and surprised at the appearance of his brother.  He approached in a panic and told the secretary to get the medical kit.  A few more minutes passed when Hoseok arrived and was depressed to see his younger brother's face.  As Yoongi takes care of its wounds, Hoseok calls an office cleaner and they help their brother in his secret room connected to the office. "Calm down kook, You can tell me what happened?"  worried question of his older brother.  He did not answer, but closed his eyes, and his brothers just let him. "You take care of him first and I have something important to do."  yoongi ordered the other one. Hoseok looked at him, "Are you going to that old s**t??"  he asked even though he already knew where the brother was going.  He tapped his brother on the shoulder then left the room. Jungkook woke up when he heard the door open, he slowly opened his eyes and saw his brother carrying a tray and laid it on the small table next to the bed.  "Hyung, what time is it?"  its a ask.  "almost 12, you slept less than two hours. what happened?"  worried its question.  He sat on the side of the bed and waited for the brother to speak.  "about the contract hyung."  He replied and recounted their little quarrel with their father. His brother sighed and tapped him on the shoulder, "Do what makes you happy, kook. Yoongi and me will always be by your side. We will support you." he said with a smile.  "thank you hyung."  he said softly and smiled. A few hours pass and said goodbye but again reminded him about tonight.  After taking the medicine hir brother brought, he adjusted herself and left the room.  His office was fine when he saw it.  He sighed and then started the work he had left behind. Yoongi's Pov: They are not blood relatives, but he considers Jungkook and Hoseok to be his brothers.  He is the oldest of the three and since he met them he has imprinted in his mind that he will always support and defend anyone.  He drove fast to get to the old mansion.  When he entered the mansion he saw a woman sitting on its thigh, he stared at the two and pretended to cough to turn their attention to him.  The old man smiled sarcastically and invited the young man to sit down.  "I won't be long either, I just want to tell you to let go of Jungkook. He has a mind and let him do the things he wants."  He said as if he wanted to swallow the old man completely.  The old man frowned and pushed the woman sitting on his thigh and it fell to the floor.  The woman fell to the ground.  "And who are you to say that to me? Maybe you forgot, you're not a JEON!" He said angrily. "Yes I am not Jeon and I am very grateful because of that! Remember this, no matter what happens I will never allow you to steal my brother's happiness!"  He  shouted and hurried out of the mansion.  He breathed a sigh of relief as he was already in the car. He called his younger brother to say hello, and said he would visit his casino. Time skip: While Taehyung was busy with his art class, he was surprised when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He raised his head and frowned as he looked at the man he had just seen. "is there a problem?" He ask,emotionless.   "Can I take you home later?"  The other answered.  Taehyung raised his right eyebrow and glanced at the man's hand that was still resting on his shoulder.  "Can you remove your hand from my shoulder if you don't want to break me your arm ?!"  its restraint.  This is one of the things he hates most, the one who holds him especially if he does not know it.  "sorry."  said the man and removed his hand from his shoulder and pocketed it. "And one more thing, I do not talk to strangers, so can you stay away from me."  He stated,feeling irritated "Stranger? Kim Taehyung, we have been in the same class for almost half a year."  its sarcastic utterance. Out of annoyance, Taehyung stood up and faced him, "I don't care even if we've been together for a few years in a room, when I say I don't know you, no! And when I say you're a stranger, it means you're a stranger! Can you just f**k up and let me go!"  his face flushed with anger.  The whole class turned to him.  they wonder what happened and for the first time, they see it explode in anger.  Others were amazed at the behavior he showed today, because for them the Taehyung they saw from the first day of their school was a quiet and shy student.  Does not care about the world and the only thing that matters to him is his work and study. Embarrassed, the man simply left and returned to his seat.  Taehyung took a deep breath and sat down, then he noticed those eyes that are looking at him.  He just ignored it and focused his eyes on the outside of the window. He was thinking deeply when the bell rang indicating their lunch break.  He arranged his belongings and walked to the canteen. After taking some food, he sat down at the table at the far end.  He just sighed when he saw his bestfriend approaching, he smiled until he sat in front of him.  "I heard you exploded? What happened?"  he asked immediately before eating.  Taehyung just shrugged his shoulders at his friend and continued eating.  Quietly, no one speaks to them until they finish.  Taehyung immediately said goodbye to his friend and went to the library.  Even though Jimin was surprised, he just let his friend go to his class. And to tell that Taehyung was so pissed when he heard the rumors about him, and thats the reason why he is not in the mood today.  "Mr. Jeon is his sugar daddy!" "That's why he can afford to study at this school."  "What's wrong with him and did the young ceo like him?"  "he's a slut!  w***e!  gold digger! " He heard all this when he was in the bathroom,this morning. He was depressed by the accusations against him. He wanted to cry and shout, to alleviate the anger inside him. He sighed and looked at the time.  He noticed that he had been sitting in the library for almost four hours, fortunately he had no class.  He arranged his belongings and it came out.  He walks to the gate to go home and just ignores everything he hears around him.  He was just surprised when someone grabbed his hand and he was about to strike it when he noticed Jimin. "You scared me chim!"  he said in shock, holding his chest as if it would explode with nervousness.  