Chapter 19: Hand of God

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DINAH I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm, my head was pounding and I was begging for death in this moment. I should not have drank that much last night, but I got lost in the haze of music and dancing. I don’t even remember half of the night.   Rolling over, I expected to reach for my phone, what I didn’t expect was someone’s body on that side of my bed. I jumped up screaming bloody murder only to fall back onto another warm body. Once I got off the floor and looked at the people on my bed, I called down seeing Catarina and Serena heavily asleep.   I finally reached my phone and turned off my alarm that they were completely ignoring and I remembered I had to get to work. Being late on my first day would not make a good impression. I can’t go and get fired, bills are due soon and I need to get it together.   “f**k I’m going to be late,” I whispered out.   I rushed into the bathroom to shower and rinse the smell of alcohol off my body. When I was done and smelled like roses, I changed and grabbed my bag and laptop ready to head out.   Serena and Catarina were still asleep, even after all the noise I was making. I had a feeling they wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon. I tried waking them to let them know I was leaving, but all I received in response were groans from both ends.   “I’m going to work S, Cata there are extra towels in the bathroom for you,” I told them, but neither of them replied. I checked their pulse just to make sure they were still alive and luckily, they were so I just left them there and head off to work.   It took me about half an hour to get to the building, when I walked in the same receptionist was there, so I waved hello to her before I took the elevator to Henri’s floor. I didn’t see his assistant at his desk, so I went straight towards his office.   Luckily his door was wide open and he didn’t seem to be doing much from the glass walls.   “Good morning Henri,” I greeted him with a knock at his door.   “Good morning Dinah,” he smiled at me looking up from his computer screen. “You’re a bit early.”   “I thought I was running late,” I chuckled.   After all, I rushed through my morning routine. I skipped washing my hair in the name of being on time and now I’m suffering for it because my hair still smells like whatever smoke was in the club last night. I was too lost my haze this morning to notice, but now that I’m standing under the scrutiny of Henri, the faint smell of smoke is overpowering the roses.   A million excuses are running through my mind, I can just say I’m a smoker, or I can simply just say it’s none of his concern if he asks. It’s rude to ask why people smell, so in reality he’s the one that should be worried.   “Are you ready to see your office?” He asks shining that damn beautiful smile at me making me more flustered than I actually need to be. Why does he have to be so perfect, it’s sickening.   I return the smile knowing that he’s done nothing wrong, well except his feelings like five to seven years too late, and make me more confused than I should be. He should have known better, “Yes, should I wait for your assistant?”   “No, it’s okay, I’ll be showing you around,” he answered standing up from his desk in his crisp charcoal suit.   “You don’t have to do that, I’m sure you’re busy,” I say trying to avoid spending more time than necessary with him if I don’t see him, then maybe the smidge of feelings I do have for him will disappear. But he is my boss now, can I actually avoid him, and for how long?   “It’s no problem, I enjoy your company.” And there goes any hope I had at smacking those feelings down like the hand of god. My stupid stomach flutters with the billion tiny butterflies he would always make me feel, or is that just the hangover? Is it worse that I’m rooting for the latter.   Henri showed me around the entire building, more like just the important departments that I’ll be interacting with every day. Some part of me thought that maybe he just got this job out of nepotism, but from what I’ve seen, he certainly knows what he is doing. Everywhere we step foot he commands respect and attention.   We finally made it to the public relations department which is only a few floors down from his. That makes sense considering we’d be interacting with him on a daily basis.   “So, this is your office, I like the whole open floor plan so your walls are glass, they frost over if you need added privacy, but the rest of the team will be working out here,” he explained as we walked through the floor. It was separated into 6 sections, they were all decorated and organized differently, I’m guessing for the different departments. It was very modern and colorful, definitely a step up from the four beige walls of my old office.   “It’s great thank you.”   My eyes lingered towards my new office. This is it, the start of my new life, the start of my new career. I could be happy here if I just let go of my past grudges. But god does it feel good to hold on to them, to let them fuel me.   The thought of having Jacob squirm underneath my gaze knowing that there is nothing he can do to change his outcome is indescribable. I feel a smile tugging at my lips thinking of all the possibilities of ruining him I have. I’ve turned into a cold-hearted b***h, but only where Jacob is concerned.   I turn my head to see Henri staring at me, the look on his face is contorted in confusion. I can only imagine what I look like right now plotting someone’s demise. Henri doesn’t say anything, I just smile back at him and he takes that as reassurance that I’m not manic.   “You can go to HR and get all your paperwork filled out. Once you’re done there, you’re free to start working on the gala,” he explains turning towards my office. I follow him at a brisk pace as his long legs take like five steps to get there and I’m stuck having to mildly jog to catch up to him.   “Okay, when will the rest of the PR team be hired?” I ask trying not to sounded winded out. All this walking around London should do me some good.   He holds the office door open and lets me pass by him. I can smell his cologne, it’s earthy, sandalwood maybe. I’m drowning in his masculinity, or perhaps I’m just reminiscing on what could have been. “I’ve hired four people already, the heads of their department. They should be setting up already. You’re welcome to join me during the interviews for the other two department head positions and then they can hire the rest of their department.”   “Sure, I can do that, when are the interviews?”   “They begin at 1p,” he answers.   “Okay, I’ll go to HR and then meet the four that are setting up so we can start planning the gala,” I say as I place my things down at my desk. I walk back around it and towards the door, ready to head to HR.   A shining smile spreads across his face, “Perfect, I’ll see you in a few hours.”   We both leave the floor heading to our respective destinations. I’m happy that Henri and I are speaking again, I’ve missed him. I don’t know much about adult Henri, but I’m looking forward to working with him.   Going to HR I was expecting to enter a dull lifeless office with rows of desks neatly organized, but it was anything but that. This place was lively and colorful, everyone was smiling and no one looked like they wanted to die. I was expecting Toby Flenderson’s, but I got Kelly’s instead.   After about an hour of filling out paperwork and making sure everything was in order, I was finally able to go back up to my office. When I walked off the elevator and onto the floor, I saw a few people standing in the middle mingling. I’m assuming they were the department heads that Henri had hired, either that or they had terrible security here.   “Hello,” I interrupted their conversation. I was met with three smiling faces and one scowl in return. I didn’t think much of it, the guy was probably just having a bad day, I sure as hell was. I was definitely still very hungover. “My name is Dinah, I’ll be running Public Relations, it’s nice to meet you all.” I held my hand out to shake theirs and once again the guy that was scowling huffed, rolled his eyes, and completely ignored my gesture.   I was willing to let the cold shoulder go, but now he’s just being an ass and rude. I might have to take him down a couple pegs.   “Hi, I’m Rachel, I’ll be working on community relations,” a woman a little taller than me broke the obvious tension this man had created. I nodded and the rest continued.   “Marco, content creation.”   “I’m Francesca, media relations.”   When we finally got around to the douchey guy, he hesitated like he was trying to decide whether he should give me the time of day. “I’m Jesse, I’m in charge of financial communications.”   I put on my biggest smile before addressing him, “well it’s nice to meet you Jesse... all of you.”   They all nodded.   “Perfect! We’ll be planning a charity gala, happening in less than two weeks. For now, that’s what we’ll be working on. Jesse, I want you to find businesses and organizations that we could partner with, and make me a list. Rachel, find me a list of charities and any businesses that would be willing to sponsor the gala. Marco, I want you to work on creating press releases about the company donating money and hosting the gala, and invitations to send out. Francesca, you can work on setting up interviews with Henri, he’s the face of the company, I want the whole of London in love with him. I want you to work with IT on a website and any social media pages. Does anyone have any questions?”   