Chapter 7: Jealousy

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Taehyung froze after hearing what the other whisper. He doesn't seem notice those students looking at him and whispering about what just happen. All he knows is that one day, he applied for marrying the CEO,the other day he's brother died and he locked his self in his apartment. The nextvthing happen is he woke up at Jungkook's mansion and now he was drop by to his university with the famous CEO. He shake his head and turn back just to see that the guy is no longer around. He take a deep sigh and walk inside when he heard someone calls him. A familliar voice that he misses too. "Kim f*****g Taehyung!!!!" He smiles when he saw his bestfriend running towards him and engulf him in a tight hug causing him to stumble a little but balances his feet to not fall back. "Yah!" Jimin mumbled after breaking the hug. "How dare you not to tell me what happened? You know i was dead worried about you when i heard the news. Im sorry Tae im not with you then." He added. "Sorry Chim, i just really want to be alone. But look im fine now." Taehyung said and walk toward their classroom. Upon entering their room,eyes darted to them,more on to him. He shrug his shoulder and ignore those eyes that following him, and walk to his sit where is located near the window,and his friend beside him. He stop flipping the page of his book when on of the student talk. "Hey, Taehyungie, how did you know the hot CEO?" He raised his head just to be met by silence surrounds him waiting for him to answer back. He look at his side,where his friend furrowed his eyebrows. "He's a friend of mine." He nonchalantly said, and in a blink of an eye he was surrounded and was bombed with questions. Then the door slam and he sigh. Save by the professor "You have so much to explain later." He heard Jimin whisper. Class started and goes on but he's mind was totally occupied by someone. "I'll pick you later,send me message after your class." "Oh holy s**t!" "Mr. Kim, i supposed you have a good explanation with that?" The professor blurted. He hung his head after apologising. "I dont tolerate something like that,meet me at my office after class." By that the bell rings indicating its lunch break. "So,care to explain what this about the ceo?" His friend started upon sitting and digging his food shoving to his mouth. Taehyung doesn't know where or how he should start. He just keep his mouth shut and start his food, Jimin look at him upset by not telling him anything. "Im your friend Tae, you can tell me what was going on." He mumbled after finishing his food. Taehyung look at him,unsure to what he would say. But then, his friend give him an assurance smile thats it will be okay. He take a deep breath and narrated to his friend. "Holy...what? My god Tae,seriously?" Jimin was beyond shock hearing the whole story. "Yeah..." He whisper under his mouth. "So, you're gonna message him after and date him?" Jimin teases the other with a smirk. Taehyung gasp. "Oh god, chim." He panic. To tell that his friend panic and he's confuse on to what reason. "Why?" Jimin ask in confusion. "I dont have a phone,chim." Taehyung was beyond embarrassed saying this tonhis friend. "What? Wheres your phone?" Jimin whisper shouted. "Its broke,i throw it when." Tae admitted shyly,blush to his cheeks. Jimin chuckle, and the other glared at him. "You're such a baby, tae." He stated,ruffling the others hair. Bell rings that indicate break is done and they need to go to their class. Knock knock knoc "Come in." "Mr. Jeon, Mr. Kim Seokjin is here to meet you". His secretary said upon opening the door. "Let him." Jungkook said,standing from his sit,walking towards to the couch. "Hi hyung." "Hello Kook." Jin greeted and sit across the younger. "What you like to drink hyung?" "Just give me anything, kook. Im here to ask you something, by the way." Jungkook ask his secretary to bring two coffee with a dessert. "What is that.? "Its about Taehyung." Just hearing the boys name, Jungkook heart beats like crazy and it doesn't go unnoticed to the other. "How about him?" He said with a heart in his eyes. "I know what you feel about him, kook. I can see it on how you look at him and on how your mood brightens just hearing his name. I dont want anything but only his happiness, Kook. I know you understand what im talking about." Jin said with so much passion in his words. "I understand hyung. And--- "Come in." He was cut when he's secretary brings their coffee. "Dont worry hyung, i promise i will do everything to make him happy." Jungkook replied which made the other contented. "By the way,i drop him to his uni this morning." The older choke and the other gives him water. A moment after when he was calm,he raised his brows to the younger. "Drop him? How?" The older ask,still confused. Jungkook told him what happen yesterday,and Jin feel so sad about it. "So,you will pick him after his class?" He then stated. The younger hum then sip his coffee. "Yah! Jeon Jungkook!" To tell that the  younger was shock and spill the coffee at the floor. He