Chapter 18: Girl's Night

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DINAH Throughout lunch, we didn’t talk about feelings, instead I transitioned the conversation to my new job and the charity gala I needed to plan. Getting acquainted with all the major business in the area will be my first priority, so I think my biggest challenge will be getting them to accept an invitation.   After we finished lunch, Henri dropped me off to meet Catarina. If I had to walk or take the bus there, I would have definitely been late.   I walk into the little cafe shop and immediately see Catarina already seated. Her eyes sparkle in the sunlight that is coming through the window.   “Bonjour Catarina,” I greet her from afar. She stands up and does the little French cheek kisses thing, “Bonjour Dinah,” then sits down again.   “You look great,” she compliments me as I sit my purse aside and take a seat across from her.   This is my first official outing with a friend in London and I am elated. I don’t usually make friends easily, but everything feels so natural with Catarina, like we’ve known each other for years.   “Thank you, it’s one of your bralettes actually,” I giggle pushing my boobs together. “I love your dress by the way!”   “Merci!”   I look over the menu, but since I had just eaten, I’m not really hungry and just decide on a tea and croissant.   “Sorry I’m late I was having lunch with an old friend,” I explain my tardiness.   Catarina doesn’t seem like the type to get upset over the small things, but her time is just as important as mine. Being her friend is really important to me so I want her to know that her time is appreciated.   “Just a friend? I saw the guy that dropped you off, he was très sexy,” she asked looking up from her coffee cup with her long lashes.   “Something like that.”   “I love tea, please spill.”   I debate on whether I should tell her about Henri. I mean there isn’t much going on there, but you share these types of things with friends, right?   “There’s not much to say, he was a friend from high school and now he’s here.”   She c***s her head and looks at me suspiciously, “that doesn’t sound like everything.”   “He told me he still had feelings for me”   “And what about Liam?”   “Can I tell you something?”   “Of course,”   “I know Liam is your friend but,”   “Dinah sweetheart, we girls have to stick together. I love Liam like a brother, but I can see you’re unhappy with the way things are going right now.”   I’m not unhappy with the way things are going with Liam, I’m just unhappy with the fact that I will have to share every aspect of my life with people unwillingly. It feels like a violation. The media has no respect over people’s privacy. Do I really want them to catch me at the drug store buying tampons?   “It’s just, I’m not used to the whole people knowing everything about me. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get used to it. Liam chose that life, he knew what he was signing up for, but I-I didn’t,” I honestly tell her.   The reality is that if I choose to be with Liam, I will have to give up my privacy and I’m not sure if I’m ready to live under the public’s scrutiny. They’ll judge me for everything, or even worse compare me to his ex. How could I ever compete with her she’s an international supermodel and naturally blonde.   But then again, the only person I should be worried about is Liam. I really like him, and so far, he’s been nothing but kind towards me. He doesn’t make me feel like I have to be someone I’m not, Liam’s accepted me with all my flaws. Of which there are many.   “It doesn’t get easier, right now they don’t know your name, so they just think you’re temporary. If you stick around, you need to be prepared to have anyone and everyone talking about you, pictures being taken, moments being interrupted, it’s never ending. Raul and I, we were both already in the spotlight when we started dating, so it was easy for us, but you aren’t. You need to decide if the love you have for Liam is enough to offset the need for your privacy.”   “You’re so smart,” I swoon. I love Catarina.   “I know,” she says giving me a cocky smile.   The rest of our date we talked about Catarina’s upcoming show and my new job. It was relaxing to be able to talk to someone about the simple things. I love Serena with all my heart, but sometimes it’s hard to ignore the fact that she’s so young. She just makes me feel older than I actually am. Her youth makes me feel like I have to have my life together by now.   Catarina is like a breath of fresh air, we just clicked. I feel like I can tell her anything. She hasn’t made me feel bad about somewhat entertaining Henri, and she’s given nothing but great advice.   I know she still has questions about the damage I sustained a few weeks ago, but she hasn’t pressured me for answers. I’m thinking that maybe I should just tell her, I want to be completely open with her.   