Chapter 23: Will You Marry me?

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Jungkook drove his car to where he set a special dinner with Taehyung. Its been so long for Jungkook to finally ask the brunette today. He made sure that this night will be the perfect night for both of them. "Where are we going, Kookie?" Taehyung ask Jungkook who was in focus of his driving. He glance a little bit at the brunette then squeeze the hands of other. "Where here baby, but stay here. I'll go first,okay." He peck a kiss to Taehyung's back hand and go out from his car. He walk at the passenger sit and open it. "Come on,baby." He said, leaning his hand forward to help the other,Taehyung smiled and reach the other hand. They walk not a bit far and Taehyung's mouth open wide, eyes bulging out of his head and his heart racing in pounder. "Oh my god, Kookie. Its...its so wonderful and oh god..." Taehyung can't say anything more, he just turn to face Jungkook with tear in eyes and hug him tightly. "Thank you" he whispered. "No. Thank you Taehyung. And i love you so much,baby." Jungkook replied.  Jungkook pull the chair and let Taehyung sit first. Taehyung giggles and thank him,showing his boxy smile. They start eating in silence, Jungkook sometimes lost in space due staring at the beautiful person infront of him. After they eat, they walk at the shore,holding hands. Watching the calm water that running to their feet's. Jungkook stop and Taehyung tilt his head, "I know,its been long enough since we met in a not sa please situation. And its been two months,that we are getting out,im not asking you now to be my boyfriend Taehyung--- "What?! YAH! JEON JUNGKOOK!!! If your not asking me to be your boyfriend,so what is this all about!" Taehyung said now eyes becoming blurry due his tears. Jungkook widen his eyes in disbelief, "Tae,baby listen....let me talk,yeah?" Taehyung nod,biting his lips. ".....coz i know or we both know how much we love each other. And now, to this very moment i want you to know that you are the only person i want to be by my side, i want to live with  you for the rest of my life. So, im advancing it into something...." Jungkook take a small purple box from his coat,kneels infront of Taehyung, staring in his eyes. While Taehyung's eyes are with tears, hands covering his mouth, and heart beating fast. "Will you marry me,Kim Taehyung?" Taehyung kept in silence, a silence thats almost five minutes. He stared to Jungkook eyes,studying every wordd that he had heard. To tell that Jungkook mind racing a mile in a minute, and heart beating quickly due Taehyung silence, hes pals start to sweat too. He can feel the glistering in his eyes. Please dont reject me,Tae. He said at the back of his head and closed his eyes,making his self for any rejection if ever. "Do you really want to marry me despite of all differences we have? You want tme to be qith you for the rest of your life despite of the agreement i had signed? Kook, i dont want to ruin this moment, but i do really need to know the truth. I know i should not bring this up now,but i cant help it." Taehyung said in all honesty. "I dont care about that damn contract anymore, we can disregard that and start a new beginning,baby. Please, Tae. I dont want anyone else,ONLY YOU." Taehyung nod, and Jungkook smiled widely,starting to teared up. He stand and gently pull the hand of Taehyung and put the ring on his ring finger. He hug hi fiance in tight and peppering a kiss to his face. "I love intoxicated by  you,baby." He whispered. They both kiss and reminisce this moment. Taehyung broke the kiss,he put his hand in the air, staring at the ring in his finger and smile. Jungkook watch him lovingly. "I really never thought this would happen. Thank you, Kookie."  As they say, life does not always go well. Even though Taehyung experienced severe hardships in life, and lost important people in Taehyung's life, he is very grateful, because there is a Jeon Jungkook who truly loves him at all his imperfections. Even if they say that they did not meet in a good way or situation, it did not hinder what they have at present. Jungkook's siblings were happy to know that he had finally offered his beloved marriage. Jin supports his cousin, and Jimin can hardly believe this news, he is very happy because his friend will finally be happy too. Jungkook's father also accepted it. Everyone in their family supported them. But fate can play a damn role in Taehung's life. A month after the marriage proposal, everything started to change. A day Taehyung never thought it would happen in his life. Taehyung's eyes were drowsy and his eyes were still closed as he caressed his boyfriend spot next to him, he opened his eyes and rubbed them with the back of his hands. He frowned and pout, wondered where Jungkook was. He slowly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. About half an hour later he came out of the bathroom, while choosing what to wear, the corner of his eye caught a piece of paper on the table. He read it smiling. Wearing simple clothes, a light purple long sleeve and a black slack, he look at his reflexion in the mirror. Then he go out from their room and walk to the dining room where he saw Mina preparing his breakfast.  