Chapter 5: Office Visit

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DINAH We arrived home after an excruciating car ride listening to Serena fangirl about the men she had met. She immediately ran up to her room to call her friends and share the selfies she took with them. Our mom was sitting in the living room reading a book when I walked in. She looked up from her glasses as if she was silently judging me for who knows what. Lily would always find something to complain about, or she would create a problem. “Where were you two?” She asked, before I could take a step up the stairs. I took a deep breath knowing I should prepare myself for whatever she was about to throw at me. “Serena wanted to go to the charity soccer game, and I had tickets.” “Don’t lie to me!” Lily spat. “I know you went to see that player.” So, she knew about Liam. “What are you talking about now?” She got up walking towards me with her phone in hand and pulled out a picture of me from the game. With Liam. He was holding on to my waist, pulling me in close and my hands were on his forearms trying to keep the distance. This did not look good. It could easily be misconstrued, but I didn’t miss the way I looked at him. There was no way anyone could confuse that longing look. “Are you spying on me?” “I don’t need to spy on you, I have friends everywhere.” She started berating me. “He’s just using you; he can’t promise you stability. Imagine how many girls he does this to.” I had imagined how many women he made fall for him, how many women he kissed, how many he slept with. I hated myself more for feeling bothered by it. “He isn’t using me because there’s nothing going on between us,” I retorted. It was the truth, as long as I was with Jacob, nothing could happen between us, for Serena’s sake. “Don’t be stupid Dinah, you have a fiancé now.” “Yeah. one who treats me terribly!!” I yelled out. I should have put an end to it immediately after he yanked my arm, but then I imagined Serena in my position. There was no way I would allow that to happen, better me than her. At least for now. “You’re just being dramatic, that’s just him showing you he loves you,” she defended him. My mouth dropped; how could she defend Jacob. She would only believe me when I showed up with broken bones and bruises. “You can’t love someone you have total control over, there needs to be a balance of power in a relationship!!” My mother simply scoffed as if what I was saying was a joke. I refused to continue this conversation with her so I just walked away. I could hear her calling for me but there was no turning back now. I ran into my dad’s office hoping to get some sense of comfort. He would sit at his desk, and I’d lay down on the small couch, he was like my therapist. Serena and I could always come in here and air out our grievances. He didn’t always have a solution, but he always made sure to listen to us. I just sat there stock-still, imagining what my life would be like if he were still here instead of Lily. An hour later Serena called me from the living room, yelling about food. When I walked to the front door to try and figure out what she was talking about, there was a pizza delivery driver holding 5 pizza boxes. “Umm I did not order pizza; you might have the wrong house,” I told him. “Are you Dinah Muñoz?” the guy asked. I nodded. “Then I have the right house, the pizza has already been paid for, so you just have to enjoy it.” He smiled at us before handing over the pizza boxes along with an envelope. I gave Serena the pizza boxes and she ran to sit at our coffee table already inhaling the food. Before opening the note, I already recognize the handwriting, it was the same handwriting from the envelope I received this morning. I tried not to show my excitement at the envelope I was holding, but I could feel my cheeks heating up already. My fingers ran over my name written on the envelope. Is this what receiving love letters felt like in the olden days, because I could see the appeal. Dinah, Since we couldn’t have dinner today, I went ahead and had some delivered to you. I hope you enjoy the pizza, I’m not sure which one is your favorite, so I got you a few options. P.S. Don’t work too hard. —Liam ****** On Monday morning, I had to go back to work after a chaotic ass weekend. To say I was looking forward to it wouldn’t do it justice. I just wanted to avoid this whole situation as much as possible. I got lucky that both my mother and Jacob’s were hands on because that meant that they could take care of all the wedding planning and I just had to show up on that miserable day. I was sitting at my desk pushing my current situation to the recesses of my mind, going over a few finances for our next charity event when I heard the door open. Thinking it would be my assistant Toni I didn’t think much of it. Except when I looked up, I was once again met with those bright blue irises I had begun to search for even when I knew he wasn’t there. “Hello doll, I brought you lunch,” Liam said pulling up a bag with Chinese food inside. Damn he was so incredibly handsome, wearing a tailored white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Every move he made you could see the outline of his muscular body. My body began heating up, I could only imagine what my face looked like. I forced myself to stop staring at him, refusing to give him the satisfaction of knowing he affected me this much. “How do you know where I work?” I asked him suspiciously. Was I just so infatuated with him that I was ignoring stalker signs? “I had a little help,” he smiled back at me. “Serena, I presume?” “The one and only. She gave Sacha her number and he was all too eager to call her back.” He replied as he made his way around my desk, sitting on it to the left of me, and placed the food right in front. Of course, it was her, I made a mental note to strangle her later. He crossed his arms making them bulge and the shirt tighten around his chest. “How old is he?” I asked. I didn’t remember which one he was, but two of them looked older than me, and the other looked youngish. But Serena was questionable and impulsive at best. To my relief Sacha was eighteen. I scooted my rollie chair back so his c**k wasn’t straight in my line of sight. I crossed my legs, so he knew that he wouldn’t be gaining access to anything today, but my skirt just made it worse as it rose up my leg. Self-control I had to repeat to myself. Making eye contact was not a good idea, his eyes were glistening with lust. He needed to go, there was no way I could resist any longer, I was just a mere woman after all. I would just have to take care of myself after he was gone and out of sight. LIAM Ever since I saw this