Past and Plans

1097 Words

‘The Royal History of Werewolves, Volume 31A’ ‘As was discussed in previous chapters, The royal bloodline of werewolves can be traced back to Damokles the Victorious. He is cited to be the first official king of werewolves, but modern day scholars argue that Damokles is simply the first werewolf to rule since the invention paper, which allowed us to write down our traditions and history. Nonetheless, this bloodline still exists today through King Byron and King Dimas, and more distantly through Queen Mona-Adiya and her offspring with King Gavriil. Other kings have all claimed to be related to Damokles in order to validate their claim on the throne, though they have failed to provide sufficient proof and will not be noted as his blood relatives in The Royal History of Werewolves. King Ari

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