Mina greeted him and Taehyung returned it with a very sweet smile. After eating he looked at his watch and then went out the door. Because he does not know how to drive, Yugyeom has become his personal driver. The two quickly got along and became friends. Yugyeom drive him to the office and when they were at the main entrance, Yugyeom bid goodbye. Taehyung nodded then entered the building with a smile and smiled back at those who greeted him. "What if Mr. Kim sees them? What can he do?" Taehyung heard a staff pass behind him. He stopped walking and then looked in the direction of the woman and her companion. Out of sheer curiosity he secretly followed them, heading to the department where Jimin works. To tell that those b***h still talking a little bit loud entering the bathroom, not noticing the brunette carefully hiding from them. "That's the real girlfriend of Mr. Jeon. She's the first love of him." He heard the woman says upon entering one of the empty compartment while the other enter the other. Taehyung stood infront of the compartments door to hear it clearly. "So..meaning Mr. Kim is just he's past time?" The other ask. Taehyung dont know what he should feel. He want to get out from there,but his mind's telling him to stay and listen to them. "Yes of course. Dont you know that Mr. Kim signed the contract?" He curled his fist upon hearing about the contract. "Ah that agreememt about giving Mr. Jeon a heir?" The woman says while the other hum in response. "And beaides, Mr. Kim is from a poor family, to tell that he is just no one. He is Mr. Jeon's slut! A w***e! A s*x toy to be precise." Taehyung could not hold it anymore, he wants to pull these two and drag them outside by their hair. His eyes are now in tears and he can feel his heart tightening. He was about to run outside when he feel something, he entered the empty compartment and kneel, he feels he wants to vomit but nothing came out. His throat tightened and he can feel its driedness, trying to vomit. He wiped his mouth with his hand when he heard a knock from outside the compartment. "are you okay?" he heard the woman, the one who call him slut. He did not say a word so that he would not let them know what they were talking about. He did not want to believe what he heard but there was a part of his mind that said he should believe it. When he did not hear the woman's voice, he slowly opened the door and peeked first to make sure no one was around. He came out and washed his face, looking at itself in the mirror. Hes eyes are puff and red. Hes nose too are red due to crying. He held his temple when he suddenly feel dizzy. He stay at the bathroom for another five minutes, he compose his and smile at his reflexion,and start his walk outside the bathroom to the ceo's office through the stair. He was lost in his own thoughts that he forget about the elevator. Slut Whore Sex toy to be precise Agreement First love Girlfriend Wait,Girlfriend? So it means he is just playing with me? Taehyung minds saying it. Why? he whispered to himself and then wiped the tears that continued to flow down his cheeks. Why is this f*****g stairs?" He asked himself, and then he just realised that Jungkook's office was on the 40th floor. He turn to his right and stop infront of the elevator and walk inside once it opens. A ding was heard indicating that he reach the office. He look at his watch, he sighed when he saw that he was almost an hour late for work. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at it. He walk towards the office and about to open when he heard voices inside. He slowly twist the knob, and slightly push it, careful not to make a single aound. He stand there not making any movement or noise. He keeps on listening and silently staring at them,while his heart was clenching in pain. He close his eyes then open it again. One last look, and he regretted it. Even though his knees were shaking because he was tired from walking, he ignored it. He step back and turn around towards the elevator. He was about to leave the building when his phone rang. Jungkook. He stared at it for a few seconds, wondering if he would answer or not. And in the end he thought he would just answer. A deep sigh before speaking, "Oh goodmorning Mr. Jeon." He says, biting his lower lips to prevents the other hear his sobs. Where were you? Are you okay?  He heard. Ahm..home. i woke up late so i guess i just need to come tomorrow.  He lied, walking out the building. Little did he know that Jungkook was just a meter away from his back when he call. Jungkook's Pov: Because I knew Taehyung was tired, I just let him sleep. I slowly remove his arm from my stomach and gently put a pillow for him to hug. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. I just left a message so he knew I was in the office. Time skip: Just when I opened my office, I saw a woman sitting in my chair. Her back is facing me. I narrowed my brows and then I felt blood runs up to my face, when she turned around and saw the woman I never dreamed of seeing again. She stood from her sit and run towards me, she jump to me and i stumble a little but still manage to balance my self, and without knowing, i catch her holding hi ass? She kissed and was stunned and cant move, i even cant process what has just happen. "I miss you,babe. I miss you so much and i love you.." She said, nuzzling her face to the crook of my neck. I clench my jaw and harshly push her away from me, causing for her to fall from her ass. Grabbing her arms tightly, "What the f**k are you doing here?! Who the hell give you permission to come and sit here?!" Jungkook said, seething his teeth. "'re hurting me." But instead of letting the others arm, he tightened his grip into it that surely will leave a bruise. "Get the hell out from my office! From my sight!! From my life!!" Jungkook growled, veins visible to his neck and face red as tomato. "Please, i love you Jungkook. I always do." "Love? Its been f*****g 3 years Lisa! Three years have passed, Lisa. I have forgotten everything we have! Don't mess with my life, Taehyung and I's life!" he shouted and then violently pushed Lisa who fell to the floor. Her hip hurt but then manage to get up and stand, she walked slowly closer to Jungkook who was fuming in anger. "Taehyung? Oh you mean Kim Taehyung ?!" She chuckled, wiping her tears. She then walks towards the table and take a paper. "So he is the one?! That w***e sell himself for you?!" Staring at the signed agreement. Jungkook was now really pissed, no, he is now fuming in anger. Clenching his fist and gritting his teeth. He walk towards Lisa,grab the paper and all Lisa remember is that she can feel a stingy pain in her both cheeks. Yes, Jungkook slapped her so f*****g hard which definitely left a scratch on Lisa's cheek. And this was the very first time for Jungkook to hit a girl, but not a little inch of regret he feels. "You slapped me because of him ?! How dare you Jeon!" her whole body trembled with anger and she did not realize she had slapped the young ceo. Lisa gasp, slamming her palm to her mouth, not believing that she dare slap Jungkook. The young ceo dagger her with an evil look. "Im sor ---- "Dont you dare call him that again and I swear, I f*****g swear,Lisa, i will kill you. Better for you to go out from my room at this moment, before i kill you! Get out !!! " he shouted in his full voice, and if his office was not only soundproof, those outside would surely have heard it. Lisa can feel in her veins every single fiber of fear to the others anger. She left the room running, with her blurry eyes. While Jungkook stare at the contract and tear it into pieces and throw it. He hit his knuckles to his table that causes the glass broke. Blood oozing from his fist but he ignored it. He then throw everything that was in his table and shouted in frustrations. He heard someone knock but ignored it. And another knock that pissed him more. He walk towards the door with range of anger and harshly open it. "What the f**k do you need?!" He growld, eyes squinting. "Im...sorry... Mr. Jeon but i..." "Damn it!" He them slammed the door to the other face. He walk and sit at the couch and stay like that for a moment. He then look at his watch and think about Taehyung who was still not around, and he was thankful that he was not here, that was he thinks. Little did he know that Taehyung saw them. He sigh Then took his phone from his pocket and he hissed in pain when the fabric touches his bloody knuckles. "Damn it!" He said,remembering how he hit and broke the glass. He dialed Taehyung number and wait for several ring before the other answerd. He walk outside his office and enter the elevator. It took him a minute or two he then reach the ground floor, he saw the back of Taehyung and was about to run to him, Oh, good morning Mr. Jeon "Where were you?" Jungkook ask, looking at him from his back. He dare not come any closer when he notice something. He observe his baby from meter away. Ahm..home. i woke up late so i guess i just need to come tomorrow. He narrowed his brows upon hearing Taehyung's lie. He then notice the other wipe his tear before ending the call. He watch Taehyung walking away from the building, he clench his jaw in annoyance. He wants to run after him but he cant move his feet. He then saw Taehyung enters the taxi, he realised how inconsiderate of him not teaching tge other to drive. He stand there in his spot, not moving a bit and pacing. "Mr. Jeon?" He heard that brings him at the moment. He turn just to see the girl from his office before coming down. "I was about to bring you this paper for you to sign, when i saw Mr. Kim crying outside your office, Mr. Jeon." And thats the cue for Jungkook to know why his baby lie about not here in his office, Dit that mean, he heard everything? But why he act like that? Jungkook says at the back of his head. Why Tae?  
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