His friend laughed at its appearance and accompanied it on the walk.  "Is there a problem Tae? I'm your friend Tae, anything you can tell me."  he said calmly as he walked.  Taehyung stopped and looked at the friend.  Jimin was in tears when he saw him with tears beaming to fall from his eyes,so he hugged him and then tears flowed earlier when his friend stopped him.  This child is sobbing on his bestfriend's shoulder.  "What happened?"  he asked anxiously as he caressed his friend's back.  Taehyung took a deep breath and broke off his embrace, wiped away the tears and then smiled, a smile that evoked sadness.  As he walked, Taehyung recounted everything he had heard at the university, the friend was irritated by what he had heard.  It felt sorry for the poor friend for what he was going through. He drop him to his apartment and went home. There was sadness in Taehyung's eyes as he looked around his apartment and remembered the happy day he had with his whole family.  Days that gave him the resilience and courage to live.  He was depressed and knelt on the floor and let tears flow down his cheeks. He cried and cried until he felt that his tears were gone.  Even though his foot was numb from the long knee, he still stood up.  He went to his room and prepared for his work at the gas station.  "You can do this,Tae."  he said to himself.  He took another deep breath and left the apartment and went to work.  Even if the body is tired he ignores it, he has to work for himself.  "Taehyung."  He looked at it and he smiled when he saw the older cousin.  He approached and hugged him harshly as if they had not met in a  long tume. "Hyung, I can't breathe." "oh sorry. i miss you Tae."  smiling, removing the hug from the young man.   "hyung, we just meet ah, do you miss me right away?"  another joke.  His cousin sniffed it and laughed.  "Tae, can we have talk?" He said seriously after calming down with laughter. "Is there a problem hyung?" He ask with concern voice.  He smiled and stroked his cousin's face.  "I know you will not agree but I hope you consider it tonwhat will i say, babybear."  he said calmly.  "Stay at home, with me and your namjoon hyung, please baby. please."  he added begging.  Taehyung is silent on what Jin hyung said.  He just smiled and said he would think about it.  Jin felt hope for what the young man said and hoped he would agree. His duty ended and he was taken to his apartment.  he invited him in and they talked for a few hours until his cousin said goodbye to him.  He thought carefully about what was said to him, until he could make a decision.  He slept soundly and when he woke up the sun was high. Fortunately, his class will be at  afternoon.  He heared the noise outside his room, even though he was nervous, he calmly opened the door of his room and was very careful not to make any noise.  He was shocked to see a man standing in the kitchen, facing the stove.  He watched it and was surprised to know who the man behind him was.  "Jungkook?"  He whispered to itself.  He hurried into her bathroom and cleaned herself before walking to the kitchen.  "And who told you that you can tamper with my kitchen, Mr. Jeon ?!"  there was anger in his voice.  The young man was even surprised when he suddenly spoke, but he smiled, "I'm sorry, I want to get you back because I didn't pick you up yesterday."  its calm answer. Taehyung frowned and took hold of it.  He pushed him out of the kitchen, and the poor ceo wondered at the young man's sudden cold treatment of him.  They were in the living room when Taehyung said he could leave.  Even though confused, the young ceo was still able to ask questions.  "Do we have a problem, Taehyung?"  he asked with a raised eyebrow.  Taehyung looked at him sharply before speaking.  "Mr. Jeon, we have none. And please, go !."  He says holding back tears. "What's the matter baby, I thought we were okay. You forgave me. Why are you driving me away?"  he said as his voice growled.  Taehyung turned around and took a deep breath, trying to stop his tears from flowing.  Even though he was hurt by his cold treatment of the young ceo, he was foolish to drive him away.  "Mr. Je --- he could not continue what he was going to say when he felt the strong arm in his small waist. He closed his eyes when he felt electricity flow through his whole body. "Please, do not drive me away, please,baby.  God knows how much I love you, I can not live without you with me.  please baby. "he said with a plea. Taehyung was surprised and could not speak to what he heard from the young man. "Does he admit that he loves me?  that he loves me? " he whispered to himself. he felt a thrill and smiled to himself. "slut" " w***e " " gold digger " And again,all this words came to his mind that triggered him. He shook his head to let those words sink and disappear to his mind,but nothing happens. The young CEO notice this and detached the hug from the younger one and face him. He cupped his face with his both hands and caressing the smooth cheeks using his thumb. His heart clench when he notice the tears beaming to fall from the others eyes. He hug him then carry him in bridal and younger arms are in the ceo's neck,head in the chest, he  sit him in his lap when they reach the couch.  No words have spoken between them, only their hearts feels what others feel and thats enough for them to know how they really love each other. After a while, Jungkook heard a weak snoring and he smiled when he saw that the young man was asleep.  He picked him up and carried it to the bedroom, gently laid it on the bed and covered it with a blanket.  He watches her gentle face, the eyes even closed still bring beauty, the sharp nose that looks molded to perfection.  lips with softness.  He stroked the Taehyung face and kissed his forehead before stepping, but it stopped when he felt someone holding the hem of his coat.  "Don't leave me, please."  Taehyung said with his eyes closed.  The young ceo smiled and took off his coat and lay down next to him.  He put his left arm around his waist and pulled him closer.
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