
1350 Words

“Had a good talk?” Aris asked as soon as I walked into his bedroom. I was still rubbing my arms in a desperate attempt to warm myself up again.  “I think we are starting to understand each other.” I answered.  Aris grinned and opened the double doors that led to his closet. It wasn’t quite as big as mine, but when I peeked over his shoulder I could see more suits than he would ever be able to wear, as well as comfortable lounge clothes. He shrugged his jacket off and threw it on one of the chairs.  I sat down on the edge of his bed and watched him rummage through his closet. Eventually, he found what he was looking for and came back out, handing me a grey vest that was about five sizes too large for me. I smiled but didn’t move to grab it.  “I know you’re freezing.” He said.  “I want

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