woman, I couldn’t keep my mind off her. She blessed every single one of my thoughts. There was no concentration during training, I was lost. I wanted her with me every hour of the day, to see her, just one last taste. Which is why I found myself here. “Thank you for the food, but you can leave now. My assistant should be getting back anytime now,” she said as she bit her lip reminding me of when I was the one doing the biting. A smile appeared on my face knowing I had her there. “Oh, we met. He was on his way out, he mentioned something about you sending him out for a well-deserved break. Lovely fellow really, he seems very hardworking.” Dinah picked up a random folder and began to fan herself after she broke eye contact with me. I knew she felt the same way, it was nice to see her finally reacting to it. I got up and walked over to her, standing right in front of her chair. Leaning over placing my hand on each side of her arm rests, our faces were inches apart. She looked at me intently, still biting her lip, her vision shifted from my eyes to my lips. I leaned in closer, but instead of kissing her I moved to her ear. “So, tell me Dinah, what is it exactly that you don’t feel?” I asked as I begin tracing my lips down her neck. “Umm” she mumbled. “Liam...” she breathed out heavily. My name escaping her lips was all I wanted to hear. We didn’t know each other very well at the engagement party, but I wanted to get to know her, have her scream my name while I was deep inside her forcing climax after climax. I kissed my way down her jaw as she continued to breathe heavily. Teasing her down the other side of her neck, she finally got tired of waiting grabbed my face kissing me with so much force I didn’t think she had in her. My hand cupped her face as I deepened the kiss angling her face to where she was left reaching for more. I knelt down as we continued our kiss, not breaking it at any point. My hand traveled over her breast, squeezing it over her top, before I began to unbutton yanking it off and tossed it aside. She was left with a sheer black bra her tight little n*****s hardened through it, I just wanted to put my mouth on them again. Dinah pulled me back in for a kiss needy and wanton, as my hands made their way to her mounds cupping them and gently massaging each. I moved one hand down towards her skirt pausing to see if she’d stop me. Lifting it up, my fingers inched their way towards her knickers in order to gently massage her clit only to find her p***y already wet. She was just as needy as I was, why she was with that f*****g prick and denying herself was beyond me. I pulled away from our kiss and swiftly pulled her panties down her golden legs kissing every inch they met on the way down. I gently placed kisses over her breasts before I sucked in one n****e through her bra, causing her to grip onto my hair and yank on it. She tried stifling her quiet little moans, so I bit down on one n****e and dragged it out until she was whimpering into her hand. I continued kissing my way down her abdomen finally reaching heaven. Dinah bucked her hips as I started to tongue f**k that precious little p***y of hers. My tongue found her clit with soft flicks and swirls she was a panting mess. I bit down on it when she least expected it, letting the intrusive thoughts win. “oh god!” She let out soft moans trying to keep herself from screaming biting down onto one arm while her other hand was roughly pulling on my hair keeping my face steady. I continued sucking on her trembling nub as I pushed one finger inside her, followed by a second. In and out and in and out as she began to squeeze down on me. I wanted to feel this as I sank into her. Hear her begging me for more to please f**k her faster, harder. Dinah tried to close her legs as I felt her p***y ripple around my sopping wet fingers. I used one hand to press her thighs apart. Her grip on my hair tightened as I quickened the pace of my tongue matching the speed of my fingers, lapping up her juices. She tasted f*****g amazing and I wanted more, but not until she was mine, only mine. I wouldn’t share. Dinah’s breathing became heavier and her back began to arch as her body tensed, followed by an earth-shattering orgasm. She pulled me up from in between her thighs and began kissing me, shoving her tongue in my mouth, biting down on my lip. When she pulled away, a smile was playing at her lips, “I like the way I taste on you.” She proceeded to fix my hair, smoothing it over as well as she could given the circumstances. Once she was done, I picked up her shirt and knickers and started to dress her, buttoning up each button, then sliding her knickers back up her thighs and over her ass. Dinah sat there smiling, her cheeks a rosy pink, looking at me with her beautiful chocolate brown eyes while I was still kneeling before her. It was foolish to expect more, but I wanted more with her. I knew it wasn’t mere infatuation. She had me and she didn’t even know it yet. I would do anything to keep that smile on her face and her eyes that bright. I tucked a few strands of her hair and gave her one last kiss before I stood up. Pulling out her food, I began placing it in front of her so she could eat. Her small frame came up behind me as her arms wrapped around my abdomen with her head resting on my back. I placed my hands over hers giving her a reassuring squeeze. “I really like you,” she whispered. “I really like you too,” I responded back. “I don’t know what to do.” “End the engagement, be with me.” I answered hopefully. That was all I could do, hope that for whatever reason she was still with Bennett she would end it and give me a chance, give us a chance. “I can’t...” she began to speak. I removed myself from her embrace to face her leaning against the desk. “Why not Dinah? What’s going on?” I asked. She didn’t seem to be set on marrying him, so why was she putting herself through it. “It’s my mom, if I don’t marry Jacob, she’ll force Serena to do it, I can’t let that happen. He’s not a good person.” She said looking down at her feet. “She’ll cut off Serena and I, she threatened to disown us. I asked Serena to leave with me but she doesn’t want to leave our mom alone, we just lost our dad and we’d be losing our one and only parent.” I pulled her into my arms and held her tight with her head resting on my chest. I began to run my fingers through her soft hair as she held onto me. Both my parents were still in the picture, so I couldn’t imagine what it was like to lose one. “We’ll figure it out. I promise I’m not going to let you go that easily.” I held her chin up so she could face me. It was a promise, if I ever made one.
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