Houses and Homes

1222 Words

“I am not going to kill her, you know that right?” Aris complained when I rearranged the food on the table for the billionth time.  I wasn’t so much worried that he was going to misbehave, I am far more worried about her. Aris is the peak of everything she hates, but she has been groomed by Garrick to fear werewolves rather than act on that hatred. She barely even spoke when my handmaidens or governesses were in the room, and today I was asking her to have a full on conversation with the king.  “Just remember that she is my sister.” I said, though maybe it was more to soothe myself than him.  At least Aris had convinced Garrick that it wasn’t necessary for him to be here. Aris stayed one night with us here, but now that it was the following morning, it was time to pack our bags and go.

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