Jesse immediately left after I gave out the orders and I chatted up with the other three. They were very welcoming unlike their colleague. Apparently, Jesse is Henri’s best friend, but shouldn’t that make us friends too. Why was he being so cold?   I went back into my office to start on my work setting up the gala, I have less than two weeks to get it together and I don’t want to disappoint Henri. I can already imagine what that Jesse guy is thinking of me, probably that I’m not qualified. Not that I need to prove myself, but he’ll see that I’m not the one.   I worked for a little over an hour when my phone started ringing. The name on the screen made my cheeks heat up and my heart flutter.   Liam.   “Hello,” I answered.   “Hello gorgeous, how was your morning?” His voice did things to me that I should not be thinking about at work. I’ve done a lot worse in my office, but for some reason feeling this way while I’m technically under Henri’s roof made me feel icky.   “Like hell,” I responded with a chuckle.   “How’s the new job going?”   “How did you know?”   “You mentioned it once or twice last night,” his cool voice answered. I don’t even remember half of the things I said or did last night. I hope I didn’t embarrass myself too much. The mere fact that Liam called me today means that I haven’t scared him away just yet.   “Oh god I’m so embarrassed.”   It wasn’t all bad, I got to spend time with you. Granted you were absolutely drunk and very handsy but nevertheless it was enjoyable. “His laugh was like music to my ears, I may have embarrassed myself, but if it makes him laugh like that, I think I’d be willing to do it again.   Then I remembered who he was, and if he was there, no doubt that paparazzi followed him. “I got handsy? Please tell me there are no pictures of that out there?”   “None that I’m aware of no.”   “I swear I don’t usually get that drunk.” I swiveled in my chair to face the city and just shook my head. I could feel my face turning red I just buried it in my knees as I held onto the phone.   “It was nice to see you so carefree.”   “I’ll make sure to call you the next time I get drunk,” I joked.   “Please do.”   “So why did you call, not that I don’t like hearing your voice.”   “I was calling to see if you’re ready for that date?”   A date, am I ready to go on a date with him? No doubt that he’d be followed, which means that there will definitely be pictures out there.   “A date really? Aren’t you tired of me yet?”   “Not in the least, so how does tomorrow sound at 7p?”   I like Liam so what’s the problem, I’m going to hate myself when I’m old and wrinkly with thirty cats because I didn’t give us a chance.   Us.   That sounds so nice. Referring to Liam and I as an us.   “I’d love to.”   I am so lost in my lust or love or like, that I don’t notice when someone walks into my office until they clear their throat. It’s Henri.   “Liam, I have to go, my boss just walked into my office,” I quickly tell him trying to straighten myself out.   “See you tomorrow night doll.”   “Bye.” I hung up the phone with a haste I began juggling it in my hands trying not to drop it. Once I finally caught it with a steady grip I shoved into my purse.   Henri’s jaw twitched as he stood at my door. His arms were crossed and his stare could freeze hell over. He was cold and still as a statue, I mean he had the body for it so he wasn’t that far off, but still. Could he be upset with my work ethic already, or perhaps he heard me on the phone with Liam. He’s probably just upset that I took a personal call during work hours.   “Henri, what can I do for you?” I ask trying to break the silence that has somehow filled the entire floor.   “I wanted to see if you would like to have lunch with me,” he answered flatly.   “I would, I’m just not feeling too well and I don’t think food will do me any good,” I replied.   I just made it sound like I’m sick, when in reality I’m just hungover as f**k. But I know that if I put food in my stomach, I’ll just throw it all up. I should’ve taken my shower after I got home.   His entire demeanor changes, and he frowns, “Is everything okay?”   “Yes, I’m fine. Just a little nauseous.” Great and now I sounded like I’m pregnant. “Must have had bad sushi or something,” I quickly add.   He looks at me suspiciously but then nods and walks off without saying a word. I see Jesse looking into my office with a big grin on his face, then turns to follow Henri.   Fuck Jesse.
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