We spent hours at the cafe, and before I knew it, it was five in the afternoon.   “I just had a great idea! Let’s go out tonight, celebrate your new job and get your mind off men,” Catarina exclaims excitedly.   Going out sounds like so much fun, but Catarina is also always being following by photographers, so what if they catch us falling over on the street.   “Won’t you be recognized?”   She shakes her head, “not where we’re going, people are so plastered they don’t even recognize themselves.”   I have a feeling that this is a terrible idea, but all fun nights begin with terrible ideas. Or is it the other way around?   “Okay! I’ve been needing to get drunk and now I’m off my pain meds so let’s do it!”   “Yes! This will be so much fun.”   “Where will we be going?”   “It’s a surprise, if it’s okay with you, we can get ready at your flat since it’s only like a 15-minute walk from there,” this should be fun.   I remember the first time I visited London, I was in undergrad and I did a month study abroad course here. The girl I came with was chaotic and we were drinking almost every day. I still have no idea how I was able to remember our way back and carry her almost every night.   I somehow managed to wake up on time for our 8am class every morning. It was probably due to the shower I forced myself into before I went to bed.   “I’m fine with that. I’m excited, now I have to go find an outfit to wear,” I say as I run outfits through my mind.   “Please, you could wear anything and you’d be beautiful,” she giggles taking a bite of my croissant. Usually I would mind when people would touch my food but I don’t mind sharing with Catarina. Is this what having a female best friend is like?   “Stop it,” I blush.   “I’ll go pick up some of my things and I’ll see you at your flat in about an hour, is that okay?”   “Parfait.”   I pay the check and we walk outside before she turns to me and give me a long hug.   “Au revoir mon amie.”   ******   I rushed home to pick out an outfit and by the time Catarina arrived I have a few options spread out and I’m freshly showered.   Serena said she would be sleeping over at a friend’s house tonight, so I don’t have to worry about her being alone for the time being. She easily made friends within the first few days of being here, I have no clue how she does it.   Currently, Catarina and I are drinking a bottle of wine and doing our makeup. Probably a bad combination.   It was getting late, and we still weren’t ready. At this point we were rushing around putting our clothes on.   “Your outfit looks phenomenal,” Catarina compliments me. I decided on a spaghetti strap corset top, a pair of ripped jeans, and heels. My feet will hate me tomorrow morning, but it’ll be worth it tonight.   Catarina opted for a little black dress, that matched her shiny black hair, it’s a classic and she looked amazing. We were in a frenzy getting ready and a little tipsy already that we hadn’t noticed Serena come in.   “Where are you two off to?” Serena asks leaning on my door with her arms crossed.   “I thought you were staying at a friend’s?”   “I was but her brother showed up and he was too friendly for my taste,” she responds with an eye roll. Good she knows when she feels uncomfortable in a situation she needs to get out and avoid the trouble. I don’t understand why men just can’t take no for an answer, it’s like they enjoy making women feel uneasy.   “It’s girls night, we’re going to get plastered,” Catarina answers Serena’s original question.   “Ugh that sounds like so much fun.”   Catarina looks at me with a huge grin on her face and I just know I might not like what she’s about to say next. “Why don’t you come with, we’re going under cover tonight.”   “She’s barely eighteen.”   “Ça va Dinah, drinking age in the UK is 18 and she’ll be with us the entire night we can keep her safe,” she argues back.   Technically she’s an adult, so it isn’t that inappropriate, but she’s still my baby sister. I guess we could use this as a trial run and see if she’s mature and responsible.   “Please Dinah,” Serena begs.   “Fine, but you need to be on your best behavior.”   Serena and Catarina tackle me to the bed and scream holy murder, then they run off to finish getting ready.   Half an hour later we’re standing in front of a club with a line of people curbing around the corner. “Welcome to Bar Soho ladies, a trashy club for tourists, and no one will recognize you here.” Catarina says putting her arms out like this is the grandest place in the city.   “This place looks sketchy,” I point out.   “No doubt that it is, but all the best places are,” Catarina responds leading us to skip the entire line and go straight for the door.   A few words from Catarina, the bouncer checks our ids with a quick glance and lets us pass through. The music is booming throughout the club and everyone is bumping and grinding on the dance floor.   “First round is on me ladies, let’s go,” she yells out pulling us towards the bar.   People are making out on the dance floor and bumping into everyone as we pass by. When we finally make it to the bar, we get the attention of the bartender and order a pitcher of margaritas, a few shots of tequila and take them to a nearby high top.   Three pitchers and countless shots later, we’re all on the dance floor moving to the music. I’m in a daze hoping I’m not dancing like a fool. Guys would come up and try to grind on us but we would push them away or tell them our boyfriend will be back any second and they got a clue.   I was having the time of my life, trying my best not to spill my drink as all three of us were hugging and singing to the tune of Hot Girl Summer by our Hot Girl Queen Meg.   “I have to pee!” Serena screamed out.   “The loo is downstairs, come on,” Catarina answered. We held hands and somehow still managed to hold our drinks while Catarina yanked us down a set of stairs. I’m surprised we didn’t go tumbling down, but I was for sure leaning against the wall to gain some balance.   We took turns using the toilets and once we were done, we were staring at the mirror trying to count how many Dinah’s I was seeing.   “You’re so pretty!”   “No, you’re so pretty, I’m so happy to be your friend!” Catarina and I threw our arms around each other swaying back and forth in an embrace.   “Me too!” I slurred.   “Where is Serena?” I ask noticing that she wasn’t partaking in our hug.   “She’s on the phone out in the hallway,” Catarina mumbled.   We open the restroom door and she’s standing there on the phone murmuring incoherently and very flustered.   I make my way towards her making sure Catarina is behind me, the last thing we need is one of us to go missing on girl’s night. “Who are you talking to Serena?”   “Sacha, he’s so cute!”   “Serena, little dove, this is girl’s night, no boys allowed,” Catarina screams taking the phone from Serena.   I can hear Sacha on the speaker asking a string of questions.   “Catarina, is that you love?”   “They’re plastered Liam.”   Aw Liam, I miss him so much he’s so pretty. I should tell him he’s pretty more often. But this is girl’s night. I’m here to celebrate my new job and avoid men.   “Where are you at? Serena? Cata?”   “Bye Sacha,” Catarina and I sing then hang up the phone leaving Serena to pout.   I place her phone in my pocket and make sure I still have all my things. “Let’s go back upstairs, the dance floor is calling!”   Hours passed, or it felt like minutes, not really sure, my sense of time was very out of whack, and we were still on the dance floor having fun. I don’t remember the last time I felt so free.   I felt a tap on my shoulder and I brushed it off thinking it was just another guy wanting to get gropey and continued enjoying myself.   Serena spins me around too fast making me lose my balance and bump into someone’s very hard chest. I look up to apologize, but it’s Liam. I’m not sure if he’s upset or happy to see me, but the fact that I’m seeing two of him maybe has something to do with why I can’t tell.   “Liam, why are you so pretty?”   “Dinah, you’re all drunk, let me take you home.”   “How did you find us?” Catarina asks him.   From the corner of my eye I can see Serena leaving the club. First rule of girl’s night you don’t leave without letting someone know.   “Serena shares her location with Sacha,” Liam notices me trying to walk after Serena but stops me to grab Catarina. “Serena is with Sacha, come on,” he speaks into my ear so I can hear him.   “I want to dance!” Catarina cries out.   “Yes, we want to dance! We can get home.”   “These tossers are all over you, I’m not leaving you here.”   “Dance with us Liam!” We each grab one of his hands and pull him onto the dance floor and start dancing again.   “You’ve all lost the plot.”   Sacha comes back in and basically throws Catarina over his shoulder, “let’s go Cata, Raul will kill us if we leave you here.”   Much to my chagrin, I let Liam lead me out after Sacha and Catarina. Once we’re outside, I stop Liam from getting in the car and just hold him and breathe in his essence. He smells so nice, it’s intoxicating.   “You’re so pretty Liam, and your d**k is so pretty,” the alcohol was finally getting to me and I was involved in a heavy petting session with Liam out on the street. I need some self-control. He kisses my forehead and grabs my hands from making it any further south.   “Let me take you home Dinah,” he tells me, leading me to the car.   He opens the backseat door for me and I throw myself in landing on a sleeping Catarina. Minutes into the drive and I find myself falling asleep right next to her. I don’t know how I got home, or what time it was but I know this hangover is going to be a b***h tomorrow morning.  
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