look to the older farrowing his brows, and the older gets what he mean. "How can he message you? Did you forget that he doesn't have a phone? Oh my god kook,you were with me when he told it. Did you forget?" Jin said with disbelief on how the younger forget it. "Oh s**t!" Jungkook blurted and the other still looking at his shock face. Jungkook scratch his nape in embarrassment, and smile awkwardly to the other. "Sorry hyung,i really forgot. Oh god what should i do now." He said the last part just for his self. Jin giggled to the younger,seeing him got panic in a small details. "Are you really the JEON JUNGKOOK that everyone knows?" Jungkook looked at the other who was now laughing to him. "I cant believe you change in just a short of time,Kook." Jin commented. "Me too hyung." Jungkook replied. Then he look at his watch to see its almost time two. "I'll leave now, so you finish your work and you can pick boyfriend."  Jin teases the younger. The younger just laugh a little to the other. To tell that Jungkook is the known to be the most arrogant ceo, he always portray the looks of intimidating. He really doesnt care what others feels,all for him is to work his ass and make his campany more successful. He's step brothers, Hoseok and Yoongi are always there for him. They may not be their real brothers but they showered him the love that he needed,and always supports him. Yoongi, one of the most successful casino owner. Others know how cold he is to most people but his brothers knows how soft and lovable he is. Hoseok, also a successful business man and ceo of his own campany. He always brightens the mood of them and helps him too a lot when they were still kids. Despite of being a millionare and successful, Hoseok and Yoongi are single. To tell that they just had hook ups with some and not really in any relationship. Namjoon, he's one and only cousin and husband of Jin. They were the owner of one of the famous restaurants in seoul and having a branch in other countries too. Again he look at his watch and take his phone, and called someone. "Go to SNU and check about him." He said,voice in command. "Yes Mr. Jeon." "Call me after 30 minutes." Then he ended the call. Taehyung's Pov: It was now two its my vacant time and i still have to attend my art class,which is start at three so i still have time. I was sitting alone in the library, reading my books but cant understand even a single thing. My mind is a mess since this morning when i woke up. My heart beats so fast everytime he was near me,and butterflies seems dancing to my stomach everytime he calls me other nickname. Do i have a feelings for you? But i should hate you? Right? But my heart is longing for you. It was just a short time when i met you,yet this feelings is somewhat pulling me near you. What should i do? What are you doing to me, Mr. Jeon? I shook my head and focus again to my book. Library is where my favorite place with my brother. Oh how i missed Jake. How i missed the way he smile at me and enlighten my mood. If only i accept that offer from Mr. Jeon before,my brother is still with me. "Im sorry Mr. Kim,but you're not really for this. But i can pay for your brother's surgery." "Thank you but no thanks,sir. I would prefer to earn money for my brothers surgery. I may not be rich Mr. Jeon but im not a charity case either." "You sure? It would benifite you and your brother." "I may lack of class and status, Mr. Jeon, but i do have dignity and self respect. Thank you for you time Mr. Jeon. I'll be going now." Guilt arouse inside of me,remembering how i turned his offer. Hyung is really sorry.. I felt a wet in my cheeks then i realised im crying silently from my thoughts. I wipe my tears from the back of my palm,look atbtge watch that was hang at the wall. Its almost three and i gather my things,exit the library and walk to my art class. Jimin has another class, we are not in the same major. But still we  have some shared class. I enter the art class,and some students are already sitted. Busy to their own things, i walk to my sit and open my books when the professor enters. In the middle of the class discussion, the professor excuse his self for a while and step outside the room. I follow my gaze to him saw him talking to someone. I frown when they both look at my direction. Then the man nod his head,then left. The professor look at my direction again then start his lessons. I was confused to what they talk and why they look at me. I should not assume of anything but its really pretty obvious that they were talking about me. Not so long, when i heard a ruckus or whispers around me. I shrug my shoulder and ignore whatever it is,i focus my eyes to my books while listening to the person infront. I raised my head just to be met by the eyes of the other students directed to me. And there,i notice that even our professor look at me. I really hate this kind of staring, i hate gaining attention. I do really hate it. I look at them with a look of 'what the fact are you staring at?' with my brows knitted. A fake cough from the professor and we all give him our attention, but i can feel that theres someone looking at me like burning a hole to my side. I tilted my head to my right side then gasp and slam my hands to my mouth. Our eyes met, staring to each other for only god knows how long. And like we are alone,ignoring everything around us. I blink my eyes for how many times,thinking its just illusion, but reality hits me when i can really see him outside the room,standing at the door. 