Chapter 13: Hopeless

2360 Words
DINAH Slapping the s**t out of Liam was not how I was expecting my morning to go, but here we are.   Liam was sitting on a kitchen stool waiting for me to come back from the freezer with a makeshift ice pack. I grabbed what I could find and made my way back to him and I could already see his cheek starting to redden.   “Are you sure you’re not mad?” I ask him as I hold a bag of frozen peas over his cheek.   If he hasn’t run for the hills yet, this will surely push him away. Liam won’t want to sleep next to someone who hurts him because she forgets who is in bed with her.   I thought I could move past it, pretend it didn’t happen. Let the bruises and fractures heal and count it as a blip in my story.   But no, that would be too easy for me, I’m doomed to a miserable lonely life. I shouldn’t put anyone else through my problems, no one deserves this.   Liam places his hand over mine holding the peas and softly caresses it making an electric current shoot up my hand through my body. “I’m not upset,” he smiles at me.   “You should be, I bothered you last night when I couldn’t sleep and you were kind enough to comfort me. The least I could do is not hurt you,” I responded as I checked if the redness was going down.   He took my other hand and placed a soft kiss on my palm making me shiver from the contact. I could feel the sparks go down my spine and to my toes it was exhilarating. “Dinah you don’t have to apologize to me ever, I know you didn’t do it on purpose. And you’re always welcome in my bed.”   I tilted my head at his last comment and smirked a bit. This time his entire face was lit red and the tips of his ears looked like they were hot to the touch, “I didn’t mean it like that.”   “I know,” I removed the bag of peas from his face and placed a tender kiss on his pink cheek. “Thank you,” I told him running my thumb across his perfectly sculpted jaw. “For sharing your bed.”   He stands up from his seat and soothingly rubs my shoulders, making my heart beat frantically, “Why don’t you go get dressed and I can make breakfast?”   I am just now realizing that I am still in my pajama shorts and a silky tank top with no bra underneath showing off the bite marks Jacob left me with, that haven’t completely healed yet. I feel incredibly self-conscious now that I realized they were fully visible.   I could feel the heat crawl up my body and towards my face, Liam doesn’t mention the bite marks; he just pushes me towards my room.   I am utterly lost and confused; I don’t know what to do. Am I supposed to just let him in, or am I supposed to fix myself first. Liam makes me feel things, so many wonderful things. I thought it was just lust at first, I mean we had s*x like .2 seconds after meeting, but this feels like so much more.   I don’t even know how to describe how he makes me feel. Liam is just so perfect, I get a sense of security that I’ve never felt, he respects me as a person, he allows me to be vulnerable and doesn’t judge me for it. Liam is patient.   I rushed through my morning routine just so I could run back to the kitchen and stare at Liam. I almost forgot all the injuries I had until pain racked my body when I tried to put on my dress my ribs still aching from the damage they withstood.   Once I had regained my composure and wiped away the few tears that managed to escape, I made my way back to the kitchen.   I found him setting the table with pancakes and omelettes and god did it smell delicious. I would definitely have to keep him around if he kept up like this.   We continued to eat breakfast with stolen glances and covert smiles. I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed this simple pleasure, or the happiness that comes along with merely being in Liam’s presence.   “When are you going back home?” I asked remembering that he has a home that isn’t anywhere near here.   “I’ll be leaving with you and Serena actually; I’ve got nothing left to do here,” right, how could I forget he’s from London.   “So why did you stay?”   He finishes chewing on a bite of pancake and looks back at me with that glorious smile that makes my knees weak every time, “Darling do you really have to ask?”   Liam’s voice sends shivers down my spine it’s so sensual without even trying. Or am I just as ridiculous as any American woman who buckles at the sound of a man with an accent?   “I’d like to take you out on a date, if you’d let me,” he states forming it as a request, making me choke on the food forcing myself to take a large gulp of orange juice.   I blush at the sudden thought of going on dates with Liam, as long as I were in his presence, I would be more than content. But I can’t go out like this, I look like I was caught in a meat grinder.   Once I have made sure I’m not hacking I gain the courage to respond, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, I look like I got run over by a car and then they shifted the car into reverse and hit me again.”   “I think you look ravishing.”   “No, you don’t, you’re just being nice,” I correct him taking another sip of my juice trying to clear my throat.   “Dinah, I think you are the most gorgeous, charming, intelligent, and fierce woman I have ever met. But if you’d like to wait then I’ll wait as long as you need,” he replies in a soft enticing voice.   “Thank You, can we just hold off for a while. I really like you Liam, I do, and I feel comfortable and safe around you, it’s just that after...” I pause trying to figure out how to word it without making him think that I’m comparing him to Jacob.   He placed his hand over mine that I hadn’t noticed was shaking making me relax in my seat. “It’s alright Dinah, you don’t have to explain yourself. Whenever you’re ready.”   I breathe out a sigh of relief. Liam is so understanding and completely out of my league I have no idea why he’s still giving me the time of day. Doesn’t he have better prospects chasing after him? I’m sure there are women throwing themselves at him, so it’s not like he doesn’t have options.   Just the idea of other women on him makes me jealous. I should not be so possessive over someone who isn’t even mine. We aren’t dating, so technically he is free to date whomever he likes. Once he gets tired of waiting, he’ll probably run off to some blonde bimbo waiting in the wings.   Ugh, I’m already jealous of the fictional woman in my mind. I am hopeless.   ******   It’s time for Serena’s graduation and I am so happy I could burst at the seams. Liam offered to come and I’m not exactly sure why, maybe he feels like he has to babysit me.   It took me a bit longer to get ready since I had to add extra makeup to cover up some bruises, but even then, I still have to wear sunglasses to cover up my black eye.   “Why are you wearing sunglasses?” Liam asks me as I place them on my face making sure I don’t hurt my nose.   “I don’t want to scare away little children,” I respond looking in the hallway mirror to make sure they cover my eye.   Liam turns me around to face him and lifts up my sunglasses, cupping my face in his hands, his unblinking gaze draws me in and I feel like I am staring deep into the ocean searching for that necklace from the Titanic.   He leans in and kisses the tip of my nose, then proceeds to kiss my still bruised eyelid and then my other one. I hold onto his hands that are still cupping my face and bask in his essence.   “Are you sure you want to come?” I ask him changing the subject.   “Serena is important to you which means she is important to me, now let’s go before we’re late, Sacha is already waiting.” He replies taking my hand in his and leading me to the elevator.   A short drive later we arrive to Serena’s high school and I forgot how judgmental private school parents could be. The moms stare me down scrutinizing my every cell while the dads couldn’t be bothered to give attention to anyone who isn’t willing to talk business.   I notice Sacha walking towards us and he waves from a short distance. His smiling face is always a welcome site, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that kid with a frown on his face.   “Bonjour Dinah,” Sacha greets me with a kiss on each cheek. “You look wonderful,” he compliments me with a smile.   “Bonjour Sacha, je puex voir pourquoi Serena t’aime, you’re very smooth with your words, or is that just the French accent?”   Sasha blushes scarlet and Liam looks down at me clearly impressed that I can speak French so fluently. “Elle parle français Liam, puts your French to shame mate.”   Liam gives him a playful shove, “she puts everyone to shame, arrête d’être si charmant. Now let’s find our seats.”   We sat down and ten minutes later they have yet to start. I’ve been wanting to go to the restroom, but was afraid that they would start and I would miss Serena’s entrance. I don’t think I could wait any longer, I have the bladder of a squirrel.   “This is going to take forever, I’ll be right back I have to go to the restroom,” I whisper to Liam who is sitting next to me.   “Do you need any help?”   “No, I’ll manage,” what could I possibly need help with in the bathroom. It’s just embarrassing how attentive he is at this point.   I finally find the bathroom and was able to relieve myself without any major catastrophe happening.   As I’m looking at myself in the mirror, I lift up my sunglasses, my eye is still bruised, but I can finally open it without it hurting. In about six weeks I would be all healed and back to my somewhat normal self. I just have to keep pushing myself, I can’t give up now. Not when I have so many ideas for Jacob.   After washing my hands and exiting the bathroom, I turn the corner on my way back to my seat and rage fills me up like a mosquito at a blood bank. I thought I would be afraid, I thought I would cower in fear, but no, all I want to do is run him over with my car.   There he is standing in all his miserable glory, Jacob f*****g Bennett.   “What the f**k are you doing here Jacob?” I ask demanding an answer.   “I came to support Serena of course, we may not be engaged anymore, but our families are still friendly,” he says giving me an innocent smile, but I know that smile is anything but innocent. It’s hiding who he really is.   “You need to leave. Now,” I order him.   “I won’t be going anywhere. You’ll just have to get used to seeing me around everywhere you go.”   He doesn’t know. Jacob doesn’t know that I’m leaving after today, and that thought gets me all excited. He can’t torture me if I’m thousands of miles away. I am ecstatic knowing that I will be able to take this one thing away from him. Jacob won’t be able to torture me with his presence and get off on it. He will look for me at events and he’ll wonder where I am.   “I should have killed you; I’ll just have to try harder next time. Maybe I’ll just slit your throat while you sleep. So many options.” I laugh at him, and his smirk falls to a scowl as he takes a step closer to me. “Don’t ever threaten me again,” I advise him with such an authority I didn’t even know I could hold.   Jacob probably didn’t expect me to not flinch, or to not tremble in his presence, he looks absolutely shocked. He wants me to live in fear of him. I refuse to give him that, he can see me happy and flourishing but he will not see me crumble to my knees.   “Dinah, there you are, they’re about to star—" I turn back to see Liam stalking towards me with his hands balled into fists and indignation clear on his face. “What in the bloody hell are you doing here?” he snarls at Jacob.   “So, I’m guessing you two were f*****g this whole time,” Jacobs cackles.   Liam makes a move towards Jacob and I just know this is going to end badly if I let it escalate, so I place a hand on Liam’s chest stopping him from continuing. “Don’t,” I dissuade him.   I don’t need Liam to fight my battles, I can do it myself. Especially against a moron like Jacob. I want him to see that he has no control over me.   “But guess what Jacob, you’re right, I did have s*x with him. It was probably the most mind-blowing s*x I’ve ever had, and he didn’t have to force me into it. I willingly gave myself to him. Now, if you’re done with your macho bravado, my sister is graduating and I’d like to enjoy the ceremony. Goodbye,” I said to him without giving him an opportunity to respond.   I took Liam’s hand in mine and we walked back to our seats. I tried my hardest not to limp while I was still in Jacob’s line of sight, I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.   “That was incredibly sexy,” Liam tells me giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.   I stop in my tracks and tiptoe closer to his ear. “Thanks. If you're good, you might get lucky in about five to six weeks,” I whisper seductively.
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