
1015 Words

As I turned around to see where it had come from, there standing on the treadmill was the sexiest guy I had ever seen. Ricker had nothing compared to him. Who was this guy and why did he growl when Ricker winked at me. I just can’t stop looking at him. He is insanely gorgeous, stands about six foot six, looks incredibly tanned, his shoulders are broad. I reckon he would have a six-pack under his shirt that is sitting so smugly against his skin. I just want to touch his stomach. Wow, then there is his face. He has a chiselled jaw line and his eyes are the darkest blue with a hint of green in them. They have so much depth, I could just stare into them all day. He looks at me with a sideways glance. I feel that sudden pull again, why I am so drawn to this guy. I just smile and turn around.

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