'What is he doing here?' I ask myself. My heart flutters seeing him here now, and i can feel the heat to my face and i know im blushing already.  I look away and focus to the person still talking,ignoring the ones who are standing at the door. Another 15 minutes has pass and the professor give us break for 10 minutes and excuse himself, walk towards to the CEO. A whispers and giggles can be heard,some girls fixing their cloths and showing some flirty smile towards the young ceo. I saw one of the girl walk closer to Jungkook, and lean a little closer and whisper something,and hell...i dont know why but i feel like i want to pull her hair and drag him at the corridor. "Yo...Tae you're healous" "No, im not" "Yes you are." "Damn it! I told you im not!" Slamming my hands to my table, not knowing i said it loud. "Im sorry." I apologised and start to walk to the door just to be grab by someone. "What the f**k!" I taunted,not looking who the f**k grab my hand. "Where are you going?" He whispered. I look at him and sway his hand, others gasp to my rude attitude towards the CEO. But who cares. Im mad. Im totally burning inside,for i dont really know why. I turn to him and patted his hands with my other hand. "The hell with you Mr. Jeon? Dont touch me!" And i walk outside not really knowing where to go. "Kim Taehyung!" He called but i ignored. Now students from other classes are outside their rooms, wondering what happen,some just ignored and some shows flirty actions to the young ceo. I continue walking when i heard another call that lead me to stop. A voice that brings shivers to my pine, and at the same time a voice that is full of command. "KIM TAEHYUNG!" It all happen so fast that i realised im sitting in a fancy restaurant with him. We stare at each others eyes, that no one want to back down. We look away when i heard another familiar voice coming towards us. "Hyung? What are you doing here?" I ask. Brows knitted in confusion. "....without hug baby bear?" Jin hyung pouted ignoring what i say. I show him my box smile and hug him. "I really miss you Taebaby." He said rubbing his hands at my back. "Me too hyung. Its been so long,and i really never think that we will meet again and--- "Im here too,hyung." Jungkook said a little pout form to his lips. I bit my lower lips to surpass my laugh. "What you wanna eat,its in the house." Jin said,sitting at the empty space beside me. I look at the menu and to be honest,my jaw drop in shock and amusement by how expensive the foods are. I feel like i really dont belong in this kind of society, i feel more small around this rich people, i can feel my palms sweating, and im really uncomfortable. I sigh and look at Jungkook which i regreted it when realised he is already staring at me. His eyes full of concern. "So,what you want Tae?" Jin ask again and i look at him which he already know what i feel and mean. He rub my back,and smiled. "I think i know what you want to eat already," he said and stand up. "Japchae." I will cook eat for you,i know you miss my food already." He said and walk towards the kitchen. And now,im all alone again with Jungkook. "Look Mr. Jeon,im really sorry for being rude to you a while ago." I said voice cracking to my nervousness. "No. I should be the one apologising Tae--- "No Mr. Je--- "Jungkook. Just Jungkook please." He said in a low but soothing voice. "O-okay Mr...oh sorry Jungkook. But why are you in the university today?" I ask fidgeting the hem of my shirt under the table. "Yeah, i told you this morning i'll pick you right. And i told you also that message me after your class,the i remember your phone was broken. So i called one of my men to look at you and told him to call me when he sees you." He replied,eyes still on me. I can feel my blood run to my cheeks and i know my face is like a red tomato now. I turn my head sideways, to avoid his eyes. And feels a thousand feel butterflies inside my stomach hearing him say that. I heard him chuckle and i glared at him. "Cute." "No im not." I pouted. "Yes you are. You're cute and very beautiful Tae." He said, holding my hands,rubbing his tumb to the back of my palm. I feel a thousand volts of electricity all over my body to his sudden action. And again, now im really blushing hard infront of him. I pull my hands and cover my face not to embarrass myself more. "Hey Jeon,what did you do to him?" Jin hyung ask bringing the food to our table.  "Mr. Jeo--- i mean Jungkook did not do anything hyung." I said. While eating, we talk and talk some random things, until i find myself become more comfortable around them specially Jungkook.
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