Chapter 4: Hugs & Kisses

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LIAM I was running in the training facility so graciously provided by the event organizers, and not a second went by that I could stop thinking about that woman. All golden skin and brown eyes of her. I had a plan. Somewhat of a plan. Okay, I had no plan. I was just winging it at this point. I wanted her and if I had to take her away from Jacob Bennett, then so be it. I always liked a challenge. Melo, another footballer, was running alongside me. He was also at the engagement party because Bennett wanted big names present. Unlike Jacob, Melo caught me sneaking out of the pool house with a bite mark at my neck, and a flustered Dinah Marie Muñoz running away. I didn’t have to explain myself. It was clear what happened. After a disapproving glare from my friend, I explained that that woman was going to be my wife. He didn’t seem to believe me considering who the engagement party was for. “Are you sure you want to be with someone who cheated on their fiancé?” Melo asked from beside me. “She didn’t cheat alone. And I think it’s different. I have a feeling she doesn’t want to marry him.” I explained. I didn’t care that what we did was wrong, no one was going to speak badly of her as long as I was around. “You can’t do this Liam. She’ll be married soon and then you’ll be breaking a marriage in the eyes of god.” “She won’t get married, is what I’m trying to explain.” “How do you plan on accomplishing that? You have no clue what is going on in her life, or why she may have agreed to this.” Melo said. I knew this was going to be a bit time sensitive. But I was nothing if not persistent. “Mm,” I answered noncommittally. “Look mate, you have less than two weeks before it’s official. And you’re only here for a few more days. If you’re going to do something, you need to move fast.” I planned on it. Already the gears in my head were turning. I was going to see her sooner rather than later. ****** DINAH I was in dad’s office trying to finish up the project I was working on yesterday. I worked for a financing firm as the head of their charitable organizations department. What I did was I helped set up events for the elite to donate money, the firm matched it and we donated it to the organization of our choice. I hated to admit it but it was mostly PR, we donated to whichever organization would make us look best. Serena walked in to the office before I could add the finishing touches, “hey Dinah, this was just delivered for you,” she said waving around an envelope. I took the envelope from her and saw that it had no sending or receiving address, just my name in big letters. Who would send an envelope without an address? As I opened it up four pieces of paper fell out, two tickets, a parking pass and one was a note. The four pieces of paper were sitting on the desk. I didn’t even know if I wanted to look at the note. What if it was from Jacob? I didn’t want to spend more time with him than I had to. And if these were from him, then I could just toss them and pretend I never received them. I picked up the note and was surprised to see that the name signed on it was not Jacob’s. I hope to see you at the fútbol match, I’d love for you to be my cheerleader. I included an extra ticket for a friend. P.S. Second ticket not to be used on your ‘fiancé’. —Liam His cheerleader? We had s*x one time, that was it. It was amazing, or maybe I was just drunk, but either way it wasn’t going anywhere. I was very clear that there was no we. Liam had enough “Are those tickets? What concert are we going to?” Serena asked all too excitedly. “Uh they are not concert tickets, they’re actually for the charity soccer match today,” I explained as I handed them to her. Serena gasped loudly as if she was taking her last breathe. “oh my gosh Dinah we have to go! Please say you’ll take me?!” she screamed. I wasn’t planning on going, I didn’t think it would be a good idea for me to see Liam again after what happened last night. I was still sore, and had one too many bite marks to hide. How could I see him and pretend like nothing happened, when I could still feel the ghost of his fingers, his hands, his everything. I looked over at Serena to tell her that I wouldn’t be going, but she already had her signature puppy dog eyes out and ready. “Please stop that S, I’m not going. If you’d like you can have the tickets and take a friend,” I told her. Serena shook her head so viciously I almost thought her head would pop off. “I can’t do that Dinah, what if he asks for you. He’ll think I stole the tickets. I don’t really want to get dragged out by security. Please Dinah,” she begged. “Serena please don’t make me,” I pleaded. I couldn’t do it. “Fine, we don’t have to go, I’ll just have to miss out on one of the most important events of the year. It’s not like I’d probably get to meet a few famous soccer players or anything.” She trailed off while looking out into the distance. Oh, I know what she was doing, making me feel guilty for having her miss out on this. And it was working. “Okay.” I mumbled. “What was that?” She perked up. “I said okay! I’ll take you,” I yelled out. She started pumping her fists in the air like she’d just won the Super Bowl before wondering out loud about what she’d be wearing to the game. Then ran off leaving me annoyed as ever for giving in so easily. ****** “Serena hurry up!!” I screamed waiting for her by the door. “I’m coming,” she sang as she ran down the stairs wearing a jersey for a team I didn’t even know she was a fan of. “Is that what you’re wearing?” she asked looking me up and down. I looked down at my sneakers, leggings and crop hoodie, there was nothing wrong with my outfit, and I would like to keep myself hidden. “Yeah what’s wrong with it?” “Never mind,” she sighed. “Okay, let’s go!” We made our way to the stadium where the charity match was being held, I pulled over to ask one of the gate attendants where I could park and showed him my parking pass. He pointed to a section, said it was the VIP section and that a shuttle would be by to escort us to our seats. We were patiently waiting for the shuttle to arrive, or more like I was patiently waiting and Serena was switching from hyperventilating to jumping up and down and back. About 5 minutes of waiting and almost throttling my sister the shuttle showed. There was a woman waiting for us who escorted us to an elevator and brought us to a luxurious floor. “Umm ma’am, we’re here for the game, not whatever this is.” I said waiving my hand around. “Mr. Evans got you passes to our luxury suites; you can see the game from there. You’ll also be able to go down to the field after the game is over. The suite is right through here,” she told me as she continued walking down the hallway. I turned to look at Serena who was silently squealing and dancing to herself. We finally made it into the suite and it was in fact luxurious, there was food set out, there were leather seats for us to sit in, and people were mingling. “Let’s go find some seats and then you can get us snacks,” I whispered to Serena. “Liam must really like you if he went to all the trouble of getting you in here.” I took a seat in one of the chairs near the glass window looking out onto the field. “They’re just tickets and I’m only here for you.” The game started shortly after, and if I was being 100% honest, I had no clue how soccer was played. All I saw was men kicking the ball around and rushing the field. I had to admit, no wonder he was so fit, the level of endurance he needed to have to continuously run for 90 minutes was astounding. I watched as Serena yelled and jumped up and down every time someone scored, I had never seen her this excited about anything. It was refreshing. 