Back to the Old

1039 Words

I had a few run-ins with the wolves, but never saw any vampires. They both had the advantage of smelling me, which was why I never washed Declan’s blood off of me. Multiple scents confused them, especially if one was much more familiar to them than the other. Nonetheless, I kept hiding and they kept not finding me. I was running on pure luck, but I knew it was running out.  I had not been able to find any food nor did I manage to sleep. Once the wolves were onto my scent, all I could do was hold them off for a little while but I knew they would never fully lose me. If they had my scent they could find me like a red line on a white page. However, as I had been so confined, it was more like finding me in a large pink stain on a white page. They knew what area I was in, but they didn’t know

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