95 minutes later they called the match and I wasn’t sure which team won exactly, but money was raised for charity and that was all that mattered. The same lady that escorted us in here walked up to us and waved before she started speaking. “Hi Miss Muñoz,” she cleared her throat. “Mr. Evans would like to know if you’d like to join him on the field?” “Oh, I’m not sure if tha—” Serena cut me off with pleading eyes. “She would love to lead the way!” The woman didn’t bother to ask me for what I would like and just turned to walk away. “Okay, follow me.” I hadn’t noticed the walk down to the field. The entire time, I was thinking about what exactly he wanted from me. I couldn’t offer him much more than what happened at the engagement party. And even then, that was too much. When I scanned over my surroundings, and saw him standing with some bimbo wrapped all around him. I was quickly hit with a pang of jealousy. Why was I even feeling this way it wasn’t like I owned him. We had s*x one time, that was all it was. Serena was star struck with all the man candy walking around, but she quickly regained her composure so she didn’t seem too fan girly. “Oh my god D, this is so cool, I’ve never been around any professional athletes, and now I’m surrounded by the best soccer players in the world! Thank you for taking one for the team!” She squealed before crushing me in her thin arms. “Are we sharing hugs and kisses, because I think I’d like my turn now.” I heard someone speak up from behind me. I recognized that voice, intimately. I turned my head to see none other than Liam walking towards us. Serena quickly let go of me as she adjusted herself. “Hello doll, glad you could make it,” he said as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him. I pulled myself away to stand next to Serena, and keep some much-needed distance between us. “I’m still engaged, please don’t do that again.” “Ouch, that’s still happening,” he feigned hurt placing his hand over his heart. I glared at him still annoyed at the fact that blonde bimbo was all over him. Serena finally spoke up trying to ease the tension. “Hi, I’m Serena, her sister,” she introduced herself pointing at me, “you guys were amazing.” “Thank you that means so much coming from the sister of my favorite girl,” he replied with his signature smile. I silently growled at his comments, he knew damn well that I was engaged and he was still acting like this. And in front of my sister no less. Serena would get the wrong idea, not that she had the right idea now. “I see you’re a fan,” he said gesturing to her jersey, “here let me introduce you to a few people.” He waved over a few guys and damn they were all handsome as f**k. why have I never taken an interest in soccer? “Serena, this is Raul-Mexico, Melo-South Africa, and Sacha-Belgium, I’m sure you recognize them.” Serena squealed. And I didn’t mean just a tiny girl squeal this was full blown excitement emanating from her. “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry, I’m sure you guys get that a lot.” She blushed. What the hell was happening to my sister, I knew she was boy crazy but this was on another level. “It’s okay darling, we love meeting our fans,” the guy named Melo answered. The traitorous little snake I called my sister sauntered off to talk about games she remembered watching them play in and they were all too pleased to discuss leaving me alone with Liam. He stepped closer to me to where we were inches apart, and gently tipped my chin up so our eyes would meet. “So how does dinner at 7p sound?” “Excuse me?” I must have misheard, or he must be joking. I was engaged!! I still had to repeat it to myself to believe it, but he should know this by now. “For our first date, one of many to come,” he answered as he caressed my cheek. I hated that I enjoyed his touch, that it was warm and soft. The audacity of this man. “I’m still very much engaged,” I responded removing myself from his personal space, and hated the fact that I had to do it. Liam took a step closer. “You were still very much engaged last night but that didn’t stop us.” I shouldn’t be offended for what he said, it was true, but I was. “Are you judging me?” I spat. He looked almost hurt that I asked him that question. “No of course not, I just know you don’t love him. I still haven’t figured out why you’re marrying him, but when I do, I’ll put a stop to it.” “What’s you’re endgame in all of this? You’re just infatuated with something you can’t have so please stop whatever you’re doing.” The reality was that of course I liked him. He was gorgeous and charming and every bit man. But it wouldn’t help anyone if we kept pretending like everything was okay. Liam was simply after something that Jacob had, I just happened to be the something. “I know you know it’s not just infatuation,” he said taking a step closer to me. “There’s something here and I know you feel it too. The only thing standing in the way is that arsehole Jacob Bennett.” Liam was right. I did feel it, but as much as I wanted to act on my desires I just couldn’t. I’d be risking so much; I’d be risking Serena’s future. I couldn’t be selfish. “Serena is waiting for me,” I responded completely ignoring his comment. I looked over at her hoping she would get the point of my eye contact. “She looks pretty busy and enjoying herself to me,” he smirked pointing to her still laughing it up with the guys as if she had known them all her life. Damn it Serena “Thank you for the tickets, she really enjoyed herself today, but we have to go now, I have some work I have to finish.” I quickly got out before walking over and grabbing Serena’s hand trying to pull her away so we could leave. She giggled, “so I guess we’re leaving now.” “Thank You Liam!!” She screamed out and waved goodbye as I continued to pull her